


Junsu believed that the best things in life only happened to others. Getting the job of your dream, finding your soulmate or spending the summer with all of your friends , none of this happens to you. Well, it never happened to Junsu, a 17 year-old high school student whose life has been utterly boring for quite a long time now.

Everyday, the young man adds up to his personal list of 'particularly-uninteresting-stuff-that-only-happens-to-me'.

Right at this very moment, 'waiting for the bus at 6pm in the cold' is this week number one.


Junsu heaves out a sigh and watch the little cloud of fog swirl up in the air. He takes a quick look at his watch and decides that this week number one is actually 'waiting outside in the cold for half an hour because the bus is late'. If only it wasn't that cold, maybe Junsu would have taken out his notebook and start studying for this math test he will have the next day, but it was a damn cold day and his hands were pretty much frozen and it was out of question to take them out of his not-so-warm-but-still-better-than-nothing pockets for more than 3 seconds. So, instead Junsu resigned himself to stand there stiffly, trying to stop his body from shaking and actually trying to remember anything about functions and graphs. As he was looking around for some kind of clue about 'what the hell is the formula again?', his eyes finds him.


On the other side of the street, there's an other boy. He must about his age, Junsu thinks and he wonders if he goes to the same school as him. Thick strands of dark hair are falling around his face and for a moment Junsu wishes he didn't cut his own hair so short. At least they were keeping him warm. However, this thought didn't stay very long in Junsu's frozen brain when he meets the other's gaze. They stared at each other for a couple seconds before his view gets blocked by an exactly 31 minutes late bus. When the door of the said bus opened before him, he realized that he wasn't that cold anymore.


It is now the next day and not a single a notebook was opened last night. Junsu spent the whole evening(and night) thinking about him. Excitement was something that rarely applied to Junsu, but for the first time in years, it did. Waking up from nothing, he got out of bed and was out of the house in a matter of minutes. Only once outside he realized that he was more than 1 hour early for his bus. He walked back to the front door and sat down. If it wasn't that cold again today, Junsu would have taken out his notebook, forget it. Junsu wouldn't have taken a single second for math even if the sun was up and warm.

20 minutes to go before getting going and Junsu is gone in another world. Well, most people who actually noticed Junsu would tell you he's always in another world. He doesn't talk very much and doesn't have friends. He just stays around. They may not know, but Junsu also keeps up a second list. This list is generally called, by himself, as the 'things-that-happens-to-everyone-but-me' list. The current number one on this list is 'Being happy'.


Just when he was considering taking it out of the list, Junsu gets an abrupt call back from reality. Shouting from inside the house makes way to his ears and 'being happy' stays on the list.


Junsu gets to school. His heartbeat increases as he makes his way through the hallway. Junsu isn't very sure whether the boy goes to the same school as him. He didn't notice his uniform back then, but he keeps some hope since the bus stop was close to the school.


Maybe it was some kind of miracle. Maybe it was destiny. Maybe it was just Junsu getting a little bit overexcited, but he was sure it was the most beautiful smile he ever saw. Slowly breathing through his nose, Junsu walks across the math classroom to his seat. His heart his threatening to fail him as he sits down. 'How come I never noticed him before?' his currently the sentence playing in loop in Junsu's mind. He watches carefully as the boy talks with his friends, laughing and making fun of each other. It's a great day in Junsu's life.


The results of the test was not quite as great, though. It has now been two weeks since Junsu's life changing meeting. Math suddenly became his favourite subject and he now knows his name. Yoochun, he is called, the one messing up Junsu's lists. You could say things are going pretty well for him. He sees Yoochun at least everyday when he takes the bus. He apparently lives on the opposite side of the town, but it's not much of big deal to Junsu. It's not like they are on talking terms or anything.


Junsu comes back home everyday with a smile on his face. Junsu comes back home everyday thinking about a guy who doesn't know he exists. Junsu comes back home everyday to his constantly crying mother and to his father who scares him much more than anything else.


Junsu still hasn't quite scratch out 'Being happy'.

It's a beautiful day outside. It's not quite as cold anymore. Junsu has thought a lot in the past months. He has been watching Yoochun from his side of the street, from his own world. Junsu never had much in life, but he understood something. As he crosses the street at 5:30 pm to take the wrong bus home, Junsu believes that the best things in life happens when you take a step out of your comfort zone, and just give it a try.

Being happy



Hello!! It has been a while since I wrote anything and my writing is a bit rusty..I apologize for that. I hope you enjoyed it ^^

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