Against No One

Against Me


The people who were initially against Himchan and Jongup's relationship had accepted it with time.  How could they continue pointing at Jongup being the bad guy when he was the reason for the smile on Himchan's lips, the blush on Himchan's cheeks, and the "good" in Himchan's mood.  Jongup was also started to change back to his old self.  He was no longer the angry emo person.  He went back to being nice and smiling a bit too much sometimes.
Jongup went back to dance practice.  He no longer carried his frustrations and other negative feelings in his dance.  He danced more freely and gracefully with confidence.  Himchan always made sure to arrive before the dance practice ends, so he could watch his boyfriend for a bit and when the dance practice finally ends, he would be there to offer a bottle of water and wipe Jongup's sweat making other dancers whine about how their girlfriends (or boyfriends)  aren't like that or wonder when they would finally get into a relationship where they can experience something like that.
Zelo started talking to Jongup again.  He admitted to having some sort of crush on Jongup so he was feeling down when he knew about Jongup's relationship with Himchan and decided to stay away for a while.  He clarified that it was never because he thought Jongup was the bad guy and he never believed in the rumors flying around.  Just like that, they became friend again though with a bit of awkwardness.  When the time came for Zelo to be comfortable with Jongup again,  Jongup found out that Zelo was being awkward with Youngjae.
The first time Himchan cried while being in a relationship with Jongup was not because he and Jongup had a fight.  "Promise me you won't get mad?"  It was rare to hear Himchan use such a sad begging tone of voice.  Jongup answered with a nod.  "I lost the watch you gave me."
Jongup looked down on Himchan's wrist.  Indeed, the watch was no longer on its usual place.  Instead, there was a small slash bleeding slightly.  "How?"
"It was snatched."  Himchan sniffed.  "I tried to run after the thief, but I tripped and fell.  When I was able to stand up again, I could no longer see him."  He cried harder after admitting to his failure.
Jongup looked down again and saw how Himchan's pants were slightly dirty.  There was even a small hole on the pants located at Himchan's left knee.  He went to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit.  He went back to Himchan, who was currently sitting on Jongup's bed, to clean and disinfect his wounds.
"You're not saying anything.  Are you mad?"  Himchan asked.
"Would I be taking care of your wounds if I'm mad?"  Jongup pecked on Himchan's lips.  "What matters if that you're safe and here by my side right now.  Besides, we can always just save up again and buy you a new one."
"But I loved that watch."  Himchan pouted.
"Do you love me or that watch?"
"I loved it because you gave it to me.  It was the symbol of your love for me.  You went through a lot of hardships with it.  It was also there when things finally started to become right between us.  You must be thinking that I'm such a materialistic person, aren't you?  But it has sentimental value! Ow! Hey, be gentle! Aish..."  Himchan had stopped crying by now and started wincing as Jongup applied Betadine on the wound on his wrist and on his knee.
"You talk too much."  Jongup purposely pressed the Betadine-coated cotton tip on the wound harder which sent Himchan yelping in pain.
"That hurts.  You're definitely mad at me."  Himchan's lips quivered as he was holding back his tears.
"Himchan, I'm just glad that you're okay and that you didn't end up having any major injuries."  Jongup's knuckled brushed gently against Himchan's cheeks.  "The thief may have stolen the watch but he would never be able to steal the memories we shared with that watch."
Though Himchan still felt sad about the loss, he felt comforted with Jongup's words.  "You really have your way of words."  At times like this, he really feels lucky to have Jongup as his boyfriend.  From the first time they met and after everything that happened, who knew that they would end up being together like this?  "You know I love you."
"I know but that's the first time I've actually heard you saying those words."
Himchan had been meaning to say those words.  It's just been hard to get those words out of his mouth, but just a moment ago, those words somehow easily slipped out of his mouth.  He was surprised at how very natural and spontaneous he felt saying those words.  There wasn't any hint of awkwardness or shyness as he said it.  "Wanna hear it again?"  He asked teasingly.
"You'll get a kiss if you say it again."  Jongup tried to bribe his boyfriend.
"Just a kiss?"
"Maybe more."  Jongup placed the materials back in the first aid kit before taking the kit back to its proper place in the bathroom.  "So are you saying it or not?"  He asked when he went back in the bedroom and stood in front of Himchan.
Himchan laughed because he found their conversation to be ridiculous.  "I love you.  Now, come here and give me that kiss."
Jongup obliged as he straddled Himchan on the bed.  His lips brushed softly against Himchan's.  His finger traced Himchan's jaw before angling it upwards before finally pressing his lips fully on Himchan's.  The hard pressure of Jongup's mouth made Himchan a bit dizzy with pleasure.  He slowly leaned backward until he was finally lying on the bed while Jongup's mouth never left his.
As usual, Himchan used the same route towards Jongup's dorm.  On his way though, he found something very familiar on the ground and picked it up.  A smile slowly grew on his face as he pocketed the thing he found and started running to Jongup's dorm.
Jongup's bedroom door suddenly slammed open with so much force followed by Himchan's loud voice.  "GUESS WHAT I FOUND?!?!"  
"What is it?"  Jongup used the towel, which was the same towel he had just used to rub his wet hair dry, to wipe the sweat off on Himchan's towel.
Himchan appreciated the cool towel on his heated skin.  Jongup's small caring gestures like this is just one of the reasons why he fell in love with his dongsaeng.  "I found this!!!"  Himchan raised his wrist to show off that he was wearing the watch again.  "The thief must have dropped it off while running yesterday.  I'm so happy!!!" He hugged Jongup.
Seeing his boyfriend happy of course also made Jongup happy.  "Looks like that watch is really meant for you."
"Yeah, just like how we are meant to be." Himchan planted a kiss on Jongup's lips.
A/N:  Finally, fluffy stuff for these two XD  I hope you guys liked this happy chapter ^^ 
There was supposed to be a scene but then I remembered that it is against the rules for the contest.  
You can read the unfinished scene over: HERE
Don't forget to leave a comment and wish me luck for the contest~ I don't think I'll do good in the contest but if you leave a comment, it would make me feel like I just got an award <3
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The final chapter of "Against Me" HimUp fic is up! Check it out!


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BAPlover09 #1
Chapter 1: WOW..why I haven't found this before? This is so wonderful..
Chapter 3: Awwh too sweet ^^
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwheejjejeheerjjrjdkd to much fluff
I cant handle it
-flaneur #4
Chapter 3: Hello, this story was nominated for one of the categories of B.A.P fanfic awards by Channicki and I'm the assigned reviewer. I will send you the review results soon ^^
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
hae_ki #6
jishu.....congratz d.i ani...congratz nato lol lol XD
LightWind #7
Chapter 3: LOL OK IM GLAD YOU MADE ANOTHER FIC FOR THE ONE XD lol honestly ive been anticipating for the part but yeah /pffttt
had fun reading this, thanks for entering love!
Chapter 3: It was jusssswt so cut but at the same time, I wanted to cuss the poopie out of all those dimwits who accuse Jongup stealing Himchan!!!:< But aww, super cute!!:)
Chapter 3: Sooo good :) really liked it a lot... Loved it actually :)

Good luck in the contest :)