The mysterious matchmaker

The Matchmaker: Version Krystal ♥

One - The mysterious matchmaker


As the matchmaker walks through the gates of Bingeul High, students can't help but turn her way. Krystal Jung seems to be unsually happy today -- there is an extra spring in her step and her usual scowl that she always showa up with (Krystal Jung was not a morning person) is replaced with a small smile.

Boys sigh dreamily at the sight of a smiling Krystal Jung. Krystal notices a few guys staring at her and gives them a small wave.  

(When she walks away, the guys go as far as gathering together to fanboy about how the matchmaker hadn't glared at them like she normally would've, and how pretty she looks when she smiles.)

Kai, who is hanging out with his usual group of jocks at their usual spot outside the school building (as usual), doesn't fail to notice Krystal's smile either. And so, (being the douche bag that he is) he couldn't help what he says next.

"I think someone fed her the wrong medication this morning~"

His little comment earns snickers from his friends, but it doesn't go unheard by the younger Jung. (Not that he didn't plan for her to hear it anyway.)

As expected, the latter doesn't just let the comment pass. She wouldn't be Krystal Jung if she did, after all. In the calmest way possible, she turns to face Kai and gives her reply, "Actually, Jongin-ssi, my doctor let me off medication awhile ago. But maybe you should go see a doctor sometime, I'm sure they have something for your- oh wait," (and then she smiles a smile so sweet that it could give anyone who looks at it cavities) "jackassness can't be cured."

Cue the uncontrollable hyena-like laughter of Kai's friends.

With one last wink sent towards Kai, the resident matchmaker saunters off, leaving an embarassed Kai to be laughed at by the very people he calls his friends (and you know, everyone else within earshot).

Not even Kim Jongin can ruin her mood today.




And when Taemin sees Krystal, he acknowledges this as well.

"Good morning, Soojungie~" Taemin greets her, his signature charming smile in place. "You broke a record today, Soojungie, do you know what for?"

Krystal shakes her head, and (without her usual sarcasm) asks, "What is it, Taemin?"

"You broke Krystal Jung Soojung's personal record of most days lived~" and then Taemin smiles, because he thinks he's just said something mind-blowingly awesome.

Now normally, Krystal would just roll her eyes and start walking after her best friend delivers his daily fun fact. But as mentioned, the younger isn't quite herself today. (Isn't quite as grumpy, that is.)

So Krystal lets out one of her very rare, genuine laughs. "That was a nice one, Taem, it really was."

Taemin's smile (it practically never leaves his face) grows wider, and he looks satisfied with his best friend's reaction. He decides he likes it when Krystal is in a good mood.

"Why are you so happy anyway?" he asks, not being able to help himself. Taemin needs to know what happened so he can make sure it happens again. (Oh how wonderful it would be if Soojung smiles like she is smiling right now everyday, Taemin thinks to himself.)

But the boy's question is met with a shrug (and a very, very, creepy smile.)




Come lunch time, Krystal's mood has not deteriorated. She is all smiles. and still the happy Krystal Jung that none of the students are used to seeing.

And Park Chanyeol sees this as a chance to ask for the matchmaker's help. So he (daringly) approaches her at her usual table while she eats.

"Hello, Krystal."

The mentionde matchmaker stops nibbling on her sandwich and looks up. She blinks twice and then breaks into a smile. "Hello, Chanyeol. What can I do for a fellow classmate?"

Chanyeol lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He is relieved because Krystal didn't yell at him for disturbing her precious eating time (as she always calls it). "Um, I kind of told my parents that I have a girlfriend and now they want to meet her."

"So what's the problem?" the matchmaker's reply comes out a little muffled because she had gone back to eating her sandwich.

"My girlfriend kind of doesn't exist." Chanyeol admits this sheepishly. "And I don't want to ask some random girl to pretend to be my girlfriend. That would just be awkward, you know? So I figure it's about time I got a real girlfriend. Will you help me, oh mighty matchmaker?"

Krystal smiles at what he calls her. She loves being called the matchmaker. "No problem."




"Do you like tall girls or short girls?"

"Height doesn't matter."

"What about her personality? Do you like someone outgoing or do you prefer the timid kind?"

"I like a girl who smiles a lot."

Krystal nods as she jots down everything in her matchmaking notebook. (It is completely neccessary that she own a notebook used solely for her matchmaking duties.)

Krystal and Chanyeol are currently sitting in an empty classroom. It is still lunch time, but they decided to leave the canteen early and go somewhere quiet to come up with a solution for Chanyeol's crisis. (Aka get him a real girlfriend.)

"Do you need to know anything else?" asks the older boy, willing to supply as much information as he can.

"Ani." Krystal looks up and slams her notebook shut. "I've found the perfect girl for you."

An awkward silence envelops them as Krystal sits there, a satisfied smile plastered on her face, while Chanyeol stares at her, expecting her to tell him hwo this "perfect girl" is. When she doesn't, he decides to ask.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me who she is?"

And the matchmaker is brought back to reality (from whatever fantasies she was having about Chanyeol and this mystery girl). "Right…" she says with a sheepish smile, as if she was a five-year-old who had just been caught stealing candy. "When you said you like a girl who likes to smile a lot, the first person that came to mind was Sunyoung unnie."

"Park Sunyoung? As in Luna?" Chanyeol confirms.

The matchmaker nods. "But I'm not giving her to you," she then turns to stare (glare) at him pointedly, "Sunyoung unnie is Onew oppa's. I'm still trying to get them to admit their feelings for each other."

Chanyeol nods, but he is still as confused as ever (and a little bit annoyed) because he doesn't see her point. "So did you manage to find me a match or not?"

"Of course I did!" Krystal says, slighty offended that one of her clients (yes, she called them clients) was doubting her matchmaking skills.




It is now the last period of the day and the matchmaker sits in history class, bored out of her mind. 

(Sure Mr Park is probably saying something really important, but Krystal couldn't care less. She is the type of student who doesn't pay attention in class and relies on last minute cramming but aces every exam that comes her way anyway.)

Krystal diverts her attention towards the clock above Mr Park's head and inwardly groans because there is still thirty minutes of the lesson left. She then decides to (try to) pay attention -- might as well listen since there is nothing else she can do.

"…And it will take up 15% of your overall grade for this term," is the first sentence she hears, and it freaks her out a bit.

Krystal turns to her seat partner and asks him what Mr Park is going on about and finds out that he is talking about some history project on World War I.

"You will be paired up for this project-"

Krystal's first instinct is to turn to where Suho (her project partner for practically every subject) sits.

"-and I will choose who you get partnered up with."

Students groan in protest at this, but Mr Park pretends he doesn't hear them. He starts randomly pairing students up and Krystal perks up when she hears her name. 

"Jung Soojung, you can work with…" (Mr Park scans the room and his eyes land on a certain milky-skinned boy sitting near the back of the classroom) "Oh Sehun."

Krystal twists in her seat to look back at her designated project partner. Said project partner gives her a shy smile of acknowledgment and she smiles back.

Sehun is Kai's best friend, but the two couldn't be any more different personality wise. And because Krystal can't stand Kai, it means that she will like Sehun. (Well, at least that's Krystal's theory.)




The door to Jessica's bedroom door bursts open and her little sister appears a moment later.


Jessica drops her eyeliner pen and turns to glare at the younger girl. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

Now do not misunderstand; Jessica Jung is not angry, she is simply feeling nervous (and her iness tends to show when she is nervous).

And you might be wondering: What on Earth could make the Ice Princess nervous?

Krystal Jung knows the answer, and she breaks into a grin because of it.

"Are you ready for the date with Jonghyun oppa?" Krystal is teasing her elder sister, and she knows it. But she can't help herself -- not when she finally got that stupid dinosaur to ask her sister out.


Author's note:

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to you lovely subscribers 

Secondly, sorry if this first chapter is a bit disappointing. I kind of wrote this really quickly because I just wanted to get something up.

Thirdly, in case you didn't get the ending, Jessica has a date with Jonghyun (Jongsica!) and that is the reason why Krystal is so happy in this chapter.

Forthly (is that even a word?), Chanyeol's "perfect girl" will be revealed in the next chapter! Any guesses who she might be? :)

Thanks again to everyone who has commented/subscribed. Lub you guise :{D



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RoyalDream #1
Chapter 1: why no update? :o can't wait for it ^^
RoyalDream #2
Chapter 1: please update soooooon!~ ;D
Chapter 1: YAY! JongSica <3 Ooh, I'm really hoping for TaeStal ^^ And I'm guessing Chanyeol's perfect match is Sulli :)
katsu-sayuri #4
Chapter 1: Loveeeee it!~ Sestaaaaal~ Kaistaaaaal~ @u@
enehkiux #5
Chapter 1: This is such a refreshing fic and I might just get into it sooner or later. I smell a lot of love going on in the air. And Krystal might just found the one as well. OMG I can't wait to know who the girl for Chanyeol is ^^
flyingberry #6
Chapter 1: I really like this story. Krystal being super happy is super scary!
Chapter 1: i think the girl might be Sulli(?) likes to smile a lot lol anyway good start!! update soon!
Chapter 1: awww found this story and chapter 1 is really interesting!! kaistal sestal ★ so who is the girl for channie???? awww cant wait >.<
update soon u.u
yoong_soojung #9
Seems interesting!!! I am secretly wishing for Taestal. Kekeke. Update soon~! >u<
love your description !! update soon !!