Truth and Insanity

My Letters To You


A/N: ahh, late update for a few hours but here it is! I hope it is up to standard! Enjoy!


Days have passed since the kiss between Chunji and Byunghun. That incident was never brought up, not even a slight hint of it. Both are afraid of making their rocky relationship into a bad state, worst if they couldn’t be friends anymore.

Chunji have thought through what CAP had said that day. He didn’t really want to do this, feeling being in the position of a third party. But he tried nonetheless, and failed every single time. Each time he approach the other boy, the things he said is never related to the topic at hand. He practiced, wrote a script but his efforts are put off by his own heart. He just didn’t have the heart to see Byunghun go through more sadness, of him realising that all this while he was fed with lies.

Byunghun is no different than Chunji. He is on the verge of going insane from the confusion that his friends, especially Chunji had given him. Whenever Chunji would tear up over just stuffs that Byunghun did, the others will just say its fine. He doesn’t know what is going on at all. He had his own thinkings, but it was all wrong as it was confirmed days ago, the conversation between CAP and Chunji. He couldn’t put the pieces together, plunging him deeper into confusion. Now he revolves around the questions on his mind – Why did Chunji and CAP claim that he is Chunji’s, then what about Hyuna? She is his Girlfriend, or is she lying?

He feels that the later question could be true. He felt more attracted to the boy than Hyuna herself. His kiss on Chunji’s lips made him skip a heartbeat, with Hyuna it did not. When he say CAP placing a kiss on Chunji’s forehead, he felt as if the black haired boy should just perish from this world, but when he lost his attention from Hyuna he didn’t feel this way. He need more answers, if his friends would not give him the answer he seeks, he would only look for that one person, the one who he saw the very first when he woke up – Hyuna.

He planned a date with Hyuna. He was happy to see her, and it was the same for the other. But before they leave, he had something he would need her to know.

“Hyuna, promise me something” He waits to receive a nod from the girl before continuing. “If there is anything I should know, please tell me.” He asked the girl, coupled with a sincere look. He can sense the girl tremble a bit when he spoke his question, but she shakes her head, signalling that she has nothing to tell him. Byunghun sighs, and smiled a little. The worst case scenario in his mind was going to happen soon. But before that, he should enjoy a little today.

Their date was well planned and both parties had fun. Despite the fun Byunghun had, he would eventually have to ask that question, to confirm his suspicion, to get the truth. He slowed his own pacing, and so did the other when she realised her partner had suddenly stopped walking. Byunghun decides to go for a direct approach, he don’t have the patience to go around about asking.

“Do you know who Chunji is? Tell me honestly.” Hyuna stumbles back a little when she heard the question. She didn’t realise he would ask her that, and of all about him. She swallows down empty air, before slowly shaking her head. Byunghun shakes his head in disappointment. “Don’t lie to me. Then tell me why he knew you. Even my friends said he knew you” Hyuna rushes towars Byunghun, frantically shaking her head at the same time. She knows that this would surface sooner or later, but it is too soon. She wasn’t prepared for it; she doesn’t want to lose Byunghun. “N-no… They must be lying to you. I really don’t know him. Please trust me…”

Byunghun had enough of Hyuna’s constant denial of knowing Chunji. From the look of her face, he knows that Hyuna is just too afraid to admit, because she loves Byunghun. But Byunghun knows the other boy at home has the same equal amount of love for him. Now it falls to Byunghun to decide who he’ll choose. But even for someone who lost his memories, knew how to trust his feelings, trust what his heart tells him. He may use to harbour feelings for the girl in front of him, but now no longer.

He brushes Hyuna’s hand off his arm and gave her a look she hoped to never see. “I’m tired of your lies Hyuna. You could have just told me the truth. Why lie to me? If I didn’t love you back before, it would have just meant we both weren’t meant to be” He hopes she realises her mistake, but she continues to deny, deny the fact Byunghun knows the truth, that she is near seconds away on losing him again.

“No! NO! This cannot be… I’m dreaming aren’t I Byunghun. Please tell me this is not real that you’re breaking up with me. I beg you please don’t PLEASE” She half ruffles her own hair, and half grabs Byunghun by his arms. She’s losing her mind. The impact of this, the failure of permanently making Byunghun hers, was too much for her to handle. She is no longer the girl she once used to be – kind, lovely and charming in anyways. Now, downed to a state of insanity.

Byunghun brushes her off again and again whenever she latches herself onto him. He decides that he had obtained what he needs. Her expression is the answer to his questions. Hyuna is NOT his girlfriend, instead a certain boy is. He feels it is now a best time to come clean with Chunji. He considered if teasing Chunji would bring the best possible outcome, or directly telling him his feelings.

The now girl lay on the ground, staring at the sky with emotionless eyes. She had lost everything, because of her own selfishness and greed. She covers her face, not wanting passer-by’s to see her pitiful face. She picks herself up and trotted away. People around her deemed her as weird, but they definitely will remember the hysteric laughter that left the lips of the trotting lady.

She has lost her mind.  


A/N: None, Author is tired today. >_< Anyways ~ Please enjoy and thank you guys so much for the comments and subscription. 

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I did some small edit to chapter 6, but the plot of that chapter remains the same


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Chapter 20: I remember crying a waterfall reading this
one of the stories i won't ever forget .
Chapter 21: Omg i love this stories! You make me cried all the times authornimmm. Good job! ♥
Chapter 21: The ending.... my feels T^T
Chapter 21: im crying T___T
dosuya #5
Chapter 18: omg reading this chapter with shinee orgel makes it even better
Chapter 21: Sweet ending... This is my first teen top angst I read. And I love it...
You should make some more, um, with Infinite casts maybe? Hehe...
--Kirei #7
Chapter 21: Beautiful, really beautiful.
Thanks for writing this. ;A;
chunjiholic #8
Chapter 21: Omgg. Its amazing. Im a big fan of you. OTL *feels* i ship Chunjoe alot so yea.
Chapter 21: OMO!! Hehe i Luv this story when i read the previous chapter i was like NUU~ CHUNJI DIE!!! TT[]TT but then i go to the next and i'm like YYYYYAAAYYY!! ^^
Chapter 21: You have no idea how many times i cried in this. When i started i cried to. Omg thank you for this wonderful chunjoe <3