Chapter 6

Why Leave Things to Fate? [Permanent Hiatus]

Eun Gi stared at herself in the mirror of the ladies washroom, trying to give herself a pep talk. “You can’t keep avoiding him forever Eun Gi. Sooner or later you’ll have to come into contact. If you wanted to avoid him, you should have refused the job. Sunggyu probably doesn’t even remember you. You were just one unfortunate blip in his busy day, you’ve only brought attention to yourself by the way you’ve been acting. I bet he thinks you’re a weirdo. Seriously, Eun Gi, have some courage! Even if he does recognize you, what can he do? Absolutely nothing,” concluding her little speech with a fist pump, Eun Gi smiled and headed back to the waiting room. Entering the room, she spotted Ji Hee and the other coordinators sitting down around their lunch. Catching sight of Eun Gi, Ji Hee waved her over and indicated a chair next to her for Eun Gi to sit in.

“Sit and have your lunch, you have about 30 minutes before Infinite is finished. How did you find today?” Ji Hee asked.

Nodding at her, Eun Gi grabbed her meal and took a bite before answering. “It was a bit hectic, I had some trouble remembering what went where. I guess it’s because there are so many members. I never realised just how much work went on behind the scenes,” she answered.

Laughing, all the coordinators murmured their assent and assured her she’d get used to it soon. “How are the members themselves? Are they pleasant or are you having some trouble with them?” Ji Hee inquired, concerned about how well Eun Gi was assimilating to her new surroundings.

“Oh, they’re very kind! Really, they all introduced themselves to me and I spoke a bit with them,” Eun Gi reassured.

“Really? I noticed that you and Sunggyu didn’t get along quite well, you ran away from him.”

Spluttering, Eun Gi choked on her food. I didn’t think she’d notice! Shaking her head vigorously, she rushed to clarify the situation. “No, that was all my fault! I was really nervous to meet him because he’s my favourite member so I panicked. Don’t worry Ms. Shin, the next time I’ll be more professional in my conduct.” I feel bad for lying, but it’s a half truth. She doesn’t need to know the whole sad story.

Laughing a bit, Ji Hee said, “I should have guessed it was something like that. Don’t worry about it, but do try to become used to his presence otherwise it’ll be a bit of a challenge working. And, don’t call me Ms. Shin, it makes me sound old. Call me Ji Hee unnie, call all of us unnie. Alright?”

Relieved that Ji Hee had accepted her explanation, Eun Gi finished her meal while listening to the other coordinators chat.

When Infinite came back, Eun Gi was assigned with the task of packing the clothes and cleaning up the place which kept her running around, so luckily she didn’t have the opportunity to meet Sunggyu face to face. Smiling at her good fortune, Eun Gi arrived at Woollim headquarters exhausted, but happy.

Eun Gi decided to get a cup of coffee before leaving, hoping it would alleviate her tiredness enough so that she wouldn’t fall asleep on the journey back home. Walking into the staff room, she was unaware that Sunggyu had noticed her and was following her. She got out a travel mug, made her coffee and turned around to leave, but her way was blocked by someone. Stopping short, she just managed to avoid colliding with him. Oh that was close. Her eyes travelled up from the person’s chest to his face. Seeing who it was, her eyes widened and her hand slightly loosed its grip on the mug, but it didn’t fall. No! No no no no no! This is a bad case of déjà vu. Seriously, it just had to be him.

“Sorry for startling you,” Sunggyu said softly. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

Nodding apprehensively, Eun Gi searched Sunggyu’s face for any sign of recognition. Seems like he doesn’t remember. Hopefully it stays that way!

“Hi, I’m Kim Sunggyu. I’ve been trying to introduce myself, but you always run away from me,” Sunggyu tilted his head, a look of confusion crossing his face. “Why do you do that? I saw you talking with the other members, so why is it just me?”

Searching for something to say, Eun Gi decided to stick with the story she had told Ji Hee. “Ahh… I was nervous. This is sort of embarrassing to say, but I’m a huge fan of Infinite… I’m a huge fan of you, Sunggyu-shi.” At this bold confession, Eun Gi’s face flushed bright red. I can’t believe I said that! Eun Gi, you’re such an idiot. Why would you tell him that? It’s going to be all the more awkward now. All these lies, wait no, half truths, are too hard to keep up.

Sunggyu smiled at her confession. So I was right, she likes me. Ha, she wasn’t your fan Woohyun, she’s mine. He bowed slightly in thanks. “Thank you. I’m glad to know you’re a fan of mine. But just forget about me being a celebrity, we’re working together, just think of me as a colleague. Alright?”

Eun Gi nodded and started inching towards the door, trying to make a quick exit. “Alright, Sunggyu-shi, I’ll try not to be so awkward. Umm… Good night, I have to catch my train.” At that, she turned around and practically ran out the door, but his voice stopped her just at the doorway.

“I didn’t catch your name.”

Turning with a slight grimace on her face, she replied, “It’s Seo Eun Gi.” And then she did run.

This chapter is a bit longer, yay! Aren't you guys happy? 2 updates in just one day. I'm surprised at myself, but I guess I like writing the awkard parts. I might even have another chapter up later today.

Again, this chapter wasn't edited (and maybe the rest won't be either), so just tell me if you find any errors. I did proof read it myself, but some may have slipped past my attention.

Thoughts and comments? I'd really appreciate them guys!

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gyurain #1
Chapter 9: I want to know what would happen
kpopluva3838 #2
Chapter 7: SungGyu has forgotten?
Chapter 6: it should be "just think of me as a colleague..." it sounds weird otherwise...and the end should be "and then she ran"...cuz it sounds just a bit strange...
teehee!!!!he reminds me of seungri!!!!teehee!!!!
Chapter 4: ugh loved it as usual!