Time Control



The time machine. The very notion of going back in time was always seen as ridiculous to practically every scientist around the world. Yet for those who attempted this impossible feat there always lurked immense despair as well as mocking jeers.


Centuries passed, and still no one had dared to try to create a functioning time machine. That was, until a certain man by the name of Bang Yongguk struggled and effectively succeeded in building a working prototype.

Despite all the man’s brilliance though, there was an unexpected snag along his well thought out plan that not only backfired, but also ended up sending him to an unknown time and destination.     


Sorry if the description sounds weird, really late where I'm posting this from (Soo sleepy)

Just letting you know that the time period Yongguk's been sent to is during the Great Depression, so I'll be writing with those surroundings in mind 

Hope you enjoy my story, and leave comments if you can

Thank You and Goodbye! 


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