Hardly There...

I've Moved On

Okay, just to clear things up before the story, the italicized is the diary entry, while the gray part is the flashback. This is Kyu's POV.



Break-ups are hard; moving on is another story. It is actually comical that I’ve known this the hard way. Yes, I am one of those people who consider going on hunger strike just because eating reminds me of him. And considering that I am laughing at myself right now whilst reading this story about my cute puppy love and how we managed to end it, I believe you would call me crazy—for lack of better terms.

See, we started out like a movie… Though the plot is typical, if ours were to be aired, you would find it daring. Not because of the storyline but the characters. Of course that includes me and a guy… But what’s funny is that—I, myself; am a guy! It’s funny how we turned the movie into something a little more… hmm… eccentric maybe? But that’s not the point here people! This is real life. And this is my story.

The guy I fell in love with… he is, nice and tolerable; which is a contrast of mine, being straightforward and mean. And that is how our relationship began. The bickering, shouting and arguing were simply parts of our daily lives and as important as breathing. Yeah, as crazy as it sounds… it is. It’s very hard for me to explain in words, but his words were as vivid as it can get. Okay… where do I start?


August 24th, 2010


I was walking at the corridors of our new school. The fresh faces coming out of the rooms make me curious as to how expensive the tuition here is. After all, I’m not as rich as the people here. Getting here was a mere luck of being picked in an exchange program. I’m not Mr. Smarty-pants a.k.a. know-it-all… but I’m alright… They said they picked me because they knew I would behave pretty well in situations like these. And wow, with this kind of school I think I won’t even think of doing something bad. I felt all eyes on me as I was still wearing my old uniform. Well they said to, so I should. Anyways, the sounds of footsteps slowly lessen as the bell rang. As for me, I kept spinning round the halls searching where the student council’s office is located. Though getting lost was my fault… I was too mesmerized by the luxurious feel of the school that I didn’t actually notice my co-exchange students rushing to the student council’s office. Whatever! Leave me just because I’m not part of your nerdy group. Anyways, I arrived at the ‘said’ room which has a signage saying ‘Student Organization Office’. I knocked several times, and after hearing a voice telling me to come in, I went inside. Inside was like a conference room, with a huge table where papers are laid out to the personnel who are sitting in their respective chairs. But what caught most of my attention was the guy sitting at the utmost front, the student body president I guess, looking somewhat furious. He looked at me for a few seconds as our eyes locked. My heart suddenly beat faster as his condescending eyes looked at my innocent ones. He pointed at the available seats as I took it as an invitation to join their gathering. We all startled as he literally smashed the table. He then took a moment of silence. I don’t know what just happened, but I glued my eyes on him in a weird manner.

“Mr. Lee HyukJae, are you aware that you are late?” I was shocked at the sound of my name as I nodded in response. It was the start of torture… much like hell breaking loose.

“And these people are also aware that I don’t like repeating things. Am I correct?” he stated once again as the others nodded in fear. “That is why Lee HyukJae, you are to be on time whether attending meetings or crashing a party. The school you are currently entering is built with discipline and we don’t want someone, especially an outsider like you, influence us.” He said as steam came out of my nose. Did he just say…? I bit my lip controlling my temper. Don’t do this… you can’t do this… “Are you offended? I’m sorry, it wasn’t me who was late and caused the commotion here. So I hope you won’t complain. Just get the student hand-out from SiWon-ssi and you’re good to go.” He suggested as a tall, handsome guy approached me and gave me a pamphlet of what sort. I hit the table with all my might; standing up.

“I hope those ‘disciplined students’ didn’t have a pathetic leader like you. Considering that I am an exchange student you should learn to give me a little respect, especially on our first meeting. You are aware that rumors spread fast right?” I retorted and went out not leaving him a chance to talk back.



                I turned to the next page smiling at the sight of his handwriting. Ever since I wasn’t that person who was fond of writing, but my penmanship’s okay… Anyways, as I read on tons of his stories about how I ruined his everyday life, I came across one which made me grin to the ends of my ears.



December 1st, 2010


                I was hesitating whether I should stay in this school permanently or not. This is a big step for me, and these decisions which I shall soon make will affect me in different ways. There are only two options; to stay or not to stay.

                Not to stay; because the time I spent here was freakishly and influentially bad. I thought they would call me brave for standing up against Mr. President. But no, they just had to give me hate mails and death threats telling me that I do not have the right to live unless I gave that guy an apology. Ever since that day I never came home clean. They started out with water on my way out of gym class. I thanked them for that. But it wasn’t until they started doing pranks with me. They would throw raw eggs at me. They would kick me during soccer when the coach wasn’t looking. They tripped me and my face landed on mud. And so many things you wouldn’t dare imagine; all because that guy whom I initially admired threw a tantrum when I didn’t give him respect. It was everyday torture. And what’s worse is, he was with me in 5 of my subjects and was unfortunately picked as my group mate in 4 of ‘em. I thought I wouldn’t survive. But luckily the crowd died down after a couple of weeks. I was never bullied in my old school. I was even praised there for being nice. And going back there would relieve me of my everyday stress. Besides, my old friends kept on calling me saying they miss me.

To stay; so I’ll be able to glance at him every second I can. It’s laughable how I’ve become fond of his face. If only I was an artist, I would draw his face without even looking at him. But since I’m not, I would have to stick on my photographic memory. His jaw line, his eyes, and even his detailed hands I could remember. I didn’t know where it began. Where I started jotting down his features. All I know was every time I heard his voice it was someone whom I bickered and continuously argued with. All I know was his face gave me all the reason to get up and go to that school in where I most definitely not fit in. Most of the time was spent with us arguing, but I guess we have that sort of connection. I have my own buddies at my old school; but why do I suddenly wanted to give up everything just to give chance for this admiration that he doesn’t even notice? My infatuation was just too ineffable; and I was fragile and vulnerable.

                I only have one month to decide which school to attend. Everything seems to be a mess. I just can’t imagine living without my new life; but I just can’t go leaving my old life behind. I need to consult on SiWon so I would know what to choose. He’s the religious one; he should know what I should do. Meanwhile, I just need to savor my time with KyuHyun.

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Chapter 2: wuah...this is nice. the way you write the story is nice.
the way kyuhyun confess is frustating -.-" but it's somehow suitable for cute-hyuk :D
it's a simple story actually, but the way you tell the story makes it interesting.
thanks for sharing ^^
Chapter 2: why so sad??
my precious kyuhyuk
they should belong to each other
i thought hyuk would come back soon
but no..he asked kyu to move on T___T
LittleAriel #3
Chapter 2: I love the way you write T^T
It reminds me of some beautiful BL stories I used to read
Too bad they couldn't get together in the end :(
I wonder how Hyukjae was doing, moving on too...
Chapter 2: huhu...authornim thank kyuuu for writing this...its beautiful..love full of painful huhu....i love kyuhyuk hopefully u can write more bout them ^^