Chapter 5

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Minji's P.O.V:


"When do you think they will be here?" Jiyeon asked again. I had stopped counting of how many times she had asked me that question. I sighed and looked at her.
"Jiyeon, if you ask me that question one more time i'm gonna walk straight out that door"


I said and pointed to the door. As soon as i said that the door opened and both me and Jiyeon looked at the door. Seven boys came walking in. I had no idea who they we're, but i suppose that was U-KISS. The one who was at the front was blonde, tall and had a pretty nice body. He looked like he had been training alot, but the one who caught my eye the most was one who stood out. The others had brown, black or blonde hair, but he had red. 


There was an akward atmosphere as we all we're just looking at each other. I put the hoodie over my head because i didnt like at how much they looked at me. I hated being looked at for longer than a few seconds. Jiyeon stood up from the chair and walked closer to them. Poor guys, she was probably gonna freak out now and i know how she gets when she is in her fangirl mode.


It aint pretty, i had to make sure she didnt do anything stupid. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Jiyeon who was just looking at them. Her eyes we're wide and so was . She looked really weird looking like that so i punched her lightly in the arm. She turned to look at me. 

"OW!" She yelled while rubbing her arm. "Why did you do that?"
"Because you we're looking like a fool" I whispered to her.


One of the guys we're laughing and he walked up to us. It was one of the guys with dark blonde hair.


He reached out his hand to Jiyeon. "I'm Kevin" He said.
"I-i k-know" Jiyeon replied and just looked at him while he was waiting for her to shake his hand.
"Do you want me to punch you again?" I asked Jiyeon.
She grabbed Kevin's hand and shaked it. "S-sorry. I'm Jiyeon" she said.
He laughed. "It's fine, so you're a fan of U-KISS?" 
She nodded. "Yes! You're music is awesome!"
"Thank you" Kevin said and moved over to me. "So you're Minji then?" He said while reaching out his hand. I nodded and shoke his hand. "You're a fan too?"
"Actually... i only came here because of Jiyeon. She is you're fan, but she needed a friend over 18 to come with her and i was her only choice".
"Oh, okay. Well, meet the rest of the members"


He said and stepped to the side as the others walked up to us. I noticed one of the guys was staying far away from us in the back. He looked like was shy and a little scared. 


"Well, then rest of us should introduce ourself. I'm Soohyun, the leader" The guy who had a nice body said. "This is Dongho, AJ, Hoon, Kiseop and Eli" He pointed to five boys while saying their names. I looked at them all and tried to remember they're names and faces, but it was prett

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Chapter 27: It's cute xD But I'm dissapointed that you ditch most of Jiyeon
Chapter 27: AWWWW SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE~~ i mean in a way xD anw I LUV the ending xD but kiseop oppa is quite mean xD lol hwaiting for the other fanfics too ^^
Chapter 27: I really wanna this story ends with Minji and Eli.... *crying*
But it was a good ending, though... :)
haha this is so cute,~
Chapter 25: Thing gets more and more complicated...
Chapter 25: Update soon ^^
Chapter 22: AH i love this~ cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 22: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Kevin noona?! What the heckk?!
Update soon ^^
Chapter 22: Kekeke xD I guessed it rite!!!!!! Vinnie oppa.. Scratch that, Vinnie unnie~~ you're so adorkable <3 I LUV u~~ & lol Dongho oppa is so random xD but actually he mite also b able to pull it off as a girl too xD
Chapter 21: Wow, perfect timing, Kevin oppa!! XD why do I feel Vinnie oppa is gonna b forced to dress as a girl to meet seungho?? But well my assumptions is always off so yea xD & I can't imagine Eli oppa acting all... Sissy. XD even I can't do that xD