Stupid Liar .

Stupid Liar .


Ever since that day, when Yoseob broke up with Hyunseung for Doojoon, Hyunseung was never the same. He doesn’t eat, nor sleep. But fortunately, he has Junhyung. Junhyung had always loved him but he never knew, for he was too busy focusing on his boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. Junhyung watched the couple together for 3 whole years, sweet and cuddly, never apart.


Just because of that one damn night, everything changed.

Doojoon forced Yoseob into a relationship, pushing at his emotions and pushing him… on…

Successfully, Yoseob fell for him… Just like that…


The words were hard to say, but Yoseob had no choice but to break up with his boyfriend, his pretty little lover… Hurting him was the last thing he would do… But in this case, he hurt him deeply…


A year later, the air cleared up but awkwardness would appear here and there. Junhyung still have not confessed to Hyunseung, nor have Hyunseung showed feelings towards Junhyung. But everyone could tell, these two were in love with each other. Hyunseung’s heart was repaired but the overwhelming concern of the other male.


Saying that, however, whenever he sees how Doojoon and Yoseob would be together, Hyunseung would remember of how sweet they used to be and it would hurt. But his heart is now occupied isn’t it?


“Be with me, I’ll love you with all my heart.” were the words that brought them together. Those words were sealed with a kiss, a promise and a cross to the younger male’s heart.


Yoseob remained as a younger yet stronger brother to Hyunseung, nothing was different between them, just that they may not love each other in that way anymore. Doojoon, Yoseob, Hyunseung and Junhyung would even go on a double date occasionally. Yoseob would tease Doojoon about not being the perfect boyfriend as Junhyung and Hyunseung would always be really sweet.


“Junhyung… LEAVE HIM ALONE.”


Junhyung began drifting from Hyunseung one day. Not hugging him like always, not cuddly as always, not sticky as always. Not close at all…


Hyunseung lived in Junhyung’s home ever since they were together. Hyunseung, as usual, was waiting for Junhyung at home, like a patient housewife. When Junhyung finally came home, he didn’t even look into his lover’s eyes and just walk into the bedroom and into the bathroom.


This isn’t the first time.


Seeing Junhyung’s handphone vibrated, Hyunseung got curious at who texted him so late at night. He had the sudden urge to pick it up and check it.


So he did, and he read it. And tears fell from his eyes.


I had fun today! Don’t forget to look for me tmr! I love you honey!


Those were what Junhyung always used to call Hyunseung.


Has that pet name that belongs to him, now no longer his?


A tear fell from his dark orbs as he let his mind travel into all the possible scenarios.

“Honey?” Junhyung walked out of the bathroom, with a towel in his hands, in a white tee shirt and bermudas. He jerked back a little when he saw Hyunseung holding his handphone.


“What are you doing?”

“What am I doing? What are YOU doing?” Hyunseung looked at Junhyung with a deadly stare. Before Junhyung could do any explanation, Hyunseung stood up from their shared bed, looking at the brown-haired male. “Who is this?” Hyunseung asked, flashing the message in Junhyung’s face. Suddenly, Hyunseung seemed fierce and threatening to Junhyung.


“I’m sorry… Let’s break up… I think… I think I’m straight… My feelings for you might have been a mistake because...”

"Because what?"

"Because I love her."


Hyunseung stood there, stumped. He ran out of the house, as fast as he could. Junhyung did not chase, he didn’t. For if he knew if he did, it would just hurt Hyunseung more.


The first person who came to Hyunseung’s mind to look for was Yoseob. He knocked on Yoseob’s door that night, with tears gushing down his cheeks. He saw Doojoon there as well, on Yoseob’s couch. The awkward moment happened again.


“What happened? Why are you crying?” Yoseob still couldn’t help but worry for his ex-boyfriend. He could feel Hyunseung shivering in his grip, the same shiver he felt when Hyunseung realized that he was with Doojoon. “Did Junhyung….” Yoseob tried to ask but was cut off by Hyunseung. “Please! Don’t mention his name… Don’t…”Hyunseung gripped Yoseob and pleaded.


“I’m sorry to disturb…”Hyunseung said before turning his head to leave but Yoseob grabbed his hand, stopping him from doing so.


“Sorry, Doojoon-ah. Hyunseung needs me now.” Yoseob switched his tone towards the male in the house. Doojoon was rather reluctant but he nodded his head, patted Yoseob and Hyunseung’s heads before leaving.


For that night, Hyunseung spent the night in Yoseob’s arms. He liked and missed the feeling they once shared, it was almost like this every night. But he knew deep down, they will never be the same again, for each of them had found another love. Yoseob comforted the pretty boy, making sure he doesn’t get nightmares.


Back at Junhyung’s place, he just couldn’t sleep. He had the girl in his arms but he couldn’t sleep, because he knew the one sleeping next to him, was not his boyfriend. The one he loved all these while. Without hesitation, Junhyung stood up and shook his girlfriend hard, waking her up.


“Yes, Honey?”

“Don’t call me that, get out.”

“Why? Why are you…?”

Before the girl could finish, Junhyung carried her out of the house and abandoned her outside. He slammed the door shut and tears fell from his eyes. He fisted his hair as he squatted on the floor, regretting hardly what he had done earlier. He punched the floor hard before heading into his bedroom to change into a white tee shirt, with a jacket over and jeans.


Almost without thinking, Junhyung headed to Yoseob’s house as he knew the first person Hyunseung would look for would be him. He banged on the door hard, ignoring the fact that it was late at night.


Woken by the sudden banging on the door, Yoseob stood up from the bed, leaving the sound and asleep Hyunseung in bed. He walked towards the door and opened it, only to receive a hard push on the shoulder by Junhyung.


“Where is Hyunseung?”

“Leave him alone.”

“It’s none of your business, I want to speak to him.”

“I said, leave him alone.”


Junhyung gave Yoseob a punch on the face without hesitation. Yoseob did not retaliate. He just sat on the ground with blood on the side of his lips. He cleaned it with his bare hands.


“I’m sorry I told him that I wanted a break up okay. Just let me speak to him.”

Yoseob smirked a little before replying. “What did you do exactly?”


“I had a girlfriend outside.”


Yoseob hit Junhyung almost instantly when he heard that. Upon hearing the commotion, Hyunseung walked out, dragging his feet to stop the fight.


“Seungie…” Yoseob called out before moving over to Hyunseung and placing his hands on his shoulders. Junhyung wanted to retaliate by reminding Yoseob about his betrayal towards Hyunseung a year ago, but when he saw Hyunseung, he just couldn’t bring himself to hurt Hyunseung any longer.


“Hyunseung…” Junhyung struggled to get up. Apparently, Yoseob became strong for a moment. His anger brought him to this strength. He reached out to Hyunseung but Yoseob pushed him away.

“Junhyung…. Leave him alone….” Yoseob glared at Junhyung, holding Hyunseung behind him.


“Let him speak…” Hyunseung whispered to Yoseob. Hearing this, Yoseob unwillingly left the two in the living room and went into his bedroom.


Junhyung immediately hugged Hyunseung when Hyunseung step forward a little.

“Sorry, I’m really sorry… I messed up... I really did...” Junhyung teared.

“Don’t apologise…” Hyunseung hugged back.

“I love you, I really do. Trust me, please.”

“How? How do you want me to trust you?” Hyunseung pushed Junhyung away.


“Marry me….”

"Really?" Hyunseung asked, shocked by the sudden proposal.

"Of course... Then we will be together forever... Forever inseparable..."


Junhyung looked at Hyunseung with heartfelt feelings.

But of course, Hyunseung agreed, and the both of them hugged together and cried, tears of joy flowing down their cheeks. Junhyung may make mistakes, but Hyunseung would always be there to forgive him. This is what love means, right?


Leaning against the door in his bedroom, a tear fell down the young boy’s cheeks. He took out his phone and typed a text message.


To: Doojoonie.

We can’t be together anymore.

It’s not working out.

I’m sorry.






The young male realized, he had never forgotten the feelings he had for the pretty boy, right from the very beginning….



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Galaxy_30 #1
Chapter 1: OMG Hyunseung should have should get back with Seobieeee he's soooo nice to him. And Junhyung I actually want to punch him in the face. Like ugh. But at least Hyunseung FINALLY got a happy ending. Poor Seobieeee tho I actually want to cry for him :(
Chapter 1: aish,wae?!!ahh i hate sad ending but i love this one hehe i like it soo much