( ♚` ) important announcement

❝gala★y❞ ▬ ℠ entertainment's new girl group

important announcement

hi everyone! before you all freak out and think that this announcement is about me ending this story, let me first tell you that it's not. i'm not going to end it, but i'm going to start all over again as you can see that i deleted the previous chapters i did. i guess i wasn't relly satisfied with my writing and i was thinking that you guys deserve better c: so yeah, i'm just gonna start over! The girls who were accepted are still the members of galaxy. So no worries, you don't need to apply all over again, that would be very stupid. LOL so anyways, i hope ya'll didn't forget about this story yet. I'll be working on the first chapter, and hopfully it will turn out better than it did before. Thanks guys! see you soon! I'll work hard! ^^ c:

oh! and please check out the 'first mini album and lyrics' chapter i put up! i worked hard on that LOL hopfully the song parts are fair. i just based it on you position in the group. c: i hope you like the songs too! any song suggestions would be lovely~ as you can see, their first concept will be y and mature. HAHA so if you like any song that you think that will go with the 'y' concept, please let me know~! But i could only accept so many since it will be a mini album. i also fixed the forward, btw. okay, enough of my blabbering. go on and enjoy life now! don't forget to change your clock time! y'know, daylight savings time c;

okay, bye! love youuuuuu! /bear hugs all of you


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november 21 ¦ updated the list of applicants! please give the lead rapper position some love! o u o


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-sempiternity #1
i will wait patiently for this story(:
-sempiternity #2
Chapter 6: oh! the songs omgggg;
i love it! that song featuring
chanyeol omggg my feelings!
some of secrets songs would
be nice like "talk that" and "madonna".
or rania's "style" hehe
Chapter 8: I changed my username, previously known as 'xFlightlessAngelx'
Applied as Lead Rapper and Vocalist, Sora.

- - -

Oh man scared me so much!
I literally stared at my screen in shock.
I love love love EXIDS Every Night so having it as a debut song is amazing :D
But I understand about the chapter re-writes, thats fine, after all you want it to be perfect (I rewrite stuff all the time cause I always seem to not like what Ive done).
Songs, hmm... I like Ranias Style and Just Go, but it depends on how y you want because just go is pretty y but really catchy (added bonus that there's an English version). Other songs could be Secrets Poison or Talk that, or Sistars Alone or even Huh by 4minute.
Chapter 6: Omg im soooo happy our debut song is every night!! I lovee dat song!
I love all our other songs so far too!!
Hwaiting~~~ Looking awesomee c:
Chapter 6: Omg im soooo happy our debut song is every night!! I lovee dat song!
I love all our other songs so far too!!
Hwaiting~~~ Looking awesomee c:
Chapter 8: Phewwwww~
U totally scared me! ><
I loved this story so much before anyways so i was really happy already LOL
I havent checked out the other chappies yet but ill do so now~ ^^
I cant think of any songs rn but if i do ill tell u c: