Wedding Day Part 2

Happily Ever After


Seunghyun was woken by someone jumping on the bed. He groaned and rolled over. His eyes opened wide when he realised that he was in a hotel room and not his own bedroom. Who was bouncing on his bed? He turned to look at who it was and was greeted by a huge grin right in his face. He pulled back and shouted when he fell off the bed. He glared at the person sat on his bed, laughing at him.

"How did you get in Daesung?" Seunghyun growled as he got up. He pulled on a shirt and sat on the bed, trying to wake himself up.

"I told the person at reception that I was your assistant. They gave me a key card and I think you can figure the rest out." Daesung answered.

"Okay, why are you here?" Seunghyun asked.

"Oh, i'm here to get you ready for the wedding. I told Jiyong hyung what you were planning to wear and he gave me a different outfit. He said something about you not looking like a pimp at your wedding." Daesung replied. He held up a suit and smiled again.

"So, that's not my suit?" Seunghyun asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope, Jiyong hyung picked a nice suit for you." Daesung said.

"I thought my suit was nice. It was different." Seunghyun said with a pout.

"Hyung, it was too different. JIyong hyung said he wanted you to look nice not to look...what was the word he said? I think it was weird. It was something like that." Daesung said. He got up when there was a knock at the door and completely ignored Seunghyun's pouting.

"Hyung!" Daesung shouted when he saw who was behind the door. He jumped on the person and hugged them. Seunghyun looked up when he heard a familiar laugh and smiled when he saw his brother, Choi Dongwook.

"Hyung! What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't make it." Seunghyun said as he went to hug his brother. When he let go he pulled his brother into the room and shut the door.

"You think i'd miss my little brother's wedding? Jiyong would kill me." Dongwook answered.

"What do you mean 'Jiyong would kill you'?" Seunghyun asked. As far as he knew Jiyong hadn't met Dongwook yet.

"Jiyong was the one who called me. I didn't think I would be able to make it but when he called me and told me how much this meant to you, I knew I had to be here." Dongwook answered. Seunghyun felt himself tear up.

"Jiyong did that for me?" Seunghyun asked.

"Yes. You've got a good guy there Seunghyun. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be here." Dongwook replied. He looked at his little brother and thanked Jiyong again. He hadn't thought that him missing the wedding was going to be a big deal but that changed when he got a phone call from a very irate dragon. He had been shocked when he had picked up the phone only to be told off. Dongwook wasn't stupid, he knew that he was spoilt. No one dared to shout at him anymore as he was very influential and everyone was scared that he would get them fired. Even his own parents didn't tell him off anymore so imagine his shock when this man started shouting at him. He had respected him enough to listen and he was glad he did. He didn't get to see his little brother often but he was always happy when he did.

"I know he's a good guy but I didn't think he'd do that for me." Seunghyun said. His heart started beating faster and he felt a huge smile appear on his face. He didn't care if he looked silly, he was happy.

"Well he did. You want some breakfast? I'm hungry." Daesung said. Both brothers laughed and ordered some room service for them.

"I'm going to get a shower, okay? Shout me if breakfast comes before i'm out." Seunghyun said as he walked into the bathroom. He got undressed and stepped into the shower. He sighed when he felt the hot water relax him. He didn't want to admit it but he was nervous. He loved Jiyong but he felt like something was going to go wrong. He tried to shake off the feeling but it just kept coming back. He ignored it and started washing his hair. After about half an hour he was done. He got out and dried himself off before putting on a bathrobe and some slippers. He walked out of the bathroom and smiled when he saw his brother and Daesung were watching TV and eating the food they had ordered.

"Oh hyung, the room service is here." Daesung said without looking away from the TV screen. Seunghyun scoffed and sat down next to him.

"You don't say. Have you eaten mine yet?" Seunghyun asked.

"No, I didn't eat yours. I wouldn't do that." Daesung replied. He looked hurt and Seunghyun was about to apologise when Dongwook started laughing.

"The only reason you didn't eat his is because I took it away from you." He said when he stopped laughing. Seunghyun glared at him before taking his food off of Dongwook and eating it.

"Hyung, you weren't supposed to tell him." Daesung groaned. They all laughed and watched TV together while eating. They didn't talk a lot but they didn't need to, the silence was comfortable for them. Seunghyun looked at the clock after a while and saw that it was time for him to start getting ready. He went into his room and changed into the suit that Jiyong picked out for him. Seunghyun would never tell anyone this but he thought that he looked better in this suit than in the one he had picked. He styled his hair the way he wanted to and smiled when he finished. He looked good.


"Wow, hyung you look good." Daesung commented when Seunghyun came back into the living room.

"Look at my handsome little brother. You and Jiyong will look so good together." Dongwook said. He came over and tried to pinch Seunghyun cheeks but failed when Seunghyun moved.

"Don't pinch my cheeks hyung." Seunghyun said with a pout.

"Aren't you glad that Jiyong chose this for you? The other suit was good but it wasn't something that you wear when you get married." Daesung said.

"I guess so but the other suit was so cool. Did he send it back?" Seunghyun asked as he turned to Daesung with hopeful eyes.

"No, he knew you liked it so he kept it. He said you could wear it to some other event." Daesung replied. He rolled his eyes when Seunghyun cheered.

"Okay, enough about this other suit. Let's get going before we're late." Dongwook said. He pushed the other two out of the door and locked the door behind them.

~ ~ ~

I made Se7en Seunghyun's brother :D What did you guys think of it? The next chapter is the wedding. Yay! It may take a couple of days because I want to get it just right. Just out of curiosity, does everyone like the pictures or would you prefer that I describe things to you and let you use your imagination?

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KikiGTOP #1
Chapter 6: This was a beautiful story!! I really loved it!!! ♡♡
mzjonghyun #2
Chapter 6: THE PERFECT ENDING it was really cute i love all the photos beautiful.I like when seunghyun proposed to jiyong so cute and i really like when jiyong told off hyrein. you story was my all time favorite and the best i ever read first place for you...if they did a contest for these fanfics you would win first place.
Chapter 6: Thank you! I love all the photos :)
Chapter 6: I'm glad you ended it cute and fluffy!! That's why I liked your story in the first place~ I'm sad that it's over, but happy that they'll live happily ever after <3
Chapter 6: That's freaking cute!!! (I mean it in a good way) I'm kind of sad that this story is ending..... But it was cute!! All the way....thanks for writing & sharing
Chapter 6: You're so cute avoiding ...its better this way so adorable and fluffy and damn seunghyun for being so god damn romantic
Chapter 6: This is so cute! Love the ending!
Chapter 6: Wahhhh so cute!!! I love the ending it was so sweet and special. I wish my husband will do something for me..... Now op to find the perfect candidate ...
Chapter 6: Ahhh, color me happy :3

This is the most adorable end to a fic, and one of the cutest ways to start the day :D
Ikaterina #10
Chapter 6: Such a sweet ending! :)