Chapter 13

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"Yah! Give it back to me!"
"Nope" He said with a smirk plastered on his face. "I now know you're bra size".
"I'm gonna tell Eli oppa" I said and crossed my arms.
"No, you're not" Kiseop said.
"What is Minji gonna tell me?" Eli appeared with the others behind him. 
"Kiseop took my bra and he wont give it back!"
Eli looked at Kiseop in shock. "You took her bra?! How did you get it off her?!"
"Not the one she is wearing, Eli. She forgot one in our bathroom" Kiseop said.
"Well, you better give it back to her".
He sighed. "Fine, i'll give it back to her when we are home".


We all got into the car and this time Kevin sat in the back with me so Kiseop had to sit next to Soohyun and he wasnt happy about it. While we we're driving i noticed Kevin was staring at me. I turned my head and looked at him.


"Is there something you want?"
"Just... want to get to know you" He smiled. "How did you live before? I mean, before you moved in with us?"
"We lived in a warehouse" I replied.
Kiseop turned in his seat and looked at me. "A w-warehouse?! Two pretty girls like you lived like that?!"
"Well, not everyone has money" I replied, looking down.
Kevin smiled. "I would like to see the warehouse once, if you dont mind?"
I shrugged. "It's not pretty".
"I dont care, it probably is nice".
I looked up at Kevin and smiled at him. "If you really want to, i will show you one day".
"Great, i cant wait!" He smiled.
"Guys, you do know that we have that thing tomorrow, right?" Soohyun asked.
"Yes" Both Kiseop and Kevin said.
"What thing?" I asked.
"An interview" Kevin smiled. "You and Jiyeon are coming with us, there will be tons of other artists there too". 
"We're coming with you?"
He nodded. "Yup".
"Great..." I said.


We arrived home and all of us we're sitting at the table eating noodles in silence. It was so weird, no one talked. There was only the sound of us eating. That was, until Jiyeon and Dongho got up and ran to Dongho's room and closed the door.


"What do you think they are doing in there?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Jiyeon is too young to be kissing".
"You think Dongho is kissing her?" AJ laughed. "No way, Dongho doesnt think of girls like that".
"But they are a couple" I said.
"That doesnt mean they kiss, he's still a kid".
"He's eighteen, every guy starts thinking about around sixteen-seventeen years old. I thought you would know. When did you first start thinking about ?" I said and looked up at them. Hoon and Kevin we

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Chapter 27: It's cute xD But I'm dissapointed that you ditch most of Jiyeon
Chapter 27: AWWWW SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE~~ i mean in a way xD anw I LUV the ending xD but kiseop oppa is quite mean xD lol hwaiting for the other fanfics too ^^
Chapter 27: I really wanna this story ends with Minji and Eli.... *crying*
But it was a good ending, though... :)
haha this is so cute,~
Chapter 25: Thing gets more and more complicated...
Chapter 25: Update soon ^^
Chapter 22: AH i love this~ cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 22: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Kevin noona?! What the heckk?!
Update soon ^^
Chapter 22: Kekeke xD I guessed it rite!!!!!! Vinnie oppa.. Scratch that, Vinnie unnie~~ you're so adorkable <3 I LUV u~~ & lol Dongho oppa is so random xD but actually he mite also b able to pull it off as a girl too xD
Chapter 21: Wow, perfect timing, Kevin oppa!! XD why do I feel Vinnie oppa is gonna b forced to dress as a girl to meet seungho?? But well my assumptions is always off so yea xD & I can't imagine Eli oppa acting all... Sissy. XD even I can't do that xD