"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed" -(Carl Jung)



Soojung did not expect for it to happen.  Her uncle had his mouth open with eyes delightedly closed.  It may seem he was having a weird sense of humor at what supposedly would be an argument.  She does not know if this means a good thing or not however it has began to signal her body some funny tingling sensations.  A foreign kind which may be not good for her usual self, those feelings are. 

With a loud thud she turned to the Cherry Blossom tree while her uncle was still savoring the laugh trip he was on.  Seeing a person in a couched up position she waited for her to get up.  As she could not wait to have a head on confrontation with that lanky person’s face in order to grasp victory of the heated debate awhile ago.




Wait!  This is Amber??  Isn’t that a girl’s name supposedly or have I jumped to conclusions to soon?

And the next few moments unexpectedly got me more confused. 

She dusted off the dirt upon landing on the ground and picked something up.  I do not think cleaning up her hands would make any difference to make her attire look better.  Then she rose up to a full stature but seeing how she walks does not show any girlishness to it at all.  With that tattered L.A. cap on her head, shoulder length long black hair covering part of her face I do not know if I should really say I was about to meet a girl who is supposedly two years older than me or a young boy.  Those slightly ragged baggy/worn out pants fading into a sky blue color does not help too.  Her head might have been hung low to make eye contact but I sensed her eyes were looking past and beyond me.  Also with shoulders back and broad I think she won’t allow me to make her small, meek or falsely humble.

But how come she is striding at an insanely slower pace than everyone else here??

Argh!  Whatever this person may turn out to be I will not forgive her for insulting my family.  She just does not know me all that too well yet.





“Hey!  I know you are just here.  Please come out for a few minutes.”

Doctor Jung?  Why would he call me now?  I searched to where he might be now. 

Oh he is near the steps.

“Yes doctor Jung?”  I asked while continuing to immerse myself on reading.

“Please come down there for a minute and meet my niece.  She is only around two years younger than you.  Perhaps you and Soojung could become friends,” past my Pink leafed shelter I glimpsed how he stifled up his lips from smiling further during the pre-introduction.

Tch!  Why now?  Why am I interrupted at this time of the day when all I wanted to do was - wait, who is that girl with him?  Darn my imperfect vision not getting used to sudden brightness.

Oh yeah he just said that girl is his niece.  So another Jung came into my life huh?  Judging by her looks she is the Jung’s second daughter.  How convenient of him to make me babysit her.

Never mind it.  *Sigh* Now what page was I?  I was not able to go back to my room and get a bookmark.  I cannot fold the page either cause that would be just too cruel and I cannot take it. 

Hang on, I think I should say something as a reply while looking for that page, “With all due respect Doctor Jung, I think me…  Probably, her too are already way past the age for having playmates.  Also, I do not want to be seen hanging around with any kid here.  Forgive me.”

AHA!  I found you.  Okay, let me trap myself in - “Yah…”

Did my ears hear it right?  Or did Doctor Jung’s voice went pitchy and err – too girly?

“If I am a kid then what does this you are doing now make of you?  Playing hide and seek rather than meeting properly a person in a civilized manner – “

I peeked and saw that it was his niece.

“Ani!  No, it is okay Soojung-ah.  Amber is just - ” wow, besides pointing a logical thing she made her uncle afraid of her.

This girl is amazing! 


“You should not really cover up for her childish behavior uncle.  You are a Jung.  If father knows that you are being treated like this in…  In this country, he would have sent you packing back home,” I wanted to take back what I said but I like how she said that.

Let’s see…  Hmmm …  Ehem!  I should try saying this with utmost confidence.

“I know all about you Jungs and your influence all over the world.  You lot are quite a powerful family really, more powerful and influential than the technologically leading Samsung group.  You have an older sister by the name of Jessica Jung, right?”

Haha!  That puzzled look!

“I can explain this Soojung - ”

Is he really that afraid of his niece?

Tsk tsk tsk Doctor Jung really.  On another note, I should really learn to control my mischievous grin.

“You do not need to Doctor Jung.  She does not know who I am.  Let things stay as it is.  I apologize for my behavior just now Miss...Jung....Soojung," pause for a bit after the emphasis then, "if it had offended you in any way.  My public relations skills are not that great yet.  However, do not misunderstand me.  What I was trying to say was that introductions to each other are not necessary.  Doctor Jung, your niece will leave her as soon as possible after getting the treatment.  So no need for me to start knowing her.”

Why the sudden silence?  Did something happen again? 

Meh, I do not care.  Slowly trailing each side of the paper I wanted to go back reading where I was rudely interrupted however –

“Ouch…”  A paper cut now of all times??  Then something dropped onto my lap.

Wha- a shoe?  There is a shoe before me.  Is there somebody above me?  I checked the upper parts of tree but all I can see is the blinding morning light.

Where’s the other pair?  I cannot believe the things that are happening just this day.







An intense sensation went through Amber’s body making her react instinctively and catch Krystal staring at her.  The latter swiftly changed her focus of sight on other things such as the amazingly dull colored floor. 

Amber’s eyebrow shot up to a curve at what she saw but got distracted by the shoe that had magically appeared and now playing dead on the pile of brown leaves.  She doesn’t know why she picked it up but did anyway.  

Then she slowly approached Krystal and Doctor Jung.  Something told her to be aware of this new person so she ascended the steps in a stride of carefulness.  Actually she was just too lazy to walk fast.

As she was about to talk to Doctor Jung she had just noticed that she still have that shoe on her hand.  Then in the corner of her eye it had noticed that the old man’s niece was wearing only one shoe.  Krystal might have felt it and decided to slyly hide her shoeless foot.

Turning towards her Amber offered the shoe nonchalantly, “I believe this is yours,” both looking at the shoe on her free hand.


‘Is she going to deny its hers?’  Amber speculated for a second then bent down.  Her plan at first was to gently grab hold of Krystal’s shoeless foot.

Being abruptly embarrassed of being found out of what she was trying to do Krystal’s voice became low, “Ya-yah!  I can wear it on my own.”

Undoubtedly Amber might have not heard it as she was trying to pull back the younger girl’s foot.  Krystal wanted to wrestle it out further but Amber’s grip on it was too strong.

During the battle Amber stopped to raise her head up to some extent.  She looked straight into Krystal’s eyes with a serious gaze. 

Somehow she was mentally telling her
‘Are you seriously going to say that?’

That definitely made the other end her struggling.

Annoyed Amber began mumbling, “Tch!  You are really a kid.  Playing so early in the morning made you slip your shoe out.”

Krystal wanted to retort back at her, “I am - ” but Amber did not bother to look up or listen.  She was too busy fitting the shoe back on the other’s foot.  After putting it on and tying the laces Amber stood up, “ – not...  Thank you....”

The last two words faded off into a soft whisper.

Amber scrunched up her forehead then scoffed, “You are not what?  A kid?”

“Ye-yeah…”  Krystal tried to held her head up proudly to her.

Facing the doctor Amber motioned her head to point at Krystal while honestly asking, “Is she really your niece doc?”

Dr. Jung tried to cover his mouth for giggling, “Yeah, she is.  Soojung here is the second daughter of my older brother.  I think that would technically mean she is my niece.”

Amber then raised her hand and pretended to whisper but loudly questioned, “Uhm..  Couldn’t she probably be adopted?”

Krystal kicked one of Amber’s leg, “YAH!  I am a Jung, okay?”

Amber did not flinch but had rather smirked, “Ouch...  Okay.  You really are physically violent," then turned back to face the doctor.

"Doc, she really is your niece.  She surely has THAT unique temperament.”  

Again the doctor could only chuckle.





Tell me for any errors,okay people? :) 

I shall go and play dead for a while.  My brain cells are tired. x.x



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Chapter 5: Jung's characteristic... HAHA
Chapter 5: Really loving Amber character here :D She's on par with Krystal attitude wise. I wonder what both their illnesses are. Looking forward to the next update
Chapter 4: WoooW soojung's great! Amber shouldn't hide! Dorky llama.
Chapter 4: nice aim Soojung!
Ambro you deserve that haha
nice update oppa :D
Chapter 4: Love the last part where Krystal threw her shoe at Amber. LOL. I wonder who will fall in love first , Amber or Krystal. I hope it's Krystal, tire of seeing Amber chase and try to please Krystal. Thanks for the update~!
WhoAmI #6
Chapter 3: *bro fist B) to be tricky runs in the family i guess, hahaha, or maybe we are too simple minded that makes people with complicated minds confused?hence we could get away with things cooly ._.

and my comment for this chapter, i sleep, i dream and i go cray *_* kukukuku, enjoyable bro! no problem ^_^
Chapter 3: Another astounding chapter as usual. So Krystal is the one that's getting treatment as oppose to Amber (?) Please update soon! Can't wait to see Kryber interaction. Will Krystal dream about Amber ;)
incognito_me #8
Chapter 3: @yopple: sabi na kasing wag mag ingay noona eh..lol proud ako sa fic na toh..somehow it tells me i am not that much of an idiot lol XD

@zcharliegrace: complex such as solving things in life..example ba't di kayo ng crush mo hahaha jk XD thanks sa suporta paborito kong dongsaeng lol

@hyeong: gee!thank u so much sa comment mo TT.TT napaiyak mo ako tuloy *fake tears* i managed somehow..good thing i listened and did not sleep during psychology back in college days

@WhoAmI: we may be getting more "mature" and our brain cells gettin rusty at some point,still we get away with things XD right lil bro?haha thanks for the support on this fic
WhoAmI #9
Chapter 2: hahaha, but still it rusty at some point, thats why i'm kind of slow sometime ._. and thats why i decide to challenge my mind with this new fic of yours hyung, interesting *_* i like this kind of story telling, nice big bro!
Chapter 1: This is interesting, Hyung. Really interesting. And I like how you kind of based it to real facts omg how did you manage to, you know, research on these things...