Pink of Doom

Laundry (Which Luhan didn't do)


It's a cold winter morning when Xiumin decides to get up out of bed and trudge over to their too small bathroom and take a shower in their too small shower stall. It takes a while for the water to heat and he stands awkwardly in the middle of the stone floor, . He peeks over to the bedroom and sees a lump on the bed, of who is his longtime boyfriend of three years, Luhan. Having known the man for five years, as a boyfriend for three, Xiumin had come to the conclusion long ago that his innocent-but-not-really boyfriend was not a morning person. One too many times the other man had thrown a tantrum for waking him up before noon, and always resulted in Xiumin getting dragged back to snuggle, thus causing the older man to be late. Xiumin loved him, but also hated his tendencies.




            Xiumin steps into the steaming shower and groans appreciatively. The scalding water hits his back like a shot from a gun, and it's as hot as the water you boil for tea, but it's just how he likes it. His mind wanders and soon, the thought of his upcoming math test he didn't study for was his first class invades his thoughts. He could cram a bit during breakfast, but who is he kidding? He knows about the unit they just learned.


            After washing his hair and spending an unnecessary amount time playing with the bubbles, he turns the knobs and the water halts. He's still for a moment as his skin adapt to the frigid air of the bathroom.


            "Babe? Are you done?"


            Xiumin blinks and wipes the fog from the glass door. He hears the sound of something sizzling on a hot frying pan and the slow churning of the coffee maker. The door is slightly ajar and he sees the bed is flat, no familiar lump in sight.


            "Yeah, I'm getting out right now." He calls back. He grabs the towel from a nearby rack and wraps it tightly around his waist. He's careful to not trip as he wipes his feet on the mat. Taking a once over of his appearance in the mirror, noting that he needed to get some exercise, the male ambles back into the bedroom and to the dresser.


            His hands rummage and move around random articles of clothing; he finds nothing that belongs to him. All his shirts, pants, and underwear he realizes, are in the laundry basket.




            "Yeah?" Luhan's blond head pokes through the bedroom door. The smell of hot bacon and fresh coffee wafts through the room but the only thing going through his mind is—


            "You forgot to do laundry. Specifically, my laundry."


            Luhan grins and pulls something pink and, oh god, frilly from the bottom drawer. They're , he realizes, but they're ruffled with pink hearts. He sees Luhan wriggle them in front of his face and all Xiumin wants to do is to crawl back into bed and forget the math test, forget the delicious breakfast, forget those horribly pink , and just generally forget everything that’s happened since he'd woken up. He closes his eyes and pretends to be in a happy world where Luhan isn't always a bastard and that his life is normal.


            He feels Luhan step closer and two hands come upon his hips. Some sort of clothing is pressed to his waist and he's too afraid to look.


            "Babe...come on. I got these just for you!"


            When he feels his towel being tugged down, his eyes fly open and he smacks the offending hands away, "Luhan, don't you dare. Why didn't you wash my clothes? I have a math test today."


            Luhan pouts and crosses his arms, "I woke up really early to make you breakfast and you repay me by yelling at me?" He turns away with a tearful frown. Second passes and a smirk finds its place on his face. He could already tell the guilt was welling up in Xiumin. Soon, he thought.


            Xiumin bit his lip, immediately regretting his harsh words to the younger. He hadn't meant to hurt him... He sighs mentally and wraps his arms around the blonde’s waist apologetically. "Luhan...I'm sorry. Do you still want me to wear it?" He cringes mentally and he has to remind himself every second that he's doing this out of love for his boyfriend.


            Luhan turns around and wraps his arms around the others waist as well, and nuzzles his face into the crook of his neck. "Mmmm...You're the best baozi."


            Xiumin grumbles and presses a small kiss to his forehead. He pulls away and takes the pink with his thumb and index finger, "You just want me to wear this right?"




            "No pictures. At all. No physical evidence of this moment happening."


            "Cool with me."


            He pauses and stares sadly at the revealing article of clothing in his hands. "So...just this." Luhan nods and he silently cries to himself, "...I'll be right back then."


            Xiumin walks to the bathroom, but to him it seemed to be a walk to the guillotine. It sort of was; a full grown man forced to wear pink . He wasn't even sure why Luhan wanted him to wear one. He checked it off as one of his boyfriend’s weird es. Right under 'ing him against the wall of a public bathroom'.


            He shivered as the memory resurfaced. No, don't think about it, he thought.


            Once in the privacy of the bathroom, he let the towel fall from his hips. The pink of doom lay on the counter, antagonizing him with their pink hearts and layered ruffles.


            "Aish…This is annoying." He grumbles. He slips them on carefully, treating it almost royally. Once it's on, he surprised by how comfortable it is.


            "Xiuminnie? Are you done?" Luhan's voice travels from the other side of the door. Xiumin panics and scurries around the bathroom for his clothes when he remembers bitterly.


            Luhan didn't wash my clothes.


            He tentatively opens the door and pokes his head through. Luhan is sitting on the bed, staring into space. He has the dazed look Xiumin always sees when the man is in class. His mouth is parted and his eyes are glazed over with distraction. He wonders how the other is passing his courses.


            "Wah..." Xiumin removes himself from his thoughts when he hears Luhan stand up. The blonde male has an unknown glint to his eyes as he stalks toward him; like a hungry bear to an oblivious deer.


Self-consciously, Xiumin tugs at the only piece of cloth covering his precious assets. It wasn't as revealing as a thong, gladly, but it still showcased his legs like he was on a fashion show.


            "Xiumin..." He hears Luhan murmur. By now, the taller male was right in front of him. Suddenly, Xiumin was aware of two things.


            One, he was cornered against the wall.


            And two, there is a suspicious bulge in Luhan's pants.


            "Xiumin, you look really good..." Luhan's hands come around his waist, pulling him flush agasint him. He feels the growing in his boyfriends pants rub against his own, and he moans.


            Luhan chuckles darkly as his hands slide down and the soft, yielding flesh of his behind, "See, I told you you'd like it."




            "Let's forget about that math test of yours. What I really want to test out is the elastic of this thing." One of his fingers hook on the thin waist band of his and they snap back on his skin like a slap to the face.


            "Ah!" He knees buckle and he clings onto the younger.


            Luhan groans inwardly at the sight of a flushed, red faced Xiumin clinging to him, like a in pink . It sends blood rushing downwards and he feels like he can't hold it in anymore.


            "Luhan..." Xiumin whispers hotly into his neck. It sends him over the edge and he pins the older man to the wall.


            Xiumin realizes his boyfriend can't do laundry to save his life, and is a bastard.



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nanayzz #1
Chapter 1: Poor xiumin-ah😅
Chapter 1: OMG! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: I liked this. :)
OMG I loved this ^^
eudaimonia #5
Chapter 1: manipulative _______ luhan with weird xD
poor baozi hahaha
lykgreent #6
Chapter 1: the world needs more xiuhan with top!luhan!!!
Chapter 1: HAHA XD That last line killed me~ yep _____!Luhan is tarting to become one of my favorites keke :P
Chapter 1: Is that--
Holly cow.
That was--