Episode 15

The Arrogant Couple


Place: Gimpo Airport
Time: 12:01PM

Heechul’s POV

“So this is it, have a nice trip Heechul and make the best out of it,” Manager hyung bid me farewell at the airport.

“Ne, bye hyung. I’ll see you again in a couple of days,” I waved at him while holding onto my luggage.

He left me in the hands of the PD crew. We were just waiting for Jessica to arrive too so that we can take a plane to Jeju Island. Thinking about it makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I miss home so badly.

“Hey~” Someone poked my cheek. I turned around and it was none other than Jessica.

“Hey!! I can’t wait for you to meet my family,” I hugged her upon seeing her, “But I gotta warn you, in Jeju, I’m really a ladies’ man.”

“Oh really?” She giggled and poked my chest.

“Yeah, I’m really, really popular with the ladies,” I chuckled.


Finally, after an hour ride, we arrived in Jeju International airport. I could tell that Jessica was really nervous about meeting my family but I’m sure that they’d love her.

“Don’t worry, my family will love you more than they love me,” I chuckled.

“Stop joking around~ This is serious,” She smacked my chest.

“Yeah, I am serious! They’ve always wanted a daughter~” I smiled, “And you, you’ll probably make a good daughter-in-law.”

“Aww.. Thanks,” She smiled with more relief.

In the car ride, the PD told us what was in store. Firstly, we would visit my family. We live in Jeju City so it’s only gonna take only half an hour to reach. After that, we’d take a walk around the city and then finally, we’d move in to a villa for the night.


Jessica’s POV

Time: 14:10PM

Finally we reached Heechul’s family’s house. It was big and beautiful, I couldn’t help my jaw from falling.

“Abang!! Eomeong!! I’m home!” Heechul greeted his parents with a weird accent. I’ve never heard a Korean speaking in Jeju dialect before so it was a little weird.

“Welcome home, son! Oh my.. now who is this young lady here?” His parents opened the door.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Jessica,” I bowed as I greeted them.

“Ah, ne ne~ Of course we know who our daughter-in-law is~ Wow that’s a lot of cameraman.. Welcome in!” His father chuckled.

He looked so handsome and I could just imagine how he looked like when he was Heechul’s age.

“Now let me see.. Hmm,” Heechul’s mother wore her spectacles and looked up and down my figure, “Very nice. Very nice indeed!”

“Thank you,” I smiled and nodded my head lightly.

“I’ll go make some drinks and treats for everyone,” She went away to the kitchen.

“Come, sit.. make yourself at home,” Heechul’s father smiled as he sat down on a chair.

“Heechullie hyung! Heechullie hyung!!” Suddenly two little boys came out running from a room and began climbing onto Heechul’s body.

“Yah! Babies, get off me!” Heechul chuckled as they let go of him.

“Wow, so pretty! Hyung, who’s that??” They giggled as they pointed at me.

“Munchkins, meet hyung’s wife, Jessica noona,” He smiled.

“Omo! So we’re gonna have a little brother to play with soon!!” One of them giggled. I was shocked, they probably didn’t know this is a fake marriage.

“Ne, ne~ Of course, it’s already in the making~” Heechul rubbed my tummy. He was being a typical mean older brother by tricking his gullible siblings.

“Yah!” I whispered harshly to him.

“Anyways, these two are my little brothers, Heejun and Heemang,” He introduced them to me.

Suddenly there were knocks on the door. I guess Heechul’s relatives are visiting because they heard of this special occasion.

“Heechul-ah~” Some group of old women, in their 60s, came in calling Heechul’s name.

“Ahjeumang!!” He waved his hands in the air and then whispered to me, “I told you I was a ladies’ man here.”

“You mean ahjumma’s man, right?” I giggled and pinched his arm. A wave of relief washed over me, I was really worried previously thinking that he wasn’t joking.

“Ah~ Nugu??” They asked him as they took a good look at me.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” I smiled at them.

“She’s my wife. Beautiful, isn’t she?” Heechul chuckled.

“Yahhh, Heechul-ah. I thought you were gonna marry my daughter?” One of the ahjummas joked, “Just playing with you lovebirds~ Good catch, Chullie!”

“Hehe thanks~” Heechul smiled shyly.


Heechul’s POV

“Are both of you here for honeymoon?” My mum asked me as we all ate the food she prepared.

“Well, kind of but it’s more like we’re here to visit you guys,” I replied.

“Oh then maybe both of you should consider going to Love Land,” One of the ahjummas suggested, making everyone laugh in agreement.

I was really embarrassed as she said that but Jessica didn’t seem to mind, “That sounds like a nice place to visit, maybe we will.”

“I don’t think we’ll be visiting that place any time soon,” I laughed awkwardly.
I guess Jessica doesn’t know what’s in store in Love Land.


After we’re done visiting my family, we were going to head to the villa which Jessica and I will be staying for the night. Heejun and Heemang begged umma and appa to let them stay with us at the villa for the night while I begged them not to let them go.

“It’s okay, I think it’ll be fun with them around,” Jessica smiled at me. Thus, my parents agreed and packed a few things for the babies.

“You babies better not make any trouble for me,” I warned them.

“Ne~” They chuckled as they obediently followed us to the car.

In the car ride, Jessica asked me about Love Land. I guess she still couldn’t get it off her mind. I didn’t want to tell her about it because it was so embarrassing to explain to her but she forced me to.

“It’s a famous sculpture park in Jeju. Many couples that go for their honey moon in Jeju would visit that park,” I explained unwillingly.

“Then why don’t we visit it? I bet it’ll be interesting,” She smiled at me.

“The park is focused on and features many sculptures of humans in various ual positions,” I whispered into her ear so that the babies wouldn’t be able to hear it.

“Okay, that’s just plain gross..” She was also freaked out by it.

“Yeah I have no idea why such places are even made,” I chuckled, “If couples want to make love, they should do it when they feel that the time is right, not by visiting these places.”

“Totally..” She agreed with me.


Jessica’s POV

When we arrived at the villa, we were all truly amazed by the beauty of it. I wish this was my house!

Heechul’s little brothers ran around the house because it was so big, while Heechul and I brought our luggages into our room.

“So.. are we gonna sleep together tonight..? I mean, on the same bed?” Heechul asked shyly.

“You could sleep in the other room if you want..” I replied shyly too. Actually, I wouldn’t mind him sleeping with me in the same room since it’s gonna be pretty scary at night sleeping alone.

“Oh.. Okay then..” He sighed.

“But it’s okay if you want to sleep with me, the bed’s pretty big..” I smiled at him.

“Yay!” He chuckled as he ped his bag.

“You didn’t bring condoms this time, did you?” I joked.

“What if I did?” He grinned at me, “Just kidding!”

“Yah..” I smacked his arm.


Time: 17:51PM

After the PD crew had left for the day, the four of us decided to watch a movie together before going out to eat dinner.

“Should we watch a horror movie, an action movie or a..” Heechul sat close to me and wriggled his eyebrows, “romantic movie?”

“Ew! No! No romantic movie! We want to watch Toy Story 3!!” Heejun and Heemang butted in and sat between me and Heechul.

“Yah.. babies, can’t you find other places to sit around?” Heechul grumbled.

“Yah.. hyung, can’t YOU find other places to sit around?” Heejun imitated Heechul’s grumbling.

“Yah, if you munchkins weren’t so cute, I’d chop both of you up and sell it to the butcher!” Heechul tickled both his little brothers.


Half-way throughout the movie, Heemang had fallen asleep with his head resting on my lap. Meanwhile, both Heechul and Heejun were watching Toy Story 3 with their eyes glued onto the TV.

I kept looking at the wall clock, it was already 7PM and we still haven’t eaten our dinner yet.

Suddenly, Heemang started waking up, “Omo! Noona, I think I hear him! He’s talking to me!”

“Huh?” I looked at the just-awoken Heemang. What’s he blabbering about?

“Noona and Heechul hyung’s baby! He’s talking to me!” He pointed to my tummy and then placed his ear against it.

I looked at Heechul and he was grinning at me. Aish, this is so embarrassing. My stomach’s grumbling because I’m hungry!

“Hyung! Hear this! Hear your baby! IT’S SO LOUD!!!” Heemang made me feel even more embarrassed.

“I wanna hear it too! Move aside!!” Heejun pushed Heemang away and placed his ear against my tummy.

“Yah.. munchkins, you’re scaring our baby. I think he’s hungry~” Heechul chuckled, “Okay, let’s go eat dinner now. It’s getting late, I’ll call a cab to fetch us.”


Heechul’s POV

We went to the city to eat our dinner. I swear everyone was staring at us, maybe because they recognized Jessica and me. Or maybe they were wondering why we look so young but we already have kids! Even one lady asked me if Heejun and Heemang were my sons!

“Hyung.. I’m tired.. Can we take the taxi again?” Heemang was holding onto Jessica’s hand while Heejun held mine. We were going to eat some dessert at a nearby café.

“Yah, could your short baby legs walk any slower?” I grumbled and picked Heejun up, sitting him on top of my shoulders.

“I wanna ride too!” Heemang whined as he jumped up and down, “Noona!!~ Please!”

“Eh, remember our baby’s health is important, so you can’t ride on noona,” I smiled at Jessica and then pinched Heemang’s cheek, “Owwwwh!”

Finally we reached the café.

“Do you guys wanna sit outside or inside?” I asked the rest.

“Inside!!! It’s so cold out here!!” Heejun pulled my hair.

“Yah! Don’t pull my hair! I don’t want to be balding prematurely!” I took Heejun off my shoulders and placed him on the ground.

“Heechul? Jung Heechul?” Suddenly someone familiar called out my name. He was sitting at a table outdoors.

“Heh..? Kiseok..? Kiseok!” I went over to his table, “Guys, come sit over here!”


Jessica’s POV

“Jessica, this is Kiseok. He was my good friend in high school,” He introduced me to his friend.

“WAHHH! Chullie-ah, you got yourself a babe? How’d you do that?” Kiseok laughed out loud and stared at me as if he was some kind of maniac.

“Kiseok-ah.. She’s my wife, we’re married,” Heechul said with a shy grin on his face.

“Married?! Yah! Why wasn’t I invited to your wedding?!”

“It’s not a real marriage, we’re just doing this for a show,” Heechul assured his friend.

“Yah yah yah! So you guys have all the time, right? Right??” I was truly shocked when I heard him say that.

I looked at Heechul with a speechless expression.

“Kiseok-ah.. Are you drunk or something?” Heechul held his friend’s shoulder but got pushed away immediately.

Heejun and Heemang quickly got off their seats and hugged me in fear.

“Yah! I’m not drunk~” He chuckled while lighting up his cigar. I quickly scrunched up my nose because I just can’t stand the smell of tobacco smoke.

“Hey dude, it’s not nice to smoke in front of my family,” Heechul took the cigar away from Kiseok’s mouth before he could light it.

“Yah, what are you saying? You always smoke in front of your girlfriend last time. Don’t you remember?” Kiseok chuckled and forced a cigar onto Heechul’s lips.

“Heechullie hyung.. I thought you stopped smoking..” Heemang said softly as he tugged onto his older brother’s sleeve.

“Yah, stop this man.. Those days are over. You’re scaring my little brothers,” Heechul sighed and stood up, “We’re leaving.. I’ll talk to you again when you’re sober, man.”

“Come on, kids..” I stood up and held Heemang and Heejun’s hands.

“Yah~ Where do you think you’re going? You’re going to sleep with me tonight, understand babe?” Kiseok stopped me. Luckily, Heechul heard it all.

“Yah! You dare say that to my wife?” Heechul grabbed Kiseok by his collar and showed him his clenched fist.

“Noona.. I’m scared..” Both Heejun and Heemang hugged my legs tightly and closed their eyes shut.

“I’m warning you, stay away from Jessica,” Heechul hissed and pushed Kiseok’s chest away.

“Let’s go,” He pulled my hand and also made sure his little brothers followed us away from the café.

After we’ve gotten away from the place, Heechul apologized to me.

“Jessica, I’m so sorry for what happened back there. Kiseok was drunk.. He’s actually a really nice guy when he’s sober,” He sighed.

“It’s okay.. I’m glad you don’t smoke anymore..” I smiled at him.

“Yeah..” He smiled at me too, “Oh and munchkins, hyung’s so sorry for scaring you guys.”

“Ne~ It’s okay! We weren’t scared at all! We were brave!!” The two laughed and made a heroic pose.


Time: 21:47PM

After we’ve arrived back at the villa, Heechul went off again. He said that he wanted to make sure that Kiseok didn’t get himself into a fight or worse, an accident. I agreed and told him that I’d take care of his little brothers while he was gone.

“So.. what do you guys wanna do?” I sat down with Heejun and Heemang as they played with their papers and markers.

None of them answered me, as they looked really busy trying to draw something.

“Oh are those three; you, Heejun and your Heechul hyung?” I asked Heemang as he was drawing three stick figures holding hands.

“No.. It’s me, Heejun and our new little brother!” He smiled cheekily at me.

“Ah.. right,” I smiled at him awkwardly, “What about you, Heejun? What are you drawing?”

“Oh, it’s a secret!” He covered his drawing with his left arm and colored with his right.

“Okay.. Is it done yet? Can noona see it?” I asked nicely.

“Just a second.. Ta-da! It’s noona, Heechullie hyung and our little brother!” He chuckled.

“Wow..” I was really speechless. Heechul tricked them good.

“It’s a story actually. See? This big heart is from Heechullie hyung. He loves you many many! And this also big heart is from noona. Noona loves him many many too! And since both of you love each other so much, our little brother is smiling because he’s so happy!!”

“Heejun… What if noona and your Heechul hyung don’t last forever?” I asked cowardly.

I was afraid that Heechul and I wouldn’t last. I do like him but I’m not sure whether he’s the one I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with.

“I don’t understand.. Noona, you don’t love Heechullie hyung..?” He said to me with such pure innocence. It made me feel so guilty.

“But.. what about our little brother?” Heemang asked softly.

“Dearies.. Noona doesn’t know how to tell both of you this.. Heechul hyung and I are not really married. And I’m not even pregnant.. It’s just a show.. We’re all just playing pretend marriage..” I sighed.

“But.. But.. I heard your baby talking to me!!” Heejun tried to convince me that I really am pregnant.

“No, sweetie, I was hungry just now.. my stomach was grumbling,” I sighed, feeling so guilty.

“So.. you won’t be with Heechullie hyung forever.. and ever?” They asked with their eyes becoming watery.

“I don’t know.. I wish I would..” I hugged them and cried too.

I didn’t know what to do, I felt that Heejun and Heemang are like my little brothers now and if I were to ever leave them, I’d be really sad.

“I wish Heechullie hyung would come home now.. He needs to know..” Heejun whispered.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
ctnajihah #2
Chapter 17: <3<3<3
I really loved this story :3 I took my time reading and commenting but here i am, writing the last comment !
Sicachul was really cute, Heechul being madly in love and Jessica not wanting to love him ~
I'll go see if you have other story tomorrow ~
I love your writing style !
- Late arriving reader ~
Chapter 17: I love Heechul's idea :3
Destroy evidence then escape to live a happy marriage :3
Aha Accident first thing in the morning ~
Babies are really really so cute !
Told the truth after a mini failed lie :3
First telling them to kiss on screen then telling them that they need to practice :3
Oh .. Last shooting ..
3 years later and Heechul and Jessica are still so in love ~
Aha Taeyeon's apparition in the end !
Chapter 16: Kissing to prove he didn't smoke :3
Aha The babies were just here, waiting for some cue (fireworks) to come out :3
Sica is so in love with Chul now ~~~~
Babies were worried for Sica ..
Love, love love ~~
Jessica wants love :3
The shy girl is gone :3
Aha Shy girl is back ! Already :p
Ahahahahaha I laughed so hard ! The CCTV was here all along ! Aha !
Chapter 15: Meeting Heechul's family ~ :3
Ladies, no ahjummas' killer :3
Aha Theses ahjummas, talking about Loveland !
Chul's little brothers are this young ? (In real life i mean)
Sound like they're 5 ! Aha
Sleeping together ~
Mouhahaha ! Jessica is just so hungry !
The babies are thinking otherwise :3
Meeting a meanie drunk friend of Heechul's
Babies are so cute ~
Babies know the truth now .. ~
Chapter 14: Are they done ? With Taecyeon i mean
Heechul is giving Jessica up ?
Heechul is here for Plushie Jessi ~
Oh Jessica initiate it first !
Oh my ~ They're so cute ~
Jessica is so happy ~
Sunny is crying ..
Both are in love with Heechul ~
Lucky him :3
Honeymoon ~
Oh ~! Visiting the in-law ~
Aha I love Heechul's comment as a fanboy :3
Mouhahaha Siwanie ~
Chapter 13: Early Jessi is still late aha :3 Early Chul is already here ~
Happy Chul ~
Gonna take transport : crowd and closeness ~
Oh kiss over the mask ! :3
I'm sure he won't sell it until his dead :p
Heechul said something so cute and then Jessica slapped him .. Ok ..
Taecyeon is here ..
Oh my .. Too much problems with Taecyeon !
Heechul really loves you, it's a fact ! :D
Chapter 12: Heechul is so mad ..
Jessica ..
He really need a phone !
Jessica thinking more and more about Heechul ~
Her members know even more facts about Chul than Jessi
Oh, Jessi said the wrong name ! Aha
Taecyeon is a meanie !
Wrong name again !
Oh my, this letter ~
Chapter 11: 6th member was Siwan !
Oh my, Sica playing with little cow plushie ~
Jealous Sunny !
Rejected ! :0
Rejected x2 ! By Jessica this time :3
Sunny kissed him !
Ah, no, she dreamed :p
Cheesy Heechul ~
Jessica loved it ~
Fate game ? Didn't know what it was :3
Oh no, not fated ..
Heechul is completely depressing .. Poor him ..