Chapter 6 ~ GYU (3/3)

ANOTHER ME ~ The Series


~ GYU (3/3) ~


As a faint clank sound heard, Sunggyu know he had to make a quick action before everything went worse. All his perfect plan was already messed up at the time he let Woohyun come into his house. He should just kick that too handsome too be true model out from his door, but no, his ego was too high and he thought he could handle that man before his date for tonight, Dongwoo, come. But once again everything fall into disarray as Dongwoo come fifteen minutes too fast than their date time.

Sunggyu reached down the table, grabbing his small crossbow that attached under the table board. At first he planned to shoot Woohyun with it, but it was before Dongwoo come. Now he had to execute Dongwoo first. Because although that man was shorter, but he had a bulkier body. He looked stronger than Sunggyu. Sunggyu was not sure he could handle that man in a fair fight, so he had to kill him first before the man aware. Then he shot the arrow and made it cut through Dongwoo’s neck. The blood poured from the wound in Dongwoo’s neck and dripped passed the arrow, pooling on the floor.

One done, one more to go before he could handle the other man that he imprisoned in his basement.

Sunggyu threw his crossbow. He didn’t have time to reload, to put another arrow on that gun. He grabbed an axe that also strapped under the table board, it more faster in that way. Sunggyu jumped over the table, made the plates and the food scattered, and swing his axe toward Woohyun shoulder. But unexpectedly, the model catch his wrist, thwart Sunggyu’s attempt to cut his body. Sunggyu tried to retract his hand, but Woohyun surely had an iron grip. Maybe it’s the result of his exercise in the gym, like what he bragged before.

Sunggyu tilted his head up and he saw Woohyun was looking at him. Sunggyu felt this man looked like a kicked-puppy. His eyes were full of fear, and now Sunggyu could felt the hand that grip him was shaken. Woohyun trembled badly, but it impressed Sunggyu as the model still could maintain his iron grip. So Sunggyu did what his mind told him to do.

He put his lips on Woohyun, kissing him softly. His free hand rubbed slowly at the model chest. Woohyun didn’t kiss him back, his body stiffed. “It’s okay.” Sunggyu whispered in between his kiss. “Don’t scare, eo. Everything’s gonna be alright.” Sunggyu kissed him repeatedly until he felt Woohyun kissed him back, as soft as what he gave to the latter.

Sunggyu smiled in the kiss. If only this man didn’t come today, maybe he’ll spare him. Maybe he’ll make this man as his lover. A real lover, not just a date for one day and then execute him. Because Sunggyu really found Woohyun was lovely and handsome. It was such a waste to kill this man.

Then Woohyun made a mistake by released Sunggyu’s hand from his grip, and instead he hugged the chef body. Sunggyu’s smile change into a grin and swing his now free hand. Woohyun surely know what hit him hard in the back. But he refused to release the cutie from his embrace. He kept kissing the beautiful angel, although some blood was flowed out from his mouth. Sunggyu seemed like he didn’t mind their bloody-kiss, as he opened his mouth and peek out his tongue, inserting it to Woohyun’s mouth, tasting more of Woohyun’s blood. Woohyun gladly let the pink muscle invaded his wet cavern, and he moaned as their tongue met. Or was it because Sunggyu stabbed his back with the axe again? Woohyun didn’t know, but he prefers the moan was caused by the first reason.

Finally due too the blood-loss, Woohyun freed the pretty man from his hold and he let his body slumped to the floor. He laid with his face down, on his own pool-blood. Even if he had to die, it’s okay, because he died in the hand of someone he loved.

Sunggyu watched Woohyun who lay motionless, covered in blood. He knew the man would be die in any minute. But he didn’t want to make any other mistake, so he swung his axe to the model’s delicate neck.



The man came back to the room. Hoya knew it. He didn’t need to peek from his hidden place under the table to know the man stood on the doorframe. He tricked the man by opened the unlocked door, letting the door slightly opened, so that man would think Hoya already left the room. But Hoya know better, he didn’t have that much of time to run out from the room, thanks to his injured back. So he tricked the man.

The man growled as he found the room was empty. He needed to catch Hoya before that man run out from his house. So he turned his back and turned the light off.

Hoya huffed as he realized the light turned off. Now he will wait for a while, hoped the man would search him outside the house, and gave Hoya time to slide out from the house safely. But suddenly an axe cut through the wooden table, only missed a little from Hoya’s head. No, the man also tricked him back by letting Hoya think he was left with turning off the lamp. Hoya jumped out from under the table and now stood face to face with Sunggyu, with only a table separating their body.

Sunggyu’s pretty lips smeared with blood and sweat trickled down his face. Sunggyu kept his eyes on Hoya as he tried to pull the axe from the table. But the axe pierced too deep, the slim man couldn’t pull it easily. So Sunggyu averted his eyes to the chainsaw that he placed on the floor earlier. As Sunggyu hopped to the chainsaw, Hoya lurched forward and grabbed the axe from the table. Both of them eyeing each other, as Sunggyu tried to turn on the chainsaw and Hoya tried to pull out the axe. As the engine roared, Hoya stabbed Sunggyu’s hand with the forgotten machete, the one that he used to poke out the chain from the wall.

Sunggyu screamed as the sharp steel pierced his back palm. Hoya wasted no time as he ran limply out from the room, leaving blood trail behind him. Hoya saw another two body covered with blood laid on the dining room as he passed the room. Then his sharp eyes caught a glimpse of key-car that hanging out from the pocket’s of one of the man. He grabbed the key and continued his escape through the front door.

There were two cars outside. Hoya pushed the automatic unlocked button on the car-key. One of the cars beeped, and he ran toward that car. But unfortunately he tripped over nothing and his body slumped to the ground. Hoya groaned as the impact made the pain he had doubled, but he didn’t care about the pain and tried to stand up again. From the corner of his eyes he saw Sunggyu now already out from the front door, chasing him with chainsaw in his hand.

One more step, Hoya thought as he moved his foot as fast as possible. Once he could reach the car, he could escape from this hell.

One more step, Hoya pried.




The restaurant was named after the owner, Kim Sung Gyu.

The said owner now was checking at his storage, a freezer that he used to store the meat, the meat that he used as the main ingredient in his restaurant. He was the only one who had the access to the storage. As the main chef, Sunggyu processed the meat for the steak by himself. He only let the chef that worked in his restaurant to make the sauce for the steak.

Sunggyu peeked inside the storage. He almost ran out of the meet, he need to replenish his meat. Sunggyu smiled as he remembered saw a young handsome man walked in his restaurant just now, alone. Sunggyu picked the said man orders from the restaurant kitchen and served it to the man by himself. As for the other customer orders, he let his waiter handled them.

Sunggyu sat in front of the handsome man and smiled. Tried to mesmerized and trapped the man with his beauty. The man smiled back and held out his hand to shake it with Sunggyu, “I am Kim Myungsoo.”






Okay, that's the second story. What do you think?

Next story is INFINITE, check the sneak-peek of it on the 'description' in the first page :D


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Chapter 19: Omg!!! This fic is sooo scary and creepy.... kudos authornim!!.... im kinda sad though after all most of the time you made my gyugyu either a ghost or other that kill people and the fact that most has tragic ending but still that whats horror stories are about --- scary tragic ending ---
330nai #2
Chapter 8: for this story i rereading it 10 time already .. sad/weird/beautiful..thanks authornim
330nai #3
Chapter 8: for this stolry i rereading it 10 time already .. sad/weird/beautiful..thanks authornim
Chapter 18: When are u gonna update this?:(
Chapter 19: read all the chaps before left a comment.. gosh. i'm so glad i read it in a afternoon with a broad daylight, lol.. i might wont be able to sleep if i read this at nite in my room, lol.. but the 3rd story actually sadden me.. Infinite without SungGyu who isnt in this world, just so sad.. and gosh, the Bali story, as Indonesian, ofc i know lots of mystic story this country have, and that Bali have lots of mystic stories too.. but nvr really thought abt it but now i think i would reminded of this story when i go to Bali, lol...
ifntku #6
Chapter 6: So, sunggyu is shareefa danish..
Chapter 3: Omg. SUNGKYU TURNED INTO A FLESH EATING MONSTER... Din't expected that but wow. Well that was fun to read xD
Chapter 19: Bali do have those strange looking statues in their hotels..
Indonesia sometimes pratices weird craft to guard and to keep their treasure away from other people by using's kinda scary..
But, I have my prayer..hope it will guard me from evil spirit..
Chapter 17: Should I read chapter 18?
It sounded scary and
it already 3 o'clock in the morning in my country..
Chapter 17: Hahaha, fan death! My sister did a report on it in one of her Korean culture classes. Aaahh I hope the got the right Gyu this time ㅠㅠ