You, me , chemistry

In the last class, it was Arts appreciation, there was a project homework by the teacher.

*another project..grrr....its just the beginning of school for heavens sake.....* you scrunched your nose in disgust.

Daehyun and Jongup was sitting at the back in class, chatting.

" Hyung.." Jongup turned to Daehyun,

" mwo.." Daehyun shot a cold look, 

" ani..ya.." Jongup rolled his eyes and look away, *this hyung really have no feelings...*

Jongup stared at you for a moment, from the big black round eyes of yours to your brown waves and your soft pink

lips. He cant help but his heart fluttered at your sight. 

He shook his head and looked away, * Jongup what are you doing.....*


" Class! grab a partnerfor the project, remember this will be included in your final assesment." the teacher ordered.

"whut.." you sighed, looking around, Minhye isnt in your class, you frown.

The bell rang and class ended, Minhye texted you " See ya outside gate~((:" 

you quckly texted back and packed up your stuff.


You were just putting on your earpiece when a shadow cast over you, you tilted your head looking at the shadow

over the table, *huh..* you look up, 

" oh!" you blurted, Jongup stood with Daehyun beside him, he was smilling.

" hi....erm..was just wondering if..for the erm...project, we could" Jongup stuttered alittle.

Daehyung hit his arm, " project." Jongup blurted finishing his sentence, he glared at Daehyun, who smirked while

turning away.

" oh...erm..." you paused, * what does he want now? * 

" okays sure ~" you quickly said with a slight smile and quickly headed off.

" boya...." you uttered under your breath, 

" noona! " Zelo ran to you pulling your bag , " woah Zelo! " you were startled, and you started being pulled

real fast towards the exit, students were staring at you with raised eyebrows and disgusted stares , you gulped.


" Zelo! where are you pulling me?!"you shouted, earning some more stares from passing students.

" wae..we're going on groceries right?" Zelo grinned.

" aishh jinjja.." you blew your bangs that was covering your eyes, " must you drag me?! " you hit his arm,

" oww..." he made a face rubbing his arm vigoriously, 

Minhye was waiting at the gate looking around for someone and that someone is you,

" lets go~ " you called out to Minhye, she nodded and stared at Zelo, " and what happen to you.." she raised

an eyebrow seeing Zelo rubbing his forearm in a wierd manner,

" er nothing." Zelo smiled and hooked an arm around Minhye's neck, you chuckled.

* acting tough aye...*


Reaching the hypermart, you got a basket and started loading things from what your mom

had texted you to buy, "milk....kimchi.." you muttered looking around the supermarket,

Zelo and Minhye was no where in sight, * geez...where did they go....* you looked around.


Suddenly there was a tap on your shoulder, you spunned around and your heart immediatly sank.

Your whole body turned numb and you froze on the spot, even your throat felt dry.

With widened eyes, your senses went haywire as you dropped your phone, staring into the brown eyes of the 

person standing infront of you, 

" Hello Evelyn.." * NO, THIS CANT BE, HE'S HERE FUU*

" w-why...are you h-ere.." you forced out, he gave a smirk and put his arms around you for a hug,

immediatly you hit his arm away, " get away! " you screamed, tears started flowing down your cheeks,

you could feel your eyes burning.


" You dont miss me? " Do Hyeong smirked again rubbing his chin, 

" n-never...." you choked with tears, and could not take it much longer, 'the one' you thought he was, he cheated on you,

6 months of dating and him just dissappearing and reappearing, it isnt some kind of joke to play with people's

feelings, feeling cheated, full of dissapointment and anger, you clenched your fist.

Thinking of throwing a blow at his face, you heard someone calling,

" Evelynn! " Minhye and Zelo came rushing towards you worriedly, Zelo stared at the guy for while,

his eyes widened,

" you! get away from my noona! now! " Zelo pointed at his face with fury,

Minhye looked up to the brown haired guy and look back at you, she hugged you and patted your back,

" stop crying...Evelynn, please..." she rubbed your back, but you just sobbed more,

Zelo could not take it seeing the guy just stand there like that, he grabbed his collar yanking him out of the super market.

Even thought the supermarket was empty, some passerbys watched in curiosity on whats going on,

also turning attention to you who was crying quite loudly.


" hey let go! " Do Hyeong pushing Zelo away, 

" no! I ask you to leave just leave! Dont ever appear in my face or noona's again.." Zelo said coldly glaring with daggers

into his sockets, " you lucky your face aint damaged today..." Zelo hissed angrily.


" woah hold on big guy..." Do Hyeong responded with a little sarcasm, 

" just tell that pretty little noona of yours to watch her back, " he smirked and then turned to walk away.

* oh you just wait Evelynn.. you aint going now where from my sight..*

Zelo continued glaring, *this guy is getting on my nerves, how dare he come back again..*


Zelo jogging back to you and Minhye he picked up your mobile from the floor and returnedit to you,

took the basket and headed to the cashier,

" Minhye take her home first.." Zelo spoked , " noona cheer up~ " he gave you a little smile,

you still put on a blank look as your face was stained with tears, and just nodded.


" Evelyn, that guy wont come again, please just try okay? " Minhye patted your arm.

" why....why did he appear like that? the feelings.....they all rush i cant.." you paused sniffing, 

as your throat went dry again.

" okay okay dont talk no more, lets go~ "Minhye hailed a cab and brought you home.


At home, you sat down on the sofa still stunned and feeling a little giddy, you stared into space.

Minhye went to get a cup of water and placed it on the table.

" Evelyn.." she called tilting her heads towards you,

" i dont know.." you answered plainly.

" no just forget it, nothing happened, what you saw its just an illusion okay, think like that please.." she tried hard

to remove that picture out of your memory, 

" i cant, the moment i saw him, my heart just stopped beating , i thought i've moved on, i even froze and stood rooted

like a stupid person, " you shook your head saying.

" andwae....Evelyn, dont please.." Minhye sighed.

" why is that jerk back, wait i'll throw him out of the country... bastard.." Minhye cursed laying back her head

on the sofa.


A moment later, Zelo was back with the groceries.

" noona..." Zelo called worriedly.




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Chapter 12: Please update~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 5: wah.. i wan more.
it is soo fun..