You're Kidding, Right?


A girl with a love for k-pop and asian dramas wins a dream trip to South Korea only to have it get a million times better as she meets Shinee then makes a fool of herself.

Main Characters:



-clumsy (gravities fault)

- trusting

- doesn't wear girly clothes

-dorky and nerdy (double whammy right?)

-loves k-pop

And the Amazing Shinee: (I assume you know them)


This is just a random idea I've been jotting down and  so sorry if it doesn't make sense and or lol. Also I apologize if there are any mistakes. :]

I hope you enjoy my story!


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Chapter 9: I love this it is so fuuny and quirky I can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 8: I like he way you're writing your story althought it isn't my type I love it!!! You are doing a great job!! :D
poweroftwo #3
Chapter 8: nice cute story there amn
Thank you polala! Having a that many subscribers would be amazing!<br />
You're like Candace? That's awesome! Hehehe! I kinda want to know in what way you are like her. That's really cool!
polala #5
hahahaha .<br />
what a cool story, or should I say, what a funny story! . hahahaha .<br />
Even though you have a few subscribers, don't worry, maybe tomorrow you'll have 100 times more .<br />
Hahaha . Just Believe and just keep Updating your story.<br />
*Sorry. I'm just a crazy little dude. cuz' I'm like Candace on your fanfic. Hahahahaha .
shinee_jenny #6
^^ :D hehe^^~~ <br />
Update soon~~<br />
Thank you shinee_jenny! I'll do my best! ^^
shinee_jenny #8
I like your fanfic!!~ <br />
Keep Update!!!~^^
*tumbleweed tumbleweed roll roll roll* this comment area must be a ghost town. '^^