

Tao: lol my is so ay

You: Gagagaga I know right /slaps Tao's /

T: omg lol i love my everyone wants a piece o it

Kris: hey tao why did you let _____ slap yo , yo belongs to me

T: whateverrrrrrr krissy

K: don't call me krissy

T: whateverrrrrrr krissy

Y: hey krissy, i love your boyfriend will you sell him to me

K: oooh gurl, how much you offring

Y: one fishball

K: oooosh okayyyyyyy gurl, he's all yours now /takes fishball and slobbers over it frantically like a maniac/ FISHBALLS FTW!

T: omgeeeee krissy, i hate you fo life. who's gon buy me gucci nao

K: can we still be frens

T: fine

K: with benefits?

T: no.

K: poop. nao i have to turn yixing for my ual gratification and he has a unicorn . see what you did, tao? now i gotta get myself a unicorn suit.

Y: O_O

T: omg ___ looks like kyungsoo.

K: lol taotao good luck with her bye i have a date with my teddy bear

T: dont leave me alone with her! krissy come back! we can be frens with benefits

K: /leaves/

T: noooooooo

Y: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe HEHEHEHEHE

T: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo /cries/
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this is called ty inspiration has ty results.

but me likey. it was frickting random.