The Cinderella Story

The Princess Of My Life!

It was a new world. Yonghwa, Seohyun and Taeyeon were in a beautiful blue castle. They were in three different rooms. Yonghwa was in the hall. Seohyun was in the maid's room. And Taeyeon, in one of the princess' room. They didn't know this place.

[Seohyun's POV]

I was in a room that I never saw. It was really cheap and ugly. Then, I saw a girl entering the room. She was crying. She look at the window.

"Why can't I go to the ball?" she asked herself

I walked to her.

"What is happening?" I asked her

She was surprised when she saw me. She almost screamed.

"Who..Who are you?" she asked, in fear

"I'm Princess Seohyun. I don't know how I got here. But, I see that you have some problems. What is happening?" I said to her

"My step-mother is horrible. She orders me everyday to clean the castle. And now, I can't go to the ball." she said

"Oh, I understand. But, I'm sure I can help you to go to the ball." I recomforted her

"How?" she asked

"Firstly, we have to make you a dress. But, what is your name?" I said

"I'm the maknae of all my sister. My name is Suzy. But, my surname is Cinderella" she said

"Ok, Suzy. I mean Cinderella, how about we do the dress now?" I asked

"Okay!" Suzy said, smiling and wiping her tears

[Yonghwa's POV]

"Where am I?" I asked to myself

It was a white hall. There were stairs, a red carpet and many doors. Then, I saw a big cat coming. He was smiling. HIs name was Lucifer, his name was written on his collar. He saw me. He fastly went up of the stairs and scremed.

"Who is disturbing me?" a high woman voice asked

I got scared by the woman's voice. So, I hid in a room. The woman was going down the stairs.

"Who went in Lady Eunjung's Castle?" the woman asked with her loud voice.

"Cinderella!" the woman yelled

"Yes, I'm going down." Suzy said

The young girl went down.

"Kill the 2 mice of here. I'm sure this is why Lucifer went to see me." Eunjung said to Suzy, giving a mousetrap and a poison can

"Yes, miss Eunjung!" Suzy said

The woman went up with her cat. Then, in the room, I saw the two mice that Lady Eunjung was talking about. They saw me and walked towards me.

"Who are you?" one of the mice asked me

"I'm Yonghwa. And you?...Wait! How can a mouse talk?" I asked

"My name is Key and my brother's name is Jonghyun." the mouse said

"And all the mice here can talk."  Jonghyun said

"Okay, mice. Can you explain me where am I?" I asked

"You're in Lady Eunjung's Diamond Castle."  Key replied

"And who lives here?" I asked

"Lady Eunjung, the evil queen. There's her three daughters too: Fei, Jia and Min. And Lady's step-daughter, Suzy, but she's called Cinderella." Jonghyun replied

"Hey! You forgot to mention Lucifer the big cat of Lady Eunjung!" Key said

"I'm too scared of him to talk about him..." Jonghyun said

"Wait, why did you said that Lady Eunjung is an evil queen?" I asked

"Because there's a rumor that she killed her husband to marry the king of this castle. And there's another rumor that says that the king is dead because of her. Oh, and she makes her step-daughter, Suzy, work in the house. I don't know why." Key replied

"I understand." I said

[Taeyeon's POV]

I arrived in a strange room. Cheaper than my castle. Then, 3 girls arrived. They noticed me and began to scream.

"AHHH! Intruders!" the girls yelled

"Shut up! Or you'll die!" One of my guards said

"Who are you?" The tallest girls asked

"I'm Princess Taeyeon and you, who are you?" I replied

The girls began to laugh. I began to become angry.

"With your clothes, I don't think your a princess. We are real princess." the smallest girl said

"Who are you, to say that to me?" I asked, angrily

"We're the girls of Lady Eunjung. The most powerful queen ever. I'm Min." the smallest girl said

"I'm Fei." the tallest said "And I'm Jia." the one in the middle said

"And we're the most beautiful princess of all the world!" the three girls said

"You, beautiful!? You must be joking me." I said to them

"I'm not a joker like you." Jia said

"What did you say?" I said, angrily

"We said that you were a joker!" Fei said, laughing

"And that you were idiot! Idiot." Min said, laughing

"Oh, you'll regret it" I said. I paused for a moment. "Guards! Execute them!" I ordered

The guards without hesitation took their sword and stabbed the young princesses. They yelled and died.

"You mess with me and you'll die." I said, smiling

After the bloodbath, we left the room and visited the castle.

[Seohyun's POV]

"You heard this scream?" Suzy asked me

"No, what are you talking about?" I asked

"I thought that I heard a scream." Suzy replied

"Let's check it." I said

"Okay." Suzy said

So, we walked in the castle. We checked the rooms. The only rooms that we didn't check was the queen's and the princesses' room. Suzy wanted to check the princesses' room first, because she was to scared of her stepmother. I accepted. So, we entered the room. And the first thing we saw were corpses. We screamed.

"Oh no! My step-sisters are dead!" Suzy yelled

"Who interrupt my beauty sleep?!" a woman voice was heard

"Oh no! It's the queen!" Suzy said, scared

"What should we do?" I asked

"Go hide, I will do something." Suzùy replied

"Okay." I said

I hid in behind a wall. Then, I saw a boy walking in the castle. And I noticed that it was Yonghwa.

"What is he doing here?" I thought

Then, when Yonghwa was gone. I saw Taeyeon with her guards.

"Oh no! She's here!" I thought

Then, I heard a big scream.

"SUZY! YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTERS!!!" a woman voice was heard

"No! I didn't kill them. I found them like this. I promise!" Suzy said, scared

"I don't have choice, I have to kill you." the woman said

I got scared. I didn't want that Suzy dies. I didn't knew what to do. Then, I saw my pocket knife in my pocket, Yes, I had a pocket knife, I always transport one if I'm in danger. So, I took it. I ran towards Suzy. The woman had a knife on her hand

"Who are you?" the woman said

"Suzy's friend." I said, stabbing the woman

The woman yelled and collapsed. Suzy was shocked by what I did.

[Yonghwa's POV]

I heard a scream and the mice too. We checked where the scream was launched. Then, I saw Seohyun wit a knife. A woman at the ground and a girl who was watching the scene. I couldn'T believe that Seohyun could kill someone. So, I watched the scene.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to kill your step-mother!" Seohyun said, with tears on her eyes

The girl cried.

"I'm really sorry." Seohyun said

Then, the girl smiled

"Why are you sorry? You killed the woman that I hated the most. I'm grateful to you." the girl said

"So, now, you can go to the ball?" Seohyun asked

The girl nodded. The two girls went somewhere. Then,

"Yes! The queen is dead!" Key and Jonghyun said

"So, the woman at the ground is Lady Eunjung?" I asked to them

"Yes, and now she's dead! We can finally live." Jonghyun said

"But, there wasn't a cat somewhere?" I asked to them

"Oh, it's  real...But, I'm sure that Cinderella will get rid of this cat." Key said

"Is Cinderella the girl who was crying?" I asked

"Yes, and now, I'm probably sure that she will be going to the ball." Jonghyun said

"Where is the ball?" I asked

[Taeyeon's POV]

I walked around the castle. Then, I saw Seohyun with a girl in an extraordinary dress. I feel really angry. My mission was to kill Seohyun. Now I could. Then, the two girls left the castle.

"Guards, we have to follow them. But, we have to be discreet.

"Yes! Princess Taeyeon! Yes!" the guards said

Now, we were following them. They were going in another big castle. But, cheaper than mine. I saw them going by coach. Then I saw a man shadow. But, I didn't care about it. So, when we arrived, I entered the big castle. The girl with the extraordinary dress was dancing with a man.

[Seohyun's POV]

"It's so cute. Suzy is dancing with the prince Kim Soo Hyun." I thought

They were dancing like a couple. And then, I saw Taeyeon with her guards. She was looking at me. And I saw Yonghwa just behind her. He was making a sign to not tell anything. Some seconds later, a mister opened a door. It was a portal like the one in the forest. So, I went in it.

[Yonghwa's POV]

I saw Seohyun jumping in the portal. I'm sure it was the same portal as the one in the forest with the dwarves. Taeyeon and her guards followed her and jumped in the portal. The couple that was dancing looked at us.

"Who are you?" the man asked

"I'm Prince Yonghwa and I'm searching Princess Seohyun." I said to them

"I have to jump in the portal!" I thought

"Oh! Seohyun, where did she go?" the girl, I mean Suzy, asked

"Umm.. I think I have to go!" I said

I ran towards the portal and boom! The door closed. There was another world. I was in a dark castle. I looked around and saw a sleeping princess on a bed with three women around. I was aking to myself where I was.


Author's Note:

Hope you like this chapter! Finally updated this story. Sorry, if I couldn't update, I was so busy with school T.T. But, now, I have a break ^^. Oh, and I didn't add Fairy Grandmother, because Seohyun was like the fairy for Suzy. So, I hope you understand. :) And could someone do a poster for this story for me? I will be so happy if someone could! (I'm not really good at it. T.T) And I hope you'll continue to read The Princess Of My Life. ^^ See ya!

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exo-snsd #1
Chapter 10: I want taeyeon to have a beautiful castle too lol
Chapter 10: Thanks you 4 everyone who read this story, supported me, liked this story and waited patiently for each chapters! Kamsahamida, everyone! Saranghaeyo! Annyeong!

- Author-nim
Your story sounds really good. Im not of cnblue or snsd, but it sounds intresting!!!
Chapter 4: Taeyeon , I hope that you'll find Teukie~
Kaylaaa #5
Please update soon!!!
Aww I hope tae finds Teukie ^_^ YongSeo<3 hwaiting update soon :)
Kaylaaa #7
Chapter 2: This story is sooo good!!!! Please update soon :D
exo-snsd #8
Chapter 2: please dont make taeyeon a bad person also i want her to have a happy ending^^
Chapter 2: wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah seems intresting story
update sooooooooon

and i hope it'll be like all the fairytale stories , have a bright happy ending !<3
fighting !