

Every student in her year knew that she was getting bullied, but no one ever had enough courage to save her. The only sympathy she ever got was a few looks to let her know they pitied her


This is kinda like a prequel for the first fan fic i wrote called loneliness: . I was feeling a little gloomy after listening to BigBang's monster and felt the need to write a sad story and it turned out to become like that LOL. For those who never read Loneliness, it's actually a angst story so i see no purpose in writing this prequel>.< But since i already wrote it, it's a waste if i don't share it so^^ This is actually the story of how Bommie and SeungHyun first met. I hope you like it!!! Comments are appreciated!:))


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Chapter 1: Bravo. Just... Bravo. Ive read some of your work and let me just say you are an awesome writer. You sure know how to pull at people's heart strings. When I finish reading each one I'm like: MY FEELS!
Lol but seriously. keep up the AMAZING work. ;p
woosoogyu #2
Chapter 1: Wow... Finally Seunghyun protected Bom... ^_^
Chapter 1: The feels T^T Your works are so good omg XD
Onepenny #4
Chapter 1: So much emotion evoked from just one chapter. Fantastic writing, good job!
Chapter 1: so beautiful!! I loved it!
Marianations #6
Chapter 1: Omo ! I remember reading the sequel of this. And the prequel it's just as good ! But less angsty... :')