Talks + Truth or Dare

My Letters To You

A/N: Sligtly late a bit i'm sowwy >_< It's a little bit rushed however but... 


Byunghun’s POV

“Byunghun…” I’m puzzled on how this guy with brown hair knows me. I didn’t even know him. “Yea… that would be me. Do I know you?” I asked, with one eye brow raised, looking at him suspiciously. I face fell a little, before apologizing.

“No… I suppose not. I’m sorry.” He turns away from me and started putting stuffs into a big cardboard box. I took a little peek to find it to be photo frames. Hmm… weird, why would anyone do that? Bad memories from those photos I guess. Then it hit me that I didn’t know his name.

“I guess we should do proper introduction. My name’s Lee Byunghun, nick name’s L.joe, or that’s what Hyuna tells me. So what’s yours?”

“Lee Cha… I mean Lee Chunji” Quite of a nice name he had. I dun think I ever met someone with such a name. But then again, I couldn’t remember if I did. “Cool name”. Then, silence filled the entire room. It’s rather awkward… Got to start a conversation with him.

“So, where do I sleep?” He turns and gives me a look as if I’m an idiot. Hey, I just enter the room Niel tells me to, says it’s where I used to sleep in. “I’m not sure if you’re acting silly or pure stupid. There’s only one bed and you’re even sitting on it. Hope you don’t mind sharing though” Chunji replies with an obvious tone, before turning back, placing more photo frames into the box. I look back down to see myself sitting on a Queen sized bed. Since when did I sit on it? But it’s rather comfy.


“By the way, dinner’s ready. Better be out there quick, else Niel’s going to chase after you with a frying pan.” I laughed at what he had said. “You can’t be serious, that’s so old school. Try hard if you’re going to joke about it” But he continues to be give a serious stare. “You’re not joking aren’t you…?”

“You can give it a try and stay here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you” Chunji left after that. I jumped off the bed, and head to the dining table. The table is filled with delicious looking food.

“Hwah… It look delicious.” I tried sneaking a piece of food away, but was smacked away by Niel. “No stealing of food.” I gulped rather loud when he said that. I felt some malice in his voice. “Now, sit down and dig in. Your seat is over there” He points to an empty seat next to Chunji. I sigh to myself; I share room with an anti-social guy, and now eating next to him. But for now, it’s dinner time.


“Ah… I’m so full ~!” I rubbed my tummy with satisfaction. Now with free time on my hands, I wonder what I should do. Maybe I should explore the neighbourhood. The doctor did mention about seeing familiar places to help me recollect my lost memories. “I’m going to walk about the neighbourhood ~!” I yelled out to them. I am just about to leave when Niel stopped me.

“Wait, it is best you have someone to accompany you. You don’t remember this place, and I’m afraid you get lost” He ran off and pulls a certain brown hair boy along. “Chunji will accompany you. He has lots of free time now, right?” Niel gives a smile to Chunji, though the said boy seems to be annoyed and doesn’t want to.

“I don’t want to… Can’t I just stay at home?” Chunji whines. He looks cute when he does that. Wait what? No… I have Hyuna, got to stay faithful. Niel’s smile remains on his face, and suddenly I felt a chill ran down my spine. “No Chunji, you will accompany L.joe, right?” Chunji froze a little, before nodding slightly.

“Alright you two, off you go. Take your time alright! I’ll give you a call when it’s getting late” Niel pushes me and Chunji out and slam the door close, with the lock clicking. I can’t believe Niel is doing this to me. Of all people, it has to be him.

“Let’s go then” He taps me on the shoulder and walked ahead of me.

We explore most of the places that I’ve been to. It does have a tinge of familiarity but I guess the impact isn’t strong enough to make me remember. The doctor also mentioned that I would require something really impactful, something that is very important to me. It can be a place, an item or someone. Hyuna didn’t make me remember anything, so there is someone more important than her?

“Hey…” I snap out from my own thoughts and face towards the source. “Did you really lose your memories?” Chunji gives me a look of desperation and I think some hope. “Yes. I did lose them. I can’t even remember anything.” When I felt his face fall, I felt a pang in my heart. I kind of felt guilty about it.

“Are you ok? I’m really sorry but I can’t help it. If there is anything I should remember, please tell me” Chunji wipes his tears away and gives me a smile, though I know there is more to it.

“No… it’s nothing. It’s not very important anyway. Come on let’s head home” I can smell his lie. I know that he’s lying but I didn’t dare to be disrespectful, so I left it alone. Maybe he’ll tell me when he’s ready.


That night, the gang held a celebration for my discharge from the hospital. Niel took out an empty bottle and yelled all of us to gather. A bottle and a group of people. Even for someone who has lost their memories, I know what’s coming.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Inside me, I somehow knew it. But I can’t play this.

“Wait a minute, I can’t play this. I can’t do truth!” I countered. “Then just do dare” Niel replies as if he knows what I’ll say. “I’ll go first!” And the bottle is spun. It first landed on Ricky. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth!” Niel smirks with Ricky’s reply. “How many positions have you done with Changjo?” I can see Changjo face getting redder by the second, but Ricky just tilts his head with confusion. “What do you mean by positions?”

“Oh you know… Like when guys play the games adults play…” I snicker at Niel’s choice of words, but it just made Ricky even more confused. Changjo decides to wedge in and end Ricky’s suffering, whispers something into Ricky’s ear. In the next instant, he’s entire head is red. “I… I…” And that is when everyone started laughing. He pouts and buries his face into Chanjo’s neck. “You can’t run away Ricky; I’ll get the answer out of you later.”

We went a few more rounds. Ricky got back with Niel by having Niel use his mouth and kiss CAP from the lips down to the edge of his pant, and of course – with CAP wearing no shirt. When it’s CAP’s turn, I made him remove Changjo’s belt with his mouth. And the pure jealousy of the boyfriends just next to them is just so damn hilarious.

But before I knew it, I’m up for the gutter. “Dare or Dare?”

I rolled my eyes at the question. “Do I have an option number three?” Niel shakes his head, gleaming away. Fire away Ahn Daniel! I can take your challenge. But who knew it would that.

“I want you to kiss Chunji on the lips” 


A/N: Tease Tease Tease >:D! And btw Happy Birthday to Changjo, a.k.a Jonghyun! Anyone realise in the video they posted on Teen Top's Official YT page, They are standing in a manner of Chunjoe, Changrick and the NAP behind? Kekekeke It muz be real! (In my dreams T_T)

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I did some small edit to chapter 6, but the plot of that chapter remains the same


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Chapter 20: I remember crying a waterfall reading this
one of the stories i won't ever forget .
Chapter 21: Omg i love this stories! You make me cried all the times authornimmm. Good job! ♥
Chapter 21: The ending.... my feels T^T
Chapter 21: im crying T___T
dosuya #5
Chapter 18: omg reading this chapter with shinee orgel makes it even better
Chapter 21: Sweet ending... This is my first teen top angst I read. And I love it...
You should make some more, um, with Infinite casts maybe? Hehe...
--Kirei #7
Chapter 21: Beautiful, really beautiful.
Thanks for writing this. ;A;
chunjiholic #8
Chapter 21: Omgg. Its amazing. Im a big fan of you. OTL *feels* i ship Chunjoe alot so yea.
Chapter 21: OMO!! Hehe i Luv this story when i read the previous chapter i was like NUU~ CHUNJI DIE!!! TT[]TT but then i go to the next and i'm like YYYYYAAAYYY!! ^^
Chapter 21: You have no idea how many times i cried in this. When i started i cried to. Omg thank you for this wonderful chunjoe <3