Let the chase start

My Revenge


"L.joe what do you want to talk about"? I asked him 
"Um......would you go out with me." He asked while rubbing his neck
"No" I simply said to him
"Wow the first girl to say no to me" he walked over to me 
"It stars here" he whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my back
In history class me and the girls were text i miss them
After school 
"Hey baby " l.joe hugged me 
"Um.....why are doing this ?" Asked him while trying to wiggle out 
"Its a love baby who falls first loses"
"Ok i get it now baby"
"So how about we watch a movie at my place mm?" He asked 
"Yeah" i said sarcastically
"Oh come on you baby " he followed me 
"Boo-ing-hoo i don't want to come " i huffed (boo-ing- hoo for jennamarbles )
"Well to bad you are coming " 
sorry for not updating enough but i have a life to but i'll keep trying to update when i can ok 
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can't update today will on friday


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Chapter 17: Please update soon
Chapter 16: waaah ljoe like her now
cute i wanted too.
i wanted ljoe to chase me tooo
i envy her
Chapter 15: <3 <3 <3 i feel love >.< update soon ^^ >.< Youngmin's in here
Chapter 15: I FEEL LOOOVVVEEEEDDD!!!! ahaha!! i wonder what L.Joe wants to talk about? UPDATE SSOOOOONN!!..plus..ill update soon..i hope..^~^
Chapter 1: second time reading this cuz i haven't in a while so once again, please update!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kpopstar01 #7
Chapter 14: please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WatashinoOrenji #8
Chapter 13: Who's Hyemin ><
So curious!
WatashinoOrenji #9
Chapter 12: Awwww i hope she'll fall in love with woo instead. >.< Not because he's my fave(he is xD) but he Loves her and L.joe hurted her badly(D:<).