The Decision


Next day, Yunho talks to Donghae about he agrees to let Hyoyeon debuts in US.

"Donghae, where can I sign the proposal of her debut ?" Yunho asks to Donghae in Donghae's room.

"Oh hyung, you don't have to come here, I will give you in your room." Donghae respects Yunho. He thinks that it is impolite if Yunho, the leader, comes to his room, because Yunho's position is higher than him.

"Okay, I will wait in my room." Yunho says while walking to his room.

Not taking a long time, Donghae packs the things that Yunho should sign. He is really excited, it means Yunho agrees that Hyoyeon can debut in US as a model.

"Hyung, this papers are the thing you should sign." He puts the papers in Yunho's desk. Yunho starts signing it.

"Hyung, are you sure you want to let her go to US for a month ?" Donghae asks. He makes sure that his hyung agrees about his own decision.

"I'm sure." Yunho answers quietly.

"Hyung, I know it is impolite, but would you mind to tell me what happens with you ? You seem so lost this day."

Yunho sighs. He also needs someone that can solve this problem.

"Do you know my ex named Nayaka Ishiguro ?"

"Yes. Why ?"

"She comes back again with a son. She told me that he is my son, but I don't remember that I ever slept with her."

"Wow hyung..."

"Don't call me a jerk."

"But, hyung, if she waits you for three years, it can be mean that he is your son. No woman will wait a jerk man, that's my theory. Like Hyoyeon."

"You don't have to put your own past here." Yunho smiles.

"Sorry hyung, so, where is she ?"

"She is still in South Korea, but she is in hotel, but why Hyoyeon doesn't want to comeback ?"

"Hyung, it means Hyo got hurt. Please, solve this problem soon." Donghae answers.

"If I can, I will. Do you have any plan for my problem ?"

"What about DNA test ?"

"She doesn't want to do that. I ask her when she was in my house, she cried. She doesn't want to be called as a who like slept with men."

"Dude, you ask directly to her about doing DNA test ? I will feel offended too if I'm in her shoes." Donghae answers.

"Or, you can ask her politely not to wait for yourself since you already had a wife. I will say like that if I'm you." Donghae adds.

"But...I pity Nayaka, what if her son is my son ?" Yunho seem so confused

"Oh..why don't you try to talk with Nayaka ? Hyoyeon will be in US for a month, so it's time for you to dig informations from Nayaka."

"Does it mean I betray her ?"

"No, sure. God, you just dig info, not put your inside her hole." Donghae answers sarcastically. Yunho just smiles.

"If you want to know more about woman, you can't suddenly talk to her, you have to have a step. Knowing them first, then you can explore her private section." Donghae adds.

"Okay love teacher." Yunho laughs.

"What if the son is my son ?" Yunho asks again.

"Marry her, don't you feel pity with the son ?" Donghae answers.

"What about Hyoyeon ?"

"Dude, one thing you should know. Once children get hurt, their scars will be in their mind permanently. It's difference with us, an adult, if we get hurt, we still can move on, and the scars will be gone as the time goes by." Donghae explains.

"You sound like you are a psychologist." Yunho laughs again.

"I learn about psycology after woman I love got hurt." Donghae just smiles explaining the reason why. Yunho smiles too.

"So, the plan is I have to dig some informations to her like since when she has a son, or when did I sleep with her ?"

"It's kinda impolite, don't make her sound like a again yo.  You can just pretend to admit that he is your son. Once she believes you, she will give her everything includes her top secrets."

"Do I have a chance that he is not my son ?"

"Emm, I don't know about it."

"Okay, anyway, thanks for your suggestion. I never know you are good at this.

"No problem. I will be back to work or I will be fired with my leader, Jung Yunho." Donghae laughs while going out from the room.

"Donghae, wait." Yunho yells.

"What ?"

"Can you ask Hyoyeon to come back to my house ?" Yunho asks. Donghae feels so jealous. In one side, he likes that Hyoyeon lives in her own house so he can visit her everytime, but he also pities Yunho who seems so lost without Hyoyeon.

"What about I ask her to come back when she wants to go to US ? At least, both of you can greet each other before she goes."

"Can you just do it early ?"

"I think you know her, once a no always a no. Depends on her mood tho, if she wants to come back, she will come back." Donghae answers.

"Okay, so visit my house first before you and team go to US" Yunho answers. He sounds so dissapointed.



The day when Hyoyeon, Donghae and the team go to US for meeting the designer. The team has 5 members actually, but 3 of them, without any permission, resigning from the team. Donghae shocks. He doesn't tell Hyoyeon, he is worried that Hyo won't go because the team dissapear. So, he picks up Hyoyeon and asks driver to wait in airport, in case, the driver will bring Donghae's car back.

"Where's the team ?" Hyoyeon asks while bringing her luggage. Donghae helps.

"They go there first." Donghae lies. Hyoyeon seems believe with Donghae's answers.

"So, are you driving ?"

"Yes, but before we go, can we go to hyung house first ?" Donghae asks.

"No, I'm afraid we are late." Hyoyeon doesn't want to meet Yunho and she gives another reason why she doesn't want to go there.

"Our flight is at 10 AM, and this is only 6 AM yo" Donghae smiles while showing his watch to Hyoyeon.


"No buts, I'm a driver, you should follow me."

"I want to call taxi." Hyoyeon says while calling taxi with her phone, but Donghae grabs it and saves it in his jacket's pocket.

"Just follow me, please." Donghae stares to Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon looses, she follows Donghae.

Both of them keep silent in the way. Then, Hyoyeon breaks the ice.

"Why do you want to go there ?" Hyoyeon asks to Donghae.

"I want you to say bye first to hyung, also I ask his permission to bring you to US. I won't be called as wifenapper kekekeke." Donghae laughs.

Hyoyeon just keeps silent.

They arrive at Yunho's house. Hyoyeon doesn't want to get off from car but Donghae carries her like a bridal style.

"Put me down, Lee Donghae." Hyoyeon punchs Donghae's arms.

"You should use your own feet to get off from car ms. Kim." Donghae laughs and puts her down. Both of them ring the bell but no one answers, so Hyoyeon just opens it and enters. Donghae follows her.

Donghae looks to the house, it seems empty, so he goes to kitchen. He wishes someone cooks in the kitchen so the house isn't actually empty.

Hyoyeon decides to go to Yunho's room. She can't pretend that she doesn't miss him. She DOES miss him. Like so much. So, she goes upstair because Yunho's room is upstair. She opens the room, but she shocks to see what happens in front of her. Nayaka tickles Yunho who still slept, and Shinichi is beside Yunho, calling her "daddy daddy". Yunho is half waken-up, but when he knows that Hyoyeon enters, he gets up.

Hyoyeon runs, after seeing that scene, she goes downstairand wish that Yunho couldn't grab her. Yunho chases her with only a boxer and a single t-shirt, he runs. Hyoyeon cries and bumps Donghae, because she can't see the way due to her eyes are filling with water. Donghae shocks.

"What happens ?" Donghae hugs Hyoyeon and kisses her head. Yunho stands up in front of him, catching breath.

"What are you doing, hyung ?" Donghae is mad. He doesn't want to see Hyoyeon cries anymore.

"Back off from her." Yunho is mad too. Seeing Hyoyeon hugged by Donghae.

"No, explain to m...." Before he ends the sentence, he sees Nayaka, who carries Shinichi, goes downstair.

"Oh, hyung, you said to me that she isn't here." Donghae's eyes are widened.

"Donghae, let me explain, can you just stop hugging her ?" Yunho asks, but Hyoyeon hugs Donghae tighter, and whisper.

"Let's go." Hyoyeon whispers to Donghae's right ears. Yunho can hear it, it's pretty clear.

"Hyoyeon-ah, can I explain to you ?" Yunho touches Hyoyeon's back.

"DON'T TOUCH ME !!" Hyoyeon screams. Yunho sighs. Shinichi cries. Nayaka confuses.

"What happens here ? Don't make Shinichi cries please." Nayaka adds.

"Hae, let's go. Piggyback me, so I can't watch their face." Donghae turns his body and piggyback Hyoyeon.

"Hyung, we will go to US for a mont. Wish us luck, okay." Donghae says without seeing Yunho's face because Hyoyeon doesn't want to.

Yunho doesn't answer. Nayaka goes upstair again because Shinichi cries a lot. Donghae and Hyoyeon are entering the car.

"ARRRRGGGHH SHIIIIITT !!!" Yunho flips table, chairs, and cries.

" ! ! !"


Hi guys, I update again.

Thanks for the comments <3 I read it all <33

Please keep commenting this story because I'm happy to read comments.

Love you, xx.

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Chapter 17: I love the story so much but I hope there's more at the ending.
uswatun_elfishy #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhhhh love this hihihihi❤
uswatun_elfishy #3
Chapter 2: Wowwww, I love this chapter, idk but just I love Yunho kekekekek
Chapter 13: please update soon
Chapter 17: The last is so funny XD awesome story , jinjja ! :)
giyongchee #6
Chapter 17: actually i was expecting a scene hehe and i think everyone would like that too
wufaaaan #8
Chapter 17: Hyo please. What did you thinking about glass' sake. Gawd