Endless Fights?!?

A Christmas Wish


The next day Yabu-sensei commanded the whole class to start practicing their play everyday  by themselves because he has no time to assist them about it since he is too busy for the upcoming Christmas festival……


“mou…..Yabu-sensei really is lazy…..he always thinks of an alibi you know…..” pouted Rein

“don’t say that Rein-chan! our class can do it without him right???” said Daiki as the determination can see in his eyes

“yeah…just work harder…”smiled Kei as he pats Rein’s shoulder

Kyaaaaaaaah~  Kei-kun  you…you…you startled me with your smile…..” thought Rein

“ye-yeah…..” uttered Rein shyly

“but what and when are we going to practice???” asked Miho

“we need enough time and place for all of us…” added Daiki

“hmmmm…..how about on the forest??? Or in a plain??? It’s a wide place right???” suggested HIkaru

“bakero! Of course we can’t practice in that kind of place you idiot! Demo, how about on Kei-kun’s house? Or will I say mansion??? So that I can also eat there right???” chuckled Daiki

“you’re such a glutton…mind your grades first before that stupid things…..” sneered Ryosuke

“ don’t talk like that Ryo-kun…! you are full of yourself!” glared Daiki

“don’t fight now....okay? just think on where we can practice for our play…..” butted Chinen

“I told you on Kei-kun’s house….!” Pouted Daiki

“ Is it okay for you Kei-kun???” asked Miho

“uhmm...yeah, it’s okay for me…we can practice at my house…” smiled Kei

“wow, you are really rich Kei-kun! you have your own house…!” Hikaru said amazingly

“ hmmm….. it’s just because my parents are in Canada” said Kei

“so it was decided…looks like Rein-KUN is very happy in that decision because it’s Kei-kun’s house…..” teased Ryosuke

“urusai BakaYama! I’m not like that! and besides, don’t call me Rein-kun because I’m not a guy!” glared Rein. “ I’m gonna kill you…..” she added in fierce eyes

“she really creeps me out……” said Chinen

“so we’ll go there later after class….” Miho said



After class, they went directly on Kei’s house…...


“here is my house,guys….gomen, it’s too messy because I can’t clean it by myself……” said kei

“you can’t clean it by yourself because it’s too big….what a mansion!” exclaimed Hikaru really amazingly

“ so the first thing we will do is to decide the characters….NO NON-SENSE, NO BOASTING, AND NO TEASING!” explained Rein firmly

“well, I searched the characters of the story last night….of course the main characters are Santa Claus and Rudolf the red nose reindeer….hmmmm..who can roleplay those characters???” Miho asked

“yeah, who can volunteer….?” Added Daiki

“I think Santa Claus is better  for Ryo-kun since he is chubby…..” teased Hikaru

“say that again you bakero!!” glared Ryosuke

“yeah, you can do it Ryo-kun…” said Chinen

“ don’t get choosy because you really is for that role….” Added Daiki

“ so Ryo-kun, do you want to act the role of Santa Claus???” asked Rein

“ of course not! I’m a cool so why am I gonna do that stupid thing?!?” sneered Ryosuke

“ there’s no other good for that role but only you Ryo-kun…..so that you can also be a jolly person like Santa even for a brief moment…..” Rein said

“hmpf! And why am I gonna listen to a boyish girl like you?!?” sneered Ryosuke

“looks like Ryo-kun is very persistent……” said Miho

“ yeah…stop acting cool this time Ryo-kun!” sneered Daiki  “because you’re not cool at all…..” he added in his thoughts

“ne, how about Hikaru-kun??? his attitude  fits Santa Claus because he is loud and noisy….! You know, he  is like always laughing  ‘ho!ho!ho! ‘ like there is no tomorrow…..” exclaimed Chinen as a new idea caught his mind

“hey….looks like that’s a good idea Chii-kun!” chuckled Kei

“eh??? I’m not like that! I’m just a quiet lamb you know…..” said Hikaru in a pity face

“you’re not a lamb! so just act the role of Santa….” Said Rein

“yeah, Hikaru-kun, are you in favor of that idea to act the role of Santa???” asked Miho

“yeah…. We know that you can do it Hikaru-kun….” smiled Kei

“hmmm….. oKEI…. i know that I can do everything even the most embarrassing….” Smiled Hikaru

“ yess….ganbatte ne Hikaru-kun..…” smiled Daiki

“ you are so kind Hikaru-kun…not like the others here who are always thinking that he is cool….” Said Rein while looking on Ryosuke

“ shut up….and would you stop staring at me…..” sneered Ryosuke who is a little bit reddish

“ hey, did Ryo-kun just blushed right now…???”  noticed Chinen as he looks on Ryosuke in a teasing look

“hey…so what’s going on to the both of you???” teased Daiki

“ stop making a fuss on a little stupid thing….. and so what if he blushed…. Maybe his cheeks just got burned because I’m too HOT….right?” boasted Rein in a cool tone

“ COOL…!!!” exclaimed their classmates that are very amazed

“now the next character are the Reindeers…..Miho-chan, how many are they???” asked Daiki

“there are eight Reindeers In the story, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, and of course Rudolf….hmmm….we need eight people for this…” Miho said

“ well that’s easy….. I can choose for them…..” Rein said




Rein decided that the roleplayers of the eight  Reindeers are: Daiki, Chinen, Kei, Yuto, Yuya, Keito, and Kota…....



“ and of course, our Rudolf the red-nosed Reindeer is Ryo-kun….!” announced Rein

“ Nani?!?” exclaimed Ryosuke

“ why so shocked Ryo-kun??? why, you don’t want it??? Are you going to complain?” smirked Rein

“o-o-of course…..!!!” pouted Ryosuke

“ well, you need to because you didn’t help anything at all…..!” sneered Rein


Rein and her friends convinced Ryosuke to be the Rudolf of their play until they finally convinced him. After they assigned the roles of each student, they started practicing and looks like a competition is being formed…….


“  hey Kei-kun! that’s my line!” scolded  Ryosuke

“  I know my lines so don’t scold me like an old lady….” Sneered Ryosuke

“ don’t talk as if you know everything…..!” glared Ryosuke

“because  I’m really is…..” smirked Kei


Ryosuke and Kei looked at each other in fierce eyes


“ now I’m getting full to this guy! I’m gonna tear his stupid girly face!” thought Ryosuke

“ this buta over here is getting on my nerves! I’m gonna slice him into pieces!” thought Kei

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Chapter 4: so ayun naman pala ang back story nila Yamabuta at ni Rein...tsk.tsk...si yamabuta naman kasi ee...inasar pa si Rein...hahaha
yiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee...! kilig naman ako kila daiki at miho...sa wakas....! nagkalakas na ng loob si daiki na magconfess kay miho...buti naman...ahahaha xD
at may moment sila Rein at Yama sa terrace ah...
and what the heck...?!!!!!! may hikanoo moment paaaaaaaaa...! HIKARUUUUUUUUUUUU...! layuan mo si Kei koooooooooooooooo....! arrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....! pasalamat ka pasko kaya mapapagpasensyahan kita...nakuuuuuuuuuuuu....! >:/
Chapter 3: hahaha
ngayon ko lang narealize, si Hikaru ung santa claus pero napakapayat niya...wahaha
dapat si buta un eh...wahaha xD
uuuuuy~ kilig moments sila KeixRein...selos si buta...
at daiki...! ang bagal mo nga naman...! kilos-kilos din...wahaha xD
Chapter 2: uwaaaaaaaah~
so may namumuong hidwaan kila kei at ryosuke...kaung dalaw talaga...dapat ng OTP kau ee...wahaha
at ryosuke, wag na kasing choosy sa role...gusto mo ikaw ung sled...wahaha
Chapter 1: hahaha
natawa naman ako dito...naiimagine ko ang mga ginagawa nila...hmmm...at ang daichii...mukhang magkakaribal sa isang babae...at kawawa si yama kay rein...wala siyang panama...wahaha xD