Surprise Present

Confession Between Two

Oscar - Liar



You Checked the date and it was Jaybeom's birthday. You tapped the bottom of your lip thinking. "What should I buy him.." you opened your closet and got dressed. You walked down stairs to see that your parents weren't home. You locked up the front door and headed to the shopping mall.


As you were walking around the mall, you stopped by a store and looked at what they had. You shook your head and headed to the mens clothing stores. 
You were looking at the clothes when you heard a familiar voice. You looked around and saw Janmi with a bunch of her friends. They were giggling and talking loudly. "Do you think Jaybeom oppa would like this?" she asked one of her friend.
"Oh isn't that Soohyo" one pointed to you. Janmi looked at her and to you. Her eyes widened and she walked towards you, confidently. "Why hello" she smirked. You stepped back. "Nice to see you here" you didn't look into her eyes.
She scoffed. "Let me get straight to the point. Jaybeom only likes it when I buy him presents, he doesn't like it when others buy it" she shot. "What do you mean??" you were confused.
"Are you stupid or something!!" one of her friend shot at you. Janmi held out her hand to make her stop talking. She looked straight at you, "The shoes that you bought him on Christmas, he hasn't even touched it. He probably left it somewhere and didn't even bother to wear it" she smirked.
You hands formed shakey fists and you could feel that you were burning on the inside with rage. "How would you know that..". She smiled, "because I know him better. Trust me, your present to him is nothing, he would never touch it or show it to anyone" with that she walked off with her friends trailing behind her.
You stood still, stunned at what happened. You slowly walked out of the store and out of the shopping mall. It started to snow but you didn't care, you walked on the streets without an umbrella. Snow fell on your hair and clothes. You stopped at a store. You looked at the couple shirts and let out a heavy sigh.
Suddenly someone held an umbrella over you. "You'll get sick" the voice said. You looked up to see L.Joe. "Oppa".
The two of you sat at a coffee shop and you stared at your coffee. L.Joe looked at you and wondered what you were thinking. "Are you alright?" he asked. You looked at him and nodded but he knew you were lying. "Don't lie to me Soohyo". You sighed and decided to tell him. "It seems like Janmi knows Jaybeom better than me and she's always glaring at me which makes me feel uncomfortable..".
L.Joe's body stiffened at the name. "Janmi.. did you say Janmi??" You looked at him and nodded. "Why, do you know her oppa??" He shook his head. You continued. "And she said that Jaybeom hasn't even touched my Christmas present.. and true, I haven't seen him wear it yet" you started to believe Janmi's words.
L.Joe reached out and patted your shoulder. "Don't worry, Jaybeom will wear it. See I'm weaing your present" he leaned back and pointed to the beanie, scarf and gloves. You chuckled.
"But I just want to see him wear it.." you admitted. "Hmm, he might wear it on his brithday" L.Joe said. You looked up at him. "Right, he was probably saving it to wear it on his birthday" you smiled.
L.Joe nodded. You drank your coffee and formed a big smile on your face.
It was finally the day; Jaybeom's birthday. You walked into school excitedly, carrying a box wrapped up perfectly with a big bow ontop. You walked out to the court yard and looked around. [Where can he be?]. Just then someone placed their hands over your eyes.
"Guess who~" he said. You giggled, "Jaybeom oppa!!" he let go and you turned around. You smiled brightly at him. You looked down at his shoe and your smile disappeared. [He didn't wear the shoe I gave him]. You slowly began thinking about what Janmi mentioned.
"The shoes that you bought him on Christmas, he hasn't even touched it. He probably left it somewhere and didn't even bother to wear it".
Jaybeom looked at your expression. "What's wrong??" he placed his hands onto your shoulder. "Your shoes.." he looked down at them. "What's wrong with them??" he asked. "You're not wearing the pair that I bought you for Christmas.." you sadly looked up at him.
He patted the back of his neck, "about that.. I was in a rush this morning" he laughed nervously. You nodded your head, but you still felt sad that he never worn them in front of you.
He saw how sad you were and hugged you. "Don't worry, I will wear your present" he promised you. You felt reassured and pulled back. "Here!!" you handed your present. "Is this for me??" he pointed to himself. "Of course" you said. He smiled and accepted the present. He opened it and saw a couple key chain. He looked at you and back to it.
"Do you like it??" you asked, hoping that the answer would be yes. To your surprise, he nodded and you clapped your hands together. "I'm glad!!".
He looked up at you and saw Janmi walking towards him. He quickly held onto your waist and you looked at him, surprised. "Oppa-" you saw Janmi and frozed.
She smirked at you. "Guess you didn't listen to me.." she stared at the present you gave him. You just looked away.
"What did you say to her!!" Jaybeom shot at Jungmi, angrily. She shook her head. "Nothing important" she looked at you. "Right Soohyo?". She was waiting for the correct answer. You nodded your head and she smiled in satisfaction. She looked up at Jaybeom, "heard it was your birthday, here's a present for you" she handed it to him.
He stared at the little box. "What's this??".
"It's your present of course" she held it slightly higher. "Take it". He paused for a bit. You looked at him, not wanting him to accept it but he lifted his free hand and held onto the small box. Your face fell and Janmi smirked. [You haven't changed Jaybeom].
"Thanks.." Jaybeom softly said. You just looked away, hurt that he even accepted her present. [I thought you didn't like her].
"Open it" she insisted. 
He stared at the box and let go of your waist. He held out your present in front of you, "hold it for a sec". With shakey hands you slowly took it.
He opened the box and saw a silver watch. His eyes widened. You looked at the watch and back to your present. [Her present is better than mine..]. You felt sad and looked away.
"Do you like it??" she asked. Jaybeom continued to stare at the watch. [Damn it.. for some reason I like her present better]. He looked over at you and saw how sad you were, he shook his head lightly to snap out of his daze. He handed the watch back. Janmi's eyes widened.
"You can take it back, I don't need a watch" he stated. You turned your head and stared at him. [He doesn't like her present?].
Janmi glared at Jaybeom. "Why are you doing this??". "Because" he held onto your waist. "I have her and I like her present better" he admitted.
You smiled at him. He looked down at you and gave you a smile and looked back at Janmi, who was stunned. "So you can take your present back" he slowly handed it to her. She crossed her arms. "I can see straight through you Jaybeom" she said.
He frozed up. "What do you mean??". She smiled, "you like my present better of course. I mean look at your girlfriend's present, it's just a couple key chain. Mine is an expensive watch, I know you like those things better than.. that" she pointed to your present.
Jaybeom looked down at your present and at Janmi's present. [I have to admit, Jungmi's present is way better than Soohyo's.. Wait!! What am I saying, I should like my girlfriend's present]. He shook the thought away. "I'm a faithful boyfriend, so you can go away with your present" he handed it to her.
"I won't take it back because I know you like it" with that she walked away. She took out her phone and scrolled down to the picture she took of you and Zico. [Jaybeom, you'll be surprise at your last present]. She swiftly place her phone back into her pocket with an evil smirk.
Jaybeom held onto Janmi's present and looked down at you. "Don't worry, I won't wear this" he said. You nodded your head. "It's alright, you can wear it" you said.
"Really?!" he was surprised. You nodded your head, "it's your present, so you can wear it". Although you didn't want him to but you didn't want to be selfish.
He agreed and the two of you walked away.
It was lunch time and everyone gathered around in the cafeteria. You sat down with Jihae and C.A.P. 
"Did you buy Jaybeom a present??" Jihae asked you. You nodded, "I think you'll be surprise at what I bought him" you held onto your key chain and looked around for Jaybeom. You saw him and waved him over. He came over and sat down in front of you. You smiled at him and looked down at his wrist, he was wearing Janmi's watch. [He actually wore it.. I thought he wouldn't].
C.A.P saw your sad expression, "what's wrong??" he asked you. You shook your head. "Nothing". Jihae looked at Jaybeom's new watch. "Did Soohyo bought this??" she asked, pointing to the watch.
Jaybeom looked at the watch. "No, it's from.. a friend" he said. Your heart just dropped, you felt your stomach tensing.
Jihae was confused. "Then what did Soohyo give you??" she looked at you and back at Jaybeom. "Her present is in my locker, I didn't want to get it dirty" he smiled.
You looked up at him, luckily your eyes weren't teary. "You didn't want to get it dirty?" you frowned at what he said. He nodded, "I want your present to be in prefect condition". [But still.. I wanted you to show it]. You sighed and ate your food without another word.
It was after school and everyone was heading home. You were walking hand in hand with Jaybeom but occasionally you would glance down at the watch.
"Do you need a lift home??" he asked. You shook your head, "I have L.Joe oppa to take me home" at that, L.Joe appeared on his motorcycle in front of you. 
You waved to Jaybeom and hopped onto L.Joe's motorcycle. You hugged his waist and he sped off without a word.
Jaybeom watched as the two of you raced off. He looked down at the watch and took out your key chain from his pant pocket. He looked at the two and compared them. [Even though Soohyo is my girlfriend, I have to admit that Janmi knows how to buy things better..]. He thought back to your shoes and guilt rushed through him. [Sorry Soohyo, I lost the present you gave me on Christmas]. He place the key chain back inside his pocket and walked home.
His phone beeped and it was a text from Janmi. He opened it and his eyes widened at what she sent him. There was a photo of you and Zico sitting at an ice cream store, laughing together happily with the captions,
'I hope your girfriend can explain why she was with him that night' - Jungmi.
He stared at the photo and his hand squeezed his phone to point that it was going to break. [Why was she with him??]. He had many questions running through his head that he wanted to ask you.
Janmi was hiding behind a wall and saw Jaybeom's expression. She leaned back on the wall and smiled to herself. "Let's see how this will turn out".
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c