When I'm With You


Some super fluffy  drabble don't mind my randomness.



I legit have four stories that I have yet to publish and yet this pops up. */sigh*


Don't mind the horrible . I had no idea what I was doing so I'm just going to work hard and improve >3<

OKAY MY FAIL IS UP. I don't even know why I wrote this piece of crap....


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Matokii #1
Chapter 1: XDDD ROFL that scene kinda spurpised me XDDD .... morons! They're making out with each other and don't even know their names?! WTH? XDDDDDDD
Chapter 1: reading....reading. aw its so cute still reading....still reading...woah woah woah....holy ____. they're having . lol it was still good
Chapter 1: i thought this is just some innocent love story blooming slowly but then i read n read n ohohohhh mai gawd they're screwing each other xD how is that possible,how old r they anw?thats a bit too fast tbh *it happens when u cant think of a proper plot i think..tho i've never written a story orz* it'd be sweet if they slowly get along 1st~where did they do it omg public?ahh idek...
u should rate the whole fic M..n maybe make the story longer a bit n focus on expressions or feeling or *wait a sec who am i to judge orz* but i like ur writing ^^
anw fighting!!