Chapter 2

The Last Stop

Standing there in shock, I let him take it all in. It had in fact been a long time since we last saw each other.

"Are you going to just stand there gawking at me oppa?"

Wiping the shock look from his face, he practically ran over and hugged me and I gladly hugged him back.

"It's really you Yu-Jin. Where have you been all this time." He asked as he released me.

"Oh, I've been here and there." I said and shrugged my shoulder.

"Exactly where?"

"Just around the world."


"Yup." Looking behind him, there stood five handsome men looking at us. "So, are you going to introduce me?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Ah, yeah." Turning around, he waved the guys over. "Guys, this is Im Yu-Jin, a really good childhood friend. Yu-Jin, this is Eric, Hyesung, Dongwan, Minwoo, and Junjin." We bowed and greeted each other.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, where are you guys headed?" I asked.

"We were just about to go grab a bite. Want to join us?" Said Junjin.

"Are you sure I'm not getting in the way of anything?"

"Anniyo." Junjin said with a shake of his head.

"Well, if you really don't mind."

"Not at all, come on."

"Alright." Following them, I got into the van and off we went.


"So Yu-Jin, where exactly around the world have you been." Eric asked.

"Well, I've been pretty much everywhere. America, Italy, England, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Mexico, and well lets just say a lot of places."

Looking up from my plate of food, six pairs of eyes stared at me in shock, mouths hanging wide open.

"What?" I said laughing. "I wanted to see the world."

"Apparently you did." Replied Minwoo.

"And I had a blast doing it."

"I bet you did." Andy said.

"Well that's enough about me, how about you Andy? What's been happening in the life of the handsome Andy?"

"A lot of things as you can see. I have a company of my own and came out with successful groups, my group just back together after 4 years, and we have a show in TV, and just a lot of other things."

"I'm glad things are in your favor." I said and patted him on the shoulder.

"Me too. Especially now that you're back."

"Yeah." I said a little absent minded.

We stayed there for a few hours talking and getting to know each other. Soon it got dark and we all went our separate ways. Lying in bed at home, I thought to myself that this is where I belong. It's where I've always belonged. Too bad I came a little too late. I just have to remember that I can't have them get too attached.

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[LS] My latest chapter I wrote all on my phone, so please excuse all my errors


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dallasgirl7 #2
Chapter 10: so she's got this heart condition but it doesn't bother her?? i feel bad fo YuJin since she's got no control over anything.
dallasgirl7 #3
Can i just say THANK YOU for not making them too young in this story :) They're wonderfully ripened, lol
Chapter 10: ah... I feel bad for Yu Jin but her didn't understand How much Andy love her...
Poor Andy T^T...
Chapter 9: I hope you update sooner!!!! and I like Andy for Yu Jin, but the story will also get more exciting if you add more episodes with Eric!!! Love triangle!! keekekekke
AuniSH #6
Chapter 9: Please make Andy with Yujin ! >_<
AuniSH #7
Chapter 9: KIYAAKKK ! ANDY WITH YUJIN ! I'm expecting both of them to be together ! >_<
Chapter 9: well... her not yet become his girlfriend but andy make a fast move! really... it will more complicated. Make her with andy please ><
Chapter 9: update! update! update! thank you make her with andy~. are it will have a sad ending? i hope not because i don't want andy become sad ><
KangRaeWon #10
Chapter 8: Oh, I've read a lot of fanfictions on this site but I signed in a few hours ago. I'm not an english native speaker but I'm glad I'm good at it. It's so bad that there are not many Shinhwa's fanfictions in spanish, luckily I can read them in english. I don't know if I can follow your fic or something, I'm getting used to the page haha I really like it, but I'm sure it will have a sad ending... I hate sad endings TT__TT But I'll be looking forward to read the next chapter, fighting!