I met his Beautiful Girlfriend :)

I'm not just a Nerd

"Err...  " you stuttered as Luhan came near you.

He blinked a few times and his mouth formed an 'o'. 

" After my mom comes back, she always disturbs me after she found out that I brought a girl to the house... everytime, so yeah.... "

" I--uhh... " you stuttered.

He frowned and asked, " Are you uncomfortable? I don't mind if we do our project in the liviing room... "

" No, no ! It's fine ! I-- I'm okay with it " you smiled and he took out the notes teacher gave, and started chatting while doing te project.

After awhile, you started getting comfortable around him.

* Why can't I be so friendly like him... like everyone else? * you thought as you wrote the answers for some questions.

Luhan went out of his room to get some drinks for both of you while you stayed in the room.

You heard chattering outside the door and got curious.

The door suddenly flung opened, revealing an annoyed faced Luhan and a beautiful girl behind him.

You quickly stood up and bowed to the girl. " A- Annyeong Haseyo ! " You stood straight and Luhan came in, while the girl stood outside, looking a little pissed.

" Explain. " the girl suddenly said bluntly, looking at Luhan. I took a glance at him and he went to that girl.

" Yoon, I'm sorry ! I forgot about today, please.. next time? " Luhan took her hand and squeezed it slightly.

Yoon snatched back her hands and glared at you, then back at Luhan. " Tomorrow. After school. "

She said and went away.

Luhan sighed and turned back to you. " I'm sorry, that was my girlfriend.. she's just a little hot tempered... don't mind her, okay? "

" How could you forgot your date with your girlfriend? " you asked and laughed.

" Let's continue . " that was all he said, and both of you continued the project, athought you could see his face slightly pinked.


What kind of effect would you see if an object (with a light source) was surrounded by a mirrored sphere?

Also, if a pulse of light was released (this time with no object) inside a closed mirrored sphere - and no energy was lost through heat, would the light remain indefinitely - evenly spread throughout the sphere ?


You looked at this question over and over again, checking some of your science books, but couldn't find the answer.

You scratched ur head and read it again, until Luhan budges in.

" You don't know the answer ? " he asked and chuckled.

You shook your head slightly and he shuffled nearer to you, making you blush.


" Oh, the answer is Yes." he answered.

" Uhmm... could you... explain it to me? I don't understand... sorry..." you said and laughed awkwardly.

He smiled and said, " Sure.... with any energy form trapped in a closed non-dissipative space, the light would theoretically increase indefinitely.

"But at some point,  the spatial energy density would cause other interesting side effects like.... extreme heating and destruction of either the lamp or mirror surfaces if the mirror surfaces are 100% reflecting and the light sourse is transparent."

You listened quietly and nodded as he continued.

" Other possible effects could be a partial conversion of energy into mass, and maybe nuclear reactions of that mass, exposed to extreme heat and radiation pressure."

" Uhmm.... but assuming that the sphere is "full" of perfect vacuum, nothing is sure, though.The most minimal quantity of matter, even one molecule of gas or air, however, could be seriously affected by this spatial energy density which could be as high as the whole energy of the universe, for what we know..."

After he stopped, you looked at him and blinked a few times. " ... "    * He's really smart. *

" For what you know... " you murmured to him.

He laughed and said, " Sorry if you don't understand... maybe I could teach you tomorrow. "

You raised an eyebrow. " But you have a date with your.. girlfriend. "

" Oh yeah... the day after tomorrow ? " he asked.

* I've gotta study more... I don't even understand a thing he explained. *


" I think we'll stop here today. We're half way done ~! " he continued and both of you stood up.

" Er... thank yo for everything, I-I'll go home now " you bowed and left after saying goodbye.



Yeahh, haha. Hope you like it :DDD

 SORRY AND THANK YOU !  >__<  if you know what im talking about...

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I don't even understand what I'm typing for the answer of that question :D

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shanluhan #1
Chapter 9: Oh my gahd its my name!
exoticalec #2
My name hah
neverletgo #3
This is gud
Chapter 9: woohoo... you such a good author.. i hope i can write like you..
update please..
hwaiting!! \^_^/
exofics94 #5
You use my username exofics94!! Im like spazzing right noww btw its soooo good
MadilynIris #6
Hee hee my name again !!! Btw I love your story keep writing!
jongkyuzee #7
Chapter 9: Shellshock is Luhan?!! I knew it!!!
geaneybean_kpoplover #8
Chapter 9: O.O Shellshock is LUHAN?!
Myung__Hee #9