Haru Haru

Haru Haru


I couldn't believe it was over. All those memories, all those words, everything..Gone.. I'd woken up to find Jessica missing, all her stuff gone. She'd left a message on the table.

'We can't be together anymore Yuri, I'm sorry. One day you'll understand.. I don't want to make your life harder. Just know I will always care for you Yuri even though we can't be together anymore. Let's still be friends.'

I was walking through the streets with Sooyoung and the others when we came across Jessica and Tiffany stood together, hugging. My heart shattered even more. I instantly ran up to Tiffany and Yuri ran off and started shouting at her.

"Calm down!" Tiffany shouted loudly before I even got to her, but I didn't listen.

"You're the reason that she dumped me!" I screamed.

"No I'm not!" Tiffany retorted.

"My heart was CRUSHED when I read that note! You made her do it! I know you did!" I shouted, then I punched her in the face.

Sooyoung grabbed me and Seohyun grabbed Tiffany as we tried to throw punches at each other. I managed to kick Tiffany to the floor and scream at her some more until I was crying. Then I just left her and walked off and started to take my anger out on anything that got in my way.


I decided to look for Jessica so me and the others drove around looking for them until we came across a car.. Tiffany was there with Jessica. I got out of the car and jumped on Tiffany's car and started shouting and screaming.


Tiffany started to drive so I jumped off and watched them leave. I sighed.

"Yuri, it's over.. You know that Jessica's not going to come back.." Taeyeon sighed.

Everyone looked somewhat sad and quieter than usual... Was there something I didn't know?


I went home and watched some TV, trying to cure my broken heart but I kept reading Jessica's letter over and over again and making it worse. Why did this have to happen... What was better about Tiffany? What did Tiffany have that I didn't have? Just then, my phone started to ring. I answered. It was Hyoyeon.

"There's something you need to know.." She sighed.

"What... That Jessica's been having an affair with that idiot all this time?" I grumbled.

"No. Jessica's dying. She has a disease and nobody knows the cure. You'd better come to the hospital now." She said.

I dropped everything and ran through the streets as fast as my legs would carry me. Was this what Jessica meant? She didn't want me to mourn over her when she was gone? I finally reached the hospital and leaped up the steps. I saw Tiffany and stopped running and casually walked past, but she grabbed my wrist and turned me to face her.

"Jessica wanted me to give this to you.." She said, giving me a ring. "She doesn't know if she's going to make it.. But they've taken her into the operating room and well... It's not looking too good. Her last words to me were 'Give the ring to Yuri, tell her I've always love her and will forever.. If I don't make it through this then tell her I'm sorry and that I'll always watch over her..'" Tiffany stopped.

Tears welled up in both our eyes. We knew that she was gone. I went to wait with the others outside the operating room. Suddenly, I felt a huge empty hole form inside my heart and thats when I knew she was gone.. They bought her out a few minutes later.

"She died calling your name.." One of the doctors said.

I collapsed next to her and cried. I couldn't stop myself. She'd died calling MY name.. I was her last thought..


'Oh girl I cry, cry
You're my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh my love don't lie, lie
You're my heart, say goodbye...'

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Chapter 1: Reído
imzara #2
Chapter 1: So sad TT.TT
Chapter 1: That was really sad..
knowing the one you love dying.. too late..
Chapter 1: Wow, that was sad. *blinks rapidly to keep from crying* I figured as much that's how this story was going to be. Died calling her name...so sad.