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Kris and his alpaca :)

Author's POV

It was announced that Exo was finally heading home after a three month world tour. All the EXO boys were ecstatic about the news especially Kris. Kris was the first member to get married and have his own family. During the three month tour, Kris was feeling homesick. He was missing his lovely wife and daughter. Now that they're going home, he will finally get to see them. 

Exo's car has finally arrived at the Shanghai Aiport. Kris was the first one to step out of the car when a fan approached him giving him a gift. Kris had accepted the gift and thanked the fan. He stopped and looked down at his gift. It was a little stuffed alpaca. Kris smiled just by looking at it because it had reminded him of his daughter; soft and cuddly on the inside and cute and pretty on the outside. The pirate costume also reminded him of when him and the EXO members went trick or treating last year with his daugher who was dressed up as a pirate. "Kris, let's go!", the manager had signaled him to start walking to the entrance. Kris nodded and led the boys along with the manager to the entrance. 

A sea of fangirls screaming and squealing once EXO has arrived. People try to get closer to them. They squishing and pushing each other in order to take a glance of them. Kris held his alpaca tighter in his arms along with the bags of gifts that he managed to accept. It is quite surprising that EXO is still getting a lot of fans from all ages after 10 years of debut. Along those years, security has also risen in airports. 

The Exo boys have finally got through the sea of fangirls safely. Once they arrived at the waiting area, the boys seated themselves in relief. Kris had seated himself next to Lay and a cordi-noona. Kris began to take the blue scarf off of his neck and gave it to the cordi-noona. He also placed his alpaca plushie into is lap and stared at it. Lay began to pet the alpaca. "Yah~ Don't touch my alpaca!", Kris said defensively. Lay laughed by his comment. "Calm down duizhang. Is this Kristina's new baby brother?". The other members heard Lay's comment and snickered. 

After 15 minutes of waiting, "Duizhang~ I'm bored.. Let's play rock-paper-scissors" Lay said. Kris was still playing his little alpaca. At this time, he had wrapped his blue scarf and put his glasses to the alpaca. Kris nodded to agree to play with Lay as both of them were getting ready and putting their fist up in position. "Loser sits in the economy class!", Lay said with confidence. "Deal! Let's go!", Kris said. 

After 5 minutes of playing rock paper scissors, Kris lost the game. The other members were laughing and giving Lay a high five. The managers and the cordis were also laughing at Kris' lost. "Kris hyung, you at rock-paper-scissors", Sehun said. All other members laughed. "Aww.. Look TuoTuo your daddy just lost the game", Lay said to the alpaca. "Looks like someone will have to sit in the economy section", Lay sing-songed. "Can I pick a member to come with me?", Kris asked. "Why would you go with another member? You have your son with you right there", Tao said pointing to the alpaca. The manager decided he'll go with Kris, but the members disapproved. It would be too boring, so they decided to pick another member. The other 11 members played rock-paper-scissors. D.O was the first one to be safe, then comes Chen, then Luhan. the Kai, then Baekhyun, then Tao, then Chanyeol, then Xiumin, and lastly Sehun, It was fianlly the last round between Lay and Suho. "Kai Bai Bo!", both members shouted. Lay picked paper, while Suho picked scissors. The other members screamed that it got to the point were standbyers were staring at them. The manager hushed them down, "Guys calm down!". On the other hand, Lay puts his head down in shame while Suho high-fived the other members. 

"Attention all passengers, Flight number F254 to Seoul, South Korea is now boarding. Again all passengers flight number F254 to Seoul, South Korea is now boarding. Thank you~", the pager had announced their flight. The boys stood up and gathered their stuff. They started heading down to the plane. 

All members were still in business class before the plane took off. "Kris-hyung, Lay-hyung", Chen called their names, "Why are you guys still here, don't you guys have to go the economy side?", Chen snickered and so did Xiumin who sitting next to him. Kris looked down at his alpaca. "Let's go TuoTuo", Kris said to himself and to his alpaca. "Let's go Lay". Lay was still upset about his lost. 

Kris had asked beforehand if there any seats still available in the economy. Luckily there 4 seats available. In the end, Kris, Lay, and a cordi-noona had switched to the economy class. They had to take a cordi just in case if there are fans that will take pictures during the flight. 

"So, how does it feel to lose?" Kris asked Lay beside him. 

"Shut up", Lay retorted. 

Kris laughed and held his alpaca closer to his chest. He snug his face into the alpalca's face. Oh how much he missed hugging his daughter. He couldn't wait to see her smiling face when he arrives to the airport. 

During the flight, Kris was petting, cuddling, and talking to the alpaca. He treated it like his own child. He even placed it to the empty that was on the left of him and buckled its seatbelt. The person sitting across from Kris was staring at him weirdly. Although, Kris was already a grown man, he was still a child at heart. Lay was also beginning to feel jealous of the little stuffed animal. But he was happy to see his duizhang acting like that since Kris has been in a bad mood lately. After 30 minutes, Kris had to use the bathroom. Lay and cordi noona was taking a nap. Kris stood up and placed his alpaca into his seat and strapped the seatbelt on it. Lay suddenly woke up once Kris left. He looked to his right and saw that Kris was gone. Instead it was the alpaca with the seatbelt sitting on his seat. Lay facepalmed himself and smiled, "Oh duizhang". After Kris came back for five minutes, Lay went back to sleep. 

After two hours, the boys have arrived at the Incheon Airport. A few minutes before landing, Kris, Lay, and cordi-noona went back to the business to meet up with the other members. "How was economy hyung?" Kai asked Lay snickering. Lay just gave Kai a death glare. Kai continued to laugh. Kris had taken off the scarf and the glasses from the alpaca. He wrapped the scraf back around his neck and put on his glasses. 

Kris was really anxious. He was standing by the door exit. He could thousands of fans screaming. He was waiting for the other members to come out from immigration. He looked back down at his alpaca and held it tighter to his chest. Finally all the members were finished and the doors slided open and the boys were greeted with flashing lights and screaming fans. Kris wandered his eyes around the area looking for his wife and his daughter. He was worried that they were going to get lost and not see him because of the fans. He held the alpaca even tighter. He was still looking around. It was impossible. "Hyung! We have to wait for ____* and Kristina", Kris asked the manager. "Kris we can't we need to leave immediately. There are too many people here. The other members will get irritated. Maybe they're waiting outside" Kris nodded and looked at his tired members. (A/N: ____* <-- insert your name. "You" are married to Kris in this story) 

What Kris hoped was that once the doors opened his daughter was the first one to come up to him along with his wife. Instead he was greeted with flashing lights and screaming fans. Kris was disappointed. But he was also worried for them. 

The boys made it through the exit and outside the doors. Tao saw some people across the road. He saw a female with a white jacket holding a little girl's hand. He also saw some other people next to them. Tao was trying to figure out who those people were. It was until Baekhyun screamed, "Umma~~!!". Baekhyun ran across the road. Luckily there weren't any cars passing by or Baekhyun would've been killed. Kris heard Baekhyun screamed to his mother. He looked over to where he was running to and saw his family. He sees his wife waving at him and his daughter jumping up and down. "____*!! Kristina!!!", Kris yelled to himself. Like what Baekhyun did, Kris ran across the road. Again, luckily there wasn't a single car passing by. The other Exo members' parents were also waiting for them across the road. Just like kids running to the ice cream car, the Exo boys ran across road to see their parents. 

"Daddy~~!!", Kristina ran up to her father to hug him. Kris picked her up and gave her a tight hug. Kristina giggled. "I miss you daddy~!:", Kristina cooed. She then looked at her father's eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The fans saw the events and awed. Some fans were crying at the moments. They were happy to see Exo with their family. 

"Kris. Did you forget about me", _____* said. Kris walked up to ____* and gave her a kiss on the lips while still carrying Kristina. "I miss you!", ____* said giving her husband a hug with their daughter. 

"Daddy, what's that on your hand?", Kristina said pointing to the stuffed animal Kris was holding. Kris looked at the alpaca and brought it up to Kristina's face. He was carrying Kristina with one arm and holding the alpaca on his other hand. "His name is TuoTuo. He is your new baby brother", Kris said. Kristina giggled and took the alpaca from Kris' hand. She gave it a tight hug. Kris decided to put Kristina down. She was still cuddling the stuffed alpaca. "Since when did I gave birth to an alpaca?" ___* said saracasticly. ___* linked her arms with Kris' and leaned her head on his shoulder. The couple looked down at their daughter happily. Kris was happy to see his family and together.

"I promise to take care of TuoTuo well", Kristina said. She wanted treat the alpaca like it was her own child, just like how Kris treated it during the plane right. Kris bent down to his daughter's eyes, "You better take good care of him!". Kristina nodded and hugged her father once more. 


Wow. Its really longg~~~ I've had these Kris+Alpaca feels lately. I'm so jealous of the alpaca! >,< ... LOL I hope you guys like this! I suddenly added the other members in this story. It was suppose to be really short. I basically wrote about the fan accounts from the rock-paper-scissors game to Kris putting the seatbelt to the alpaca. LOL .. I just wrote whatever that popped into my head. It suppose to be only a cute moment of Kris and his daughter with the alpaca ... But i ended up putting the other members. Oh well ... It's my first one-shot. I hope you guys liked it though... Please comment! <33 and subscribe to my other stories that im working on: Opposites Attract (?) and Searching for that Smile. Searching for a Smile is still on hiatus.. I'm trying to redo the chapters. But please COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE TO THEM! <3 THANK YOU! 

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Chapter 1: This is hilarious.
Alpaca in Chinese sounds a lot like something vulgar so this entire thing had me and my friends in laughter.
But Kris looks SO adorable in that picture ><

LOL The alpaca is called TuoTuo? THAT'S ADORBALE
adorable duizhang
awww I wanted to read it!~~~
awww I wanted to read it!~~~