chapter seventeen.

Like A Star (별처럼)

Taeyeon on the other hand, grabbed her phone too, trying to contact Wooyoung but she got no answer. She looked side to side, looking for him in every crowd there was. She kept on running, then ending up somewhere. She remembered this place. This was when she first met him. This was before her debut. She clearly remembered it and the bridge.




She was running. She just wanted to get away from everything just once. She found herself at the Dongho bridge. She looked at how the moon’s reflection on the Han river was so delightful to see. There, she cleared her mind and straightened out her thoughts.


“KIM TAEYEON, YOU CAN DO THIS! FIGHTING!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.




She turned to her left seeing a boy imitating her. Taeyeon didn’t know who he was.


“Why are you out here alone at this time, miss? And why are you shouting?” He asked her.


Taeyeon kept herself safe, not talking to the stranger. But the man didn’t give up and he followed her. Taeyeon freaked out a bit as she walked faster. But the man kept up with her pace. The man finally ran up in front of her, making her stop in her tracks.


“Nuguyo?!” Taeyeon managed to ask him.


“Whoa, calm down. I just wanted to keep you company, that’s all.”


Taeyeon narrowed her eyes on him before she continued walking.


“Hey miss shortie!”


Taeyeon turned back. She was now annoyed. He could’ve just called her “miss” instead of adding “shortie” with it.


“What do you want?!”


Wooyoung went closer to her and he smiled.


“Can we hang out for a while?" He noticed the girl's face turn worried "Oh don’t worry! I’m not those types of erted men!” He told her.


The man thought that “Kim Taeyeon” was an interesting girl -- shouting at a bridge at this hour, what more could you ask? Taeyeon examined the man from head to toe, and she sort of felt safe with him. She thought for about 5 seconds before she nodded and agreed to his offer. They both sat down a bench, just near the bridge.


“So... Why did you have to scream a while ago?” The man asked her.


Taeyeon turned her head to him as she gave him a stare.


“Okay, sorry! I didn’t mean to disturb you stargaze. You’re really cute but your attitude is kinda weird.” He paused for a while.


Taeyeon looked back to the sky.


“By the way, my name’s Wooyoung.”


Wooyoung stretched his hand out, offering a hand shake. Taeyeon ignored and continued to look at the sky.


“O--kay...” Wooyoung said as he slowly withdrew his hand.


They stayed in very awkward silence. Taeyeon wasn’t looking at the sky anymore. She just sat there, completely spaced out. Wooyoung noticed the short girl as he waved his hand right in front of her face.


“Wooyoung to miss shortie! Do you read?”


Taeyeon smacked Wooyoung’s hand away before she gave him another death glare.


“You know you shouldn’t be doing that to soon-to-debut person like me.”


Taeyeon looked at him before she finally spoke. “You’re gonna debut too?”


Wooyoung nodded proudly. “Wait, so you’re gonna debut also?” He asked Taeyeon.


Taeyeon slowly nodded in her reply.


“So that’s why you screamed a while ago! I know how difficult training is. JYP could also be so disciplined at times. But anyways,” Wooyoung stood up as he gave two thumbs up. “HIMNAE!” He told her.


Taeyeon couldn’t help but smile. She looked at her watch, seeing that it’s almost 10pm, which is her curfew. She quickly stood up and ran before she fell and trip right in front of Wooyoung.


“Dork! Why did you run like that? Now you fell.”


He went to her as he laughed. Taeyeon glared at him the third time before she stood back up and pushed him. But then, Wooyoung grabbed her hand, pulling her back, as well as pulling her to him, before he gently placed a kiss on her cute lips. Taeyeon was in complete shock. She didn’t even know this man that well yet. But she felt her heart skip a beat. She didn’t want to refuse the kiss and she didn’t know why. It was only when they both needed air to breathe that they broke their kiss. Taeyeon just stood there like an idiot with her eyes wide open from the shock.


“You’re the cutest thing that’s ever happened to me, you know that?”


End of Flashback.


“YAH! JANG WOOYOUNG! JEONGMAL BABOYA!” Taeyeon took the chance to scream again, at that same place. She let her all her tears fall down to the old bridge.




Taeyeon looked to her left seeing the same man, years ago, screaming next to her. Taeyeon weakly smiled as her tears continued to flow more. She ran to the man, giving him her tightest hug yet.


“Babo...” Taeyeon told him as she was still hugging him. Wooyoung couldn’t help it and so he hugged her back. He missed her so much. Wooyoung broke their hug as he grabbed Taeyeon’s waist, and his lips touching hers. Taeyeon’s eyes widened and her face flushed bright pink. Wooyoung smiled at her and so did she. They were both staring at each other when it suddenly rained. They were both soaking wet as they laughed at each other. Wooyoung held her close to him as he gave her another kiss.


“I missed you so much.” he told her when they finished their kiss.


It was only after they felt cold that they decided to go back to their own home. They ran with no cover to protect theirselves from the rain. They ended up on a bus stop, luckily with shade to block the rain. They rode a bus, keeping their heads down low to avoid the public noticing them. Wooyoung held Taeyeon’s hand as they made their way to the last seat on the bus.


They fell asleep for a moment as Taeyeon’s head was comfortably lying on Wooyoung’s shoulder. Luckily, the heater in the bus had dried them and their wet clothes up. The rain had already stopped when they reached SNSD’s dorm.


“You’re not going to your apartment?” Wooyoung asked her before she left. More like whispered since the people would notice his voice.


“I’m gonna sleep with my members first. And besides, Hyesun’s also there. The girls are babysitting her for a while.” she softly chuckled.


Wooyoung gave her a kiss on her forehead before Taeyeon walked, and got off the bus.




Taeyeon went on her way inside the dorm, being welcomed by the maknae and her daughter.


“Hyesun, why are you still awake?” She hugged her daughter.


“Sooyoung-unnie and Yuri-unnie are very noisy. She couldn’t sleep.” Seohyun told her.


“Well it’s past your bedtime, so let’s go to sleep. It’s a good thing you don’t have school tomorrow.” Taeyeon told her daughter.


Taeyeon held hands with her daughter as they went to Taeyeon and Sunny’s room. Hyesun ran towards the bed as she comfortably laid on it.


“Hyesun-ah.” Taeyeon sat on the edge of the bed, just beside Hyesun. “You told me you wanted to have an appa right?”


Hyesun looked confused. “But I already have an appa, umma! It’s Leeteuk-appa!”


Taeyeon shook her head. “But you know he’s not your REAL appa, right?”


Hyesun nodded.


“Me and Leeteuk are no longer getting married.” she told her as she held her hand.


Hyesun pouted, not liking what her umma said. “Why not?”


Taeyeon took a deep breath. “I have met with your real appa a while ago.” she paused “We’re okay now.”


Hyesun looked delighted but after a few seconds, her face turned gloomy.


“But what about Leeteuk-appa? Isn’t he sad?” she innocently asked.


Once again, Taeyeon shook her head. “Leeteuk’s not sad. We’re still friends. But he’s not gonna be your appa anymore.”


Hyesun smiled. “It’s okay, umma. At least I’ll be seeing my real appa soon!”


Taeyeon hugged her daughter before tucking her to bed. Her footsteps were almost mute, as she didn’t want to wake her daughter up. She closed the lights and made her way out the room silently.


In the living room were KkabYul and Syoung dancing randomly on no music. Taeyeon stared at them weirdly at the same time it made her happy, since she missed their 4D-ness so badly. But since their noise could wake her daughter up, she immediately signaled them to keep quiet.


“SSSSSSSSHH!” Taeyeon placed her finger on her lips.


The girls immediately stopped on what they were doing as they stared at their small leader. Taeyeon ran to her members as they gathered for a group hug.


“I missed you girls~” Taeyeon told them.


“Us too!” the girls replied.


“Yaedeura! I have something to tell you.”


Taeyeon started a conversation. It’s been so long since they’ve done these living room talks. And after years, they’re finally doing it again.


“What is it unnie?” Seohyun asked as she kept her book away.


“I met Wooyoung at the Dongho bridge a while ago...” Taeyeon told the girls as their faces showed shock “We’re back together, and he...”


The girls felt the excitement “He what?!”


“...He kissed me.” Taeyeon shyly stated with her head down to hide her blushing face


“REALLY?!” the girls exclaimed altogether


Taeyeon immediately turned her head back up and placed her finger on her lips “SSHHH! Hyesun’s sleeping!”


Tiffany gasped “What about Leeteuk-oppa?!”


“We’re still friends. He was actually the one who told me to get back with Wooyoung.” Taeyeon saw the girls weirded out “I know right? I was weirded out too.”


“So this means you’re a happy family now?” Yoona joked.


Taeyeon nodded “Yeah... You could say it like that.”


“Finally! The Jang family is complete.” Jessica stated making Taeyeon look at her


Taeyeon smiled and Jessica did as well.


The girls shared on more stories they have wanting to tell each other for the past years. They really enjoyed these living room talks even though it would cost them to stay up late at night, though Jessica usually falls asleep in the middle of these. The nine girls all slept at the living room, beside one another.





finally they got back together!! XD this is gonna end soon... don't forget to comment and subscribe!! :D

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Chapter 21: That was cute ending! Love it!
I want my love story to be like this :>
Chapter 21: awwww... nice story :D
Chapter 21: Awww! I like this story! I finished this in no time!
taeyeon was very brave!
HottestSoneBestfren #7
Nice story~
So sweet