Chapter 5 ~ GYU (2/3)

ANOTHER ME ~ The Series


~ GYU (2/3) ~


Woohyun stood groggily in front of the door. He already rang the bell many times. But nobody opened it. He checked the name-card in his hand make sure he was not in a wrong address. Woohyun started to regret his sudden decision to come. Maybe the house owner was not at home right now. That was why he asked Woohyun to come tomorrow, not today. Maybe Woohyun should make a call first before he came. But it won’t be a surprise anymore if he called him before coming.

Woohyun exhaled in relieved as he heard a faint click indicating the key being unlocked. The door swung open and the gorgeous angel-like Sunggyu stood behind it.

“Woohyun-ssi.” The pretty restaurant owner widened his eyes a bit, looked amazed seeing his guess.

Woohyun smiled brightly and hand over a flower bouquet to Sunggyu. “White lily, symbol of innocent beauty and purity that is you.”

“Thank you,” Sunggyu smiled shyly as he had the flower in his embrace, sniffed at the flowers before tilted his head in confusion. “I thought our meeting is tomorrow?”

“Err, because suddenly my photo session got cancelled tonight and I wonder why don’t I come to your house right now. That’s if you don’t mind?” Woohyun scratched the back of his head although it’s not itchy, suddenly feeling so embarrassed. How if Sunggyu turned him down and kicked him out from the house because he came without telling that guy first.

Sunggyu smiled as he recognized the word he used when he invited Woohyun to come over to his house. “I don’t mind,” then he added, “at all.”

Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun’s hand and drag him in, ushered him to enter the living room. Woohyun admiring the interior that mainly white and looked so chic. Woohyun chose to sit beside Sunggyu on the sofa, so he could make one of his hands circling the owner shoulder. The pretty man didn’t sway away his hand and didn’t look like he doesn’t like it. Sunggyu leaned his body a little to Woohyun’s, still embracing the white lily. So Woohyun kept his hand there and they started to chat about any random thing.

Suddenly Woohyun heard a faint screaming sound. But he couldn’t register the sound clearly. He was pretty sure Sunggyu could hear it too, as he felt the said man tensed in his embrace. Sunggyu looked confused and stood abruptly. He walked out from the room leaving Woohyun alone. But before he reached the door frame, he turned his head back and winked to the model. “Wait for me a little while, okay?”



Hoya closed his mouth and stopped screaming for help. He also stopped his pulling movement in attempt to broke free from the chain that restrain his hands as the cute man walked back into the room. The man looked a little bit pissed off and it also made him looked, umm, hot.

The man threw away something from his hand to a corner. Let it slump above something that looks a kin with what he threw. The lowermost of the pile looks already dried, but what he threw was still fresh, white and pretty.

The man harshly grabbed something from the table as he walked passed it and got nearer to Hoya. The man strapped a silencer into Hoya’s mouth. The small steel ball pressed inside Hoya’s mouth and muffled his voice. After satisfied with his working, the pretty man peck Hoya’s lip despite the strap of the silencer. “Keep silent, will you?”



“My maid hurt his hand in the kitchen, so I asked him to get home and treat his wound,” Sunggyu said as he back to the living room, back to Woohyun’s side.

“So, it means now there were only two of us in your house?” Woohyun moved closer to Sunggyu, who nodded and tilt down his head shyly. Woohyun chuckled, his angel was look so cute when feel shy. Unconsciously he put his hand under Sunggyu chin, slowly raised the pretty chef’s face. Their eyes met. Woohyun was so mesmerized with the pretty eyes, although it’s small it looked like it could drown you and trapped your soul inside it. Slowly, Woohyun leaned forward, tried to close the distance between them and he already felt a spark of electricity run through his body when their lips almost meet. Almost.

If only Sunggyu didn’t tilt his head down once again, “I think you want to eat first, Woohyun-ssi?” Once again the chief grabbed the model’s hand and now lead him to the dining room. Various kind of meal already served on the dining table. Sunggyu made Woohyun sat on one of the chair and he sat on the other side of the table.

“Omo, are you actually expecting for someone to come, Sunggyu-ssi? Why there’s so many food here?” Woohyun asked as he saw the mouth-watering food. The smell was indicating how delicious are the food.

Sunggyu just smile tenderly as he started to serve the food for Woohyun. He placed the plate in front of his guest, who wasting no time and started to dig in the food. But in between his action enjoying the tasty meat, Woohyun caught Sunggyu did a strange motion. One of Sunggy’s hands, the one that the pretty man didn’t use to lean his head on, was under the table. As if he tried to reach for something. But the said man look so still as if he didn’t tried to do anything. Woohyun shuddered as something hit his mind, what if the object of his desired tried to him under the table? That was why the pretty man had his hand down there. Omo, he will be more than happy if it really happened. As Woohyun set up his heart for anything dirty that might happen, the doorbell ring on that very moment.

For the second time at that night Sunggyu looked confused, but this time he didn’t stood up abruptly. “Wait a minute,” Sunggyu said as he stood slowly and stepped across the room to open the front door with such a slow pace. Woohyun groaned and felt disappointed. He knew his perfect date already scattered when he saw Sunggyu brought another man back to dining room.



As the man left the room, Hoya back to his previous attempt to free his hand from the chain. He saved his energy by not screaming for help anymore, furthermore the silencer that strapped on his mouth will just muffled his scream. Hoya knew he was not strong enough to pull the chain off the wall. So he tried another method. He pulled his hand downward, and twisted his right wrist. He inhaled deep, tried to ready himself for the oncoming pain, and started to twist it again. Hoya grunted as the pain start to feel unbearable. Right before he started to think about stopping his action, the bone of his thumb dislocated.

Hoya groaned and he felt tears forming in his eyes. It hurt so much, but now he could release right hand from the chain. Hoya huffed, smiled to himself and silently praising himself. It hurt a lot, it hurt everywhere; his stomach, his back, his thumb. But he didn’t have time to take care of the pain. Since he didn’t know when the man would come back to the room again. So he grabbed the silencer off of his mouth and started to twist his other wrist.

But the pain made him grow weak. He couldn’t twist it like before. Hoya needed to find another way to release his other hand. Then he realized, that with one of his hand free, now he could lean his body to the table that full with equipment and tools. So he did it and with the tip of his fingers, he reached for the nearest object that he could grab.

A small machete.



Three attractive men sat down together on the dining room, on each side of the table. The atmosphere in the room was so tensed and they felt awkward toward each other. No one uttered a word, until the owner of the house made a small noise, cleared his throat. “Umm, let me introduce you to each other?”

“This is Nam Woohyun, who work as a model,” the owner gestured his hand to the hot and y man who sat on his right side of the table.

Then, he motioned his hand at the man with sharp eyes and thick pretty lips, who sat in front of him. “And this is, Jang Dongwoo, who work…”

“I don’t think I care with his job, or even with his name, Sunggyu-ssi,” the model cut the introduction. “What I care is what is this man doing in here?”

“I should say the same to you, Nam Woohyun-ssi. What are you doing here?” Jang Dongwoo said in the same cold tone just like Woohyun did. Both of the man sent a killer looking on each other.

“Umm, rather than fighting, how about the three of us eat and have a nice conversation?” Sunggyu tried to calm his guests. “Woohyun-ssi, please continued with your dinner,” the cute chief reached a plate and started to put some food on it. “Which one do you want to eat, Dongwoo-ssi?”

“I don’t think I can eat in the same room with this man,” Dongwoo maintained his cold tone.

Sunggyu let his hand stop on the air, in the middle of his attempt to serve the food for Dongwoo. A cute pout formed on his lip and his eyes glinted with disappointment. Woohyun felt angry as he saw his angel felt so hurt, then he snapped to the new comer. “Yah! Have some respect, will you? Sunggyu-ssi is already so kind to let you come in to his house. He even offered you his delicious cooking. Why don’t you just grant his wishes to eat and we have a nice conversation?”

The other guy kept silent and said nothing.

“Are you in a diet or what?” Woohyun continued his grumble. “Yah, let me teach you my diet. Just enjoy the delicious food then go to the gym. You want to know the result?” Woohyun got out from his chair and stood beside Dongwoo. Unexpectedly he grabbed up his own shirt, showing his stomach, chocolate six-packs abs.

“See? Now just eat what Sunggyu-ssi had cooked,” Woohyun smacked lightly at his stomach, showed off the firmness of it. Dongwoo looked not interested at all with his abs. But Woohyun didn’t care at that man lack of respond, because from the corner of his eyes, he saw his angel blushed hard and tried to look at other direction.

Right when Dongwoo started to open his mouth in attempt to reply at Woohyun’s remark, a clank sound heard. Along with a faint scream. Woohyun freeze, didn’t Sunggyu tell him that nobody was at house right now? Didn’t his maid already get home?

The clank sound heard again, repeatedly. It sounds like a metal hit hard by another metal.

But before any of the guests could ask about the sound, Sunggyu moved fast. He reached down the table, grabbed something and pointed it toward Dongwoo. Woohyun gasped and widened his eyes in fear as he saw blood gushed out from Dongwoo’s neck like a small fountain.




After read the comments, I think the second story was a little bit too much, and I wanted to apologize if you felt disgusted and uneasy with it. Mian~ Bare with it, please, only one chapter left for the second story. Or you may just skipped the second story, and wait until I updated the third story, hhe..

By the way, is there a specific horror story you wanted me to write? You can request me or give me an idea about the horror story. [But don't expect me to write it fast, because I still have assignment and class too, hehhe...]


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Chapter 19: Omg!!! This fic is sooo scary and creepy.... kudos authornim!!.... im kinda sad though after all most of the time you made my gyugyu either a ghost or other that kill people and the fact that most has tragic ending but still that whats horror stories are about --- scary tragic ending ---
330nai #2
Chapter 8: for this story i rereading it 10 time already .. sad/weird/beautiful..thanks authornim
330nai #3
Chapter 8: for this stolry i rereading it 10 time already .. sad/weird/beautiful..thanks authornim
Chapter 18: When are u gonna update this?:(
Chapter 19: read all the chaps before left a comment.. gosh. i'm so glad i read it in a afternoon with a broad daylight, lol.. i might wont be able to sleep if i read this at nite in my room, lol.. but the 3rd story actually sadden me.. Infinite without SungGyu who isnt in this world, just so sad.. and gosh, the Bali story, as Indonesian, ofc i know lots of mystic story this country have, and that Bali have lots of mystic stories too.. but nvr really thought abt it but now i think i would reminded of this story when i go to Bali, lol...
ifntku #6
Chapter 6: So, sunggyu is shareefa danish..
Chapter 3: Omg. SUNGKYU TURNED INTO A FLESH EATING MONSTER... Din't expected that but wow. Well that was fun to read xD
Chapter 19: Bali do have those strange looking statues in their hotels..
Indonesia sometimes pratices weird craft to guard and to keep their treasure away from other people by using's kinda scary..
But, I have my prayer..hope it will guard me from evil spirit..
Chapter 17: Should I read chapter 18?
It sounded scary and
it already 3 o'clock in the morning in my country..
Chapter 17: Hahaha, fan death! My sister did a report on it in one of her Korean culture classes. Aaahh I hope the got the right Gyu this time ㅠㅠ