i haunt your dreams at night

sunshine and love bites

Don't You Ever Forget About Me - Sleeping With Sirens




Ok, they broke up. Fine. A 'healthy' break up, no one freaked out (Well, not in front of each other) and the world didn't end as they both expected. It was all supposed to be a silly fight that ended up like this. They slipped into the routine avioding each other. The thing is, neither of them slept well the following week, people kept on remarking how 'sad' or 'bad' they both looked and it was getting a bit old.

Not even a week later, Taemin went to Minho's apartment and as soon as Minho opened the door, he launched himself into his arms. 

"Please take me back, I'm bad at being lonely. I'm sorry."

And Minho apologized too, kissing his forehead and dragging him inside the apartment where they spent the night busy with each other.

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