KARA Husbands ~

KaraMeo & SoshiEtte ♥ ~ 카라'시대
"Okay girls! Now lets go in!" Yelled the soccer coach after a tiring time at practice. All the girls ran fast while the 5 prettiest stayed in the back. Gyuri nicknamed the schools handsome goddess walked without a care in the world still panting, Seungyeon known for her cute hamster appearance checked her pulse, Nicole who had her short hair tied in a ponytail looked very boyish yet pretty and whiped her sweat off with a towel, Hara the schools little goddess doll skipped & played with her hair while the groups maknae Jiyouoong fanned herself. "Unnie~ we need to find someone before we're too old" Hara said to Gyuri. The goddess just rolled her eyes, she's used to her dongsaeng's whining about love. "Hara, we'll letove find us. All of the pretty girls are taken". "But Cole already has Nana, I'm freaking flawless! Why am I still single!?!" Hara replied. Nana was the schools straight A student who has a rather complicated relationship with Nicole. Nicole blushed at the thought of Nana being her "someone". They quickly took off all of their clothes and all took a shower. Once out, Jiyoung put lotion all over her legs while Seungyeon brushed her hair. Hara & Gyuri applied their makeup while Nicole took out her phone to text Nana. "Babe~^^" Nicole texted. "Thanks for coming to my awards ceremony, Nicole. It meant a lot -___-" Nana texted back. Nicole mentally hit her face. Things never worked out between them. No matter how hard they tried.
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