The Unspoken Words


The Unspoken Words


Autumn 2012


Reality sometimes was not as sweet as people hoped. There were always rise and fall, happiness and sadness, success and failure. Krystal Jung was familiar with those things. She became a successful figure skater instantly. She only learned a few months and already titled as the rising star. She was really talented. People were always mesmerized with her stunning performances. Krystal even won the USA Figure Skating Grand Prix on her debut. Everyone adored her. She was not only pretty in the face, but also had beautiful gestures. She might look arrogant, but actually she wasn’t. She was always sweet to her fans. She really loved her job.


It had almost been 4 years since her debut. She was sitting there, that day, with a newspaper and her favorite green tea latte with a lot of whipped cream on the table, wearing a trench coat and a black shades.


“Our Nation’s Pride, Jung Soojung confirmed her retirement rumor to the media. Last night she was seen in Incheon Airport and justified the rumor. She decided to retire because of her current fatal knee injury and she was banned from skating for her entire life. It is such a disappointment because she is our Nation’s pride. She was set to join her third World Grand Prix and was expected to grab her second winning. She is now being replaced by the new rising star of figure skating, Kim Yuna, as the representative of South Korea…”


Krystal took her headphone and wore it immediately. She played a loud music and then wore her black shades. People at the Coffee Shop were now looking at her, making sure that ‘the Krystal’ that has just appeared on the news was the same person with the one they saw that day. They whispered to each other. She really was back in town.


She had done with crying, though she felt like crying again. Her dream was scattered into pieces because of that one injury. She got the injury on the second year she skated. The doctor already warned her to immediately stop her activity from skating, but she refused it. She pushed herself too far. She really didn’t want to stop. She really loved skating. The injury was in a serious condition right now. She wouldn’t be able to walk properly for a few weeks.


Is it what you want to show him, Soojung? Is this what you want? It’s not enough. You have to be on the same level as him in order to get his attention. You screw it all! You should’ve been more careful. You just shattered your own dream and future. She was all mad with herself.


She suddenly felt a hand covering her ears. The hands took off her headphone. Krystal recognized the smell of this perfume. It was familiar. She actually gave this perfume for his 15 years old birthday and he still used the same fragrance. She took off her shades and looked up only to find Kim Myungsoo smiling at him. She missed those dimples on his cheeks. She missed those arms to secure her. She also missed his warm hug. She missed everything about Kim Myungsoo. She wanted to say those words but she couldn’t say a word. She was only stared at him with disbelief look. She was stunned and startled.


“I think I’ve warned you million times not to eat too much whipped cream, Princess,” Myungsoo said, breaking the ice. He took a seat in front of her. He rocked in black fashion, as always. Black trench coat, black jeans and black combat boots. He looked so much manlier than Krystal had ever seen before.


“I think I’ve warned you million times not to wear black outfit everywhere. You look like you were just coming back from a funeral.” Krystal rolled her eyes, trying to act normally, just like the old time. Despite of it had been years they hadn’t talked to each other, not even on the phone or messages or social media.


Myungsoo chuckled. “Are you okay?”


If he was asked her such a question, of course the answer was no. She was not fine. She didn’t answer that question. She only continued stirred up her drink and the whipped cream once in a while. Krystal Jung was always good at no-answering-people’s-question.


“You did great,” He continued. “I always watched you on TV. I never missed a single performance from you. I actually have always known that you would do great in skating. You are talented. But maybe it’s the right time for you to rest and take care of your own health. You’re making all of our family worried sick while you were alone in New York.”


Krystal smiled. She always made everyone worried. She felt like a villain right now. Probably he was right. It was the right time to let go and start a new fresh life. “How have you been? I heard you have become one of the most successful and hottest prosecutors in town.”


Myungsoo chuckled at the word ‘hottest’. “Life has been good, for me. Well, it was kind of incomplete because I lost my best friend. Thank God I accidently saw her sitting in our favorite Coffee Shop alone when I was going to take a break from my new case. I decided to approach her… and tell her sorry.” He smiled and scratched the back of his neck. “I’m so sorry, Jung Soojung. I was so stupid to pick up a fight with you that day. But the most stupid thing I had ever done was when I hesitated to go to the airport when you left. I couldn’t see you go away like that.”


Krystal nodded her head and laughed. “That was an old story. I forgave you already, Stupid!” She clapped her hands on Myungsoo’s cheeks.


“Yah yah yah! It hurts!” He pouted.


Krystal laughed at his cuteness. The cool and chic guy like Kim Myungsoo could act childish, only in front of her. Myungsoo caught her hands to stop her. They remained in awkward silence for a few seconds. They only stared at each other’s eyes without saying a word. Both got the signal that they missed each other so badly. Krystal cleared and pulled her hand. She was so nervous.


“Princess, why is your face getting redder? Do you like me or what? Are you getting nervous when I’m around?” Myungsoo and laughed again.


Krystal widened her eyes. “Y-yah! What do you mean?!” She scoffed and glared at him. “If only my knee wasn’t injured right now, I would’ve kicked you in your !”


“Act like a sweet girl, Soojung-ah…” He ruffled her hair. “I wonder why I loved you so much when we were teenagers.” He stole her green tea latte and slurped it.


Krystal’s hear skipped a beat when she heard it. “You… you loved me?”


Myungsoo choked. He didn’t realize that he blurted it. “Y-yes… it… it was a long time ago. T-that’s why I don’t want you to… to go,” He stuttered.


She smiled in happiness. She was happy that actually the both of them shared the common feelings. She always thought that it was only a one sided love. Sometimes, she wondered if he really liked her back since he was so attentive and caring towards her. Her feeling was true. He liked her too!

“I’m sorry,” Krystal said. “But I’m here now and I’m all yours.” She grinned.


Myungsoo threw a smile. He looked down to the table and remained silent. He slid his hand to his right pocket and grabbed something.


“You read my message to you, didn’t you? I really mean what I wrote, Kim Myungsoo. You’re only allowed to marry…”


“Suzy…” Myungsoo cut her off.


Krystal closed and looked at him in questioning look. She saw him taking out something from his trench coats’ pocket.  It was something beautiful. The writings were pretty and it was packaged in white and silver.


“I’m going to marry her next week,” Myungsoo continued his sentence. He gave her a slight smile. “I wanted to tell you about the good news since a long time ago but I always found you busy going overseas, back and forth. I didn’t want to bother you.”


Krystal’s hand was shaking. What was it? A wedding? With Bae Suzy? Didn’t he read her message? She clearly banned her from marrying another girl except for her! Didn’t he know how much she put aside her pride when she decided to confess to him first? He didn’t notice a single thing. Not only her career, but her whole life was scattered into pieces. She thought at least she could find another happiness here, in Seoul, yet she lost another thing that she loved so dearly and tenderly. She lost everything now.


Krystal wasn’t even able to comprehend the whole things he was saying at that time. She didn’t hear anything anymore. Her eyes were teary. She pulled the invitation that Myungsoo just handed to her. His name and Suzy’s name were written on it. What was even worse than betrayal?


“Soojung?” Myungsoo called her again. She looked terrible after he told her the news. Did he say the wrong thing?


Krystal wiped her tears before it really fell down to her cheeks. “How could you marry her? I thought I clearly told you not to marry anyone else except me.”


Myungsoo knew where this conversation was headed. He never realized it before. Could it be… she actually loved him? “Soojung-ah… I…”


“Tell me you don’t love Bae Suzy. Tell me you will cancel the wedding.”


He sighed. He didn’t really know what to do. “I cannot do that.”


He wasn’t hesitated when he said that. Krystal hated it. She hated him to her bones. She hated him for the sake of every vein in her body. “So I am the one who is a foolish here. I always thought that you probably love me too… more than friends… as much as I do. But I guess I was wrong. You never love me before.”


“No, Soojung, it wasn’t like that…” He grabbed her hands. He didn’t like seeing her being like this. He didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t like to see her crying because his hurt would be hurt twice worse.


Krystal sighed. She looked at him. “The eight letters, three words… say it.”


I love you. I love you so much, Jung Soojung. I love you that I could die right now. I still love you and always will. Myungsoo wanted to scream his heart out. But he couldn’t. It was too late. He always thought that liking Krystal was hopeless. He decided to give up and move on to Suzy. He wanted to forget her but as always, he never could. He was a coward for not telling her the truth and taking the risk.


“I am sorry…” Myungsoo let her hands go.


She scoffed. She couldn’t believe it. She always knew that Myungsoo was responsible so he wouldn’t cancel the wedding right away. But if really loved her, he would do whatever it takes to get Krystal back. “Those weren’t the right words. You don’t know how long I have endured myself just to hear those words to come out of your mouth.” Her tears had fallen on her cheeks. She took her stuffs. “I hate you. I hate you, Kim Myungsoo.”


Myungsoo didn’t want to hear those words coming out from Krystal’s mouth. Not twice. He hated himself for that. He wanted to be together with Krystal as much as she wanted, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t break his promise to Suzy. Suzy was the one who comforted him when he was in despair because of Krystal. She had been there for him all of this time.


“I will not attend your wedding just like you didn’t come when I went to the States.” Krystal stood up. “One thing that makes me wondering, did you get my last message?”


Myungsoo looked confused. “What message?”


As expected. It’s very un-classy of you, Bae Suzy. She smirked. “I hope you have a great life with her. It would be definitely the last time we’re going to see each other.” She turned her heels on.


“Soojung-ah!” Myungsoo called her again when she was about to enter her car.


She stopped without looking back, not wanting to show him her tears.


“Just because we can’t be together doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” Myungsoo sneaked his arms around her waist, giving her a back hug. He rested his chin on her shoulder.


Her shoulder was wet. He was crying, for sure. He never cried before, even when his mother passed away. It was the first time she saw him crying.


Slowly, she broke free from Kim Myungsoo. She never looked back anymore. She jumped into her car and turn on the engine. She left the guy she loved the most in the entire world. She left him only with regrets, despairs and sadness. None of them was happy. None of them had a happy ending just like in fairy tale. If it wasn’t too late, both of them would have said those eight letters and three words they were waiting for. I love you.


Some words are left unsaid, they said.




“Just because we can’t be together doesn’t mean I don’t love you”—Blair Waldorf



{ 121110 || 03:14 PM - TIFF }


Finito ^^
To be honest, I got inspired by a lot of Gossip Girls' lines.
I am such a huge fan of Blair and Chuck *___*


I hope you can enjoy reading this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it ^___^

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Chapter 3: Nice plot. I hope you would continue it.
Chapter 2: aigoo.. this is so sad:(
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel to this, as much as I like an angst story, I really like myungstal to end up together T,T ugh suzy again!
even tho the last update was last year I will wait for this ;u;
please do update
I didn't think Suzy would do something like that.
wtf .______________.
and yes that line
I was in tears I just can't cry cause my sisters are watching XD
AFishandeer #5
Chapter 3: the sequel pls author-nim. make them together pls T_T
Ximenitazh #6
Chapter 3: Oh my god I really loved your story !!!,So sad srly...*sobs sobs*
Chapter 2: Great story but WTFWTFWTF THAT ENDING >< THEY SHOULD BE TOGETHER, I'M GONNA GO CRY NOW /CRIES A RIVER/ TT.TT It's all your fault Suzy asdfghjkl >:( Makes me wanna punch her
Chapter 3: Touching story author :D ㄱ.ㄱ suzy fault....
yangyun #9
Chapter 2: Author, how could you?
I'm crying. please make a sequel of this story, pleeease?
Please, let Myungstal be together :c
keylips #10
Chapter 3: crying T_____T
please make sequel plsplssssss AAAAAA :""""