
Rainy day with Stranger


Today, it’s raining again. Feel so cold. I walk from my workplace until bus stop. Read a novel while waiting for the bus arrive. It is a wrong decision when I decide to stay until late night at the office. I should go back after I finish my work.
‘How awesome would it be to wrap yourself in your warm blanket on a rainy day like right now.’ This is what I thought.
“Cannot be like this. I need something hot to drink. It is too cold.” I walked to the nearest café. Once I enter into the café, they play ‘Baby Good Night by GDTOP’. It is a good song for this rainy day. I order my favorite Hot Dark Mocha and find place that have window. I sat there and wait until the rain stop while listen to the song playing and read my novel. Seriously, it is a good weather for me to stay at home and sleep.
“Can I sit here?” I looked up to see whom talking to me,
“The other places are full or… are you waiting for someone?” He was waiting for your answer.
“It is ok then…” He walked away.
“No. please… have a seat.” I still do not know why I let stranger sit in front of me. Normally, I won’t let anyone to sit in front of me even though there is no empty place. He sits in front of me but I still cannot see his face. He covers his face with full cap, scarf around his neck and masks. Yeah right, it is cold right? Only me that wearing this thin clothes in this kind of weather. You keep on trying to look his face but failed.
‘Aaaaah! Who’s care? I should be worry now. In this kind of weather, can I go home tonight safely? I wish he will be accompanying me right now. Oh yes! He is busy with his work now and it will be dangerous for him to go outside.’ I monolog with myself and look outside. Rain still heavy.
“Hurm… are you always go back to work this late?” He tried to start the conversation. Wait! How did he know that I am working? Oh ya! My outfits. AHAHA!
“Not really… usually I go back early but today… I don’t feel like going home early and now I regret it.” I take a sip of my drink. I still tried seeing his face but fail. I only can see his eyes. Something is not right here. Those eyes… make me feel nervous.
“Don’t you have any friends to accompany you? Your boyfriend maybe?” I look outside when he mention about boyfriend.
“He is busy and… I don’t want to disturb him.” I forcedly smile. Seriously, I miss him but… yeah… he was too busy , I have to consider and respect his work.
“Don’t you miss him?” I looked at this stranger and smile.
“How about you?” I think I gave too much information about myself.
“Why you wearing such a thin clothes?” He’s not answering your question but questioning you back.
“I left my sweater in the office and if I go back to the office just to take my sweater, it will be dangerous for me.” I still do not know why I’m explaining all this to him. I look outside and I miss him more. It would be nice if he sits in front of me and he will scold me because wearing such a thin clothes.
“Here! You should be wearing something thick if you do not want to fall a sick.” He gave you a paper bag that have scarf. Same color with his scarf.
“What… oh no thanks! I don’t need it.” It is kind of scary when someone whom does you did not know even his name and suddenly gave you something.
“I think I need to go now. It is already late.” I walked outside the café and it is still rain. Whatever it is I have to go home.
you!!!” I heard someone scream my name but it is too scary to turn back to see. I continue walking until to the bus stop and I saw the same guy was walking towards me. I start shivering and cannot think anything. I was too afraid that guy will do something to me. I wish he will be with me now and save me.
you.” He was taking his breath and slowly looks at me. I tried to look confident in front of him. I don’t want he know that I am afraid of him. He said my name again and touches my shoulder.
“Please… do not do anything to me. I will give you everything but do not do any harm to me.” I was shivering and sit at the floor, hold my knees.
you! Sorry… it’s me.” He said my name again. Wait! How did he know my name? Oh no. this man maybe a… STALKER?! I really need you now! Please help me.
you! It’s me. Jiyong! I’m sorry for scary you.” I still shivering and not dare to looked up. He hugs me and suddenly I feel so safe.
“Jiyong? Jiyong oppa? Really it is you?” I push him and want to see his face. He faces you and smile. Yes! I miss that smile. Really miss.
“Argh! You really!!! Bad boyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” I hit him while crying and he hugs me.
“I’m sorry. I miss you and love you!” He said that while hugging you and you feels so safe now. He's the one who sat in front of you for whole this time and questioning you. Yes! I miss this man!
-The End-
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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 1: Wow that's was good thanks for sharing.
shinsookyo #2
Chapter 1: She can't guess that its him?
If that's me, I'll throw my body to him ㅋㅋㅋ~^^
Cute story :)
ForvictoRii #3
Aah cute kkkk