Chapter 1- I Lost Him

A Phone Call mistake!


I wake up one morning knowing that I will never meet someone downstairs. That someone that cooks my breakfast and the one who takes care of me all the time. Hyukjae…my stubborn brother that keeps on annoying me every time I’m doing something serious. Today wasn’t still our summer vacation so I have to study hard and pray for my success.


Anyway, the reason why I never had someone this day because….

Seven days ago…when Kyuhyun, my brother’s bestfriend and also my brother Hyukjae, brought me somewhere else far away from our house. I was trying to get away from them but the more I insist to escape, the more they held my hands tightly.

            They took me on a hill where I can see the whole town. From there, I can see the supermarket that where we usually kept on making troubles. I remember how they warn us not to come again without our parents with us. The hill was just a normal hill that you can see on the movies. The bench, the tree and it looks like a park. The tree was a cherry blossom but it doesn’t have its pinkish color.


            “This place is beautiful. How did you find this?” I asked them.

            “It’s a secret. But we did our best to find a perfect place for you to stay while we’re gone.” Hyukjae said.

            “Why? Where are you going?”

            “We’re transferring to another school. We’ve passed a scholarship exam the school offered to us last month.” Kyuhyun answered.

            “Why didn’t you let me take the exam too?”

            “Honestly, they have age limits. You’re too young to take the exam.”

            “I see.” I’ve been silent for several minutes. I didn’t say any word. I’d just sat on the bench and looked around the place.


One minute later…

            “That’s it. Nothing at all. Hey! We’re leaving in one week. Don’t you care about it?” Hyukjae complained.

            I made no reaction but just silence. What would he expect me to do? I won’t cry for a friend leaving. “I won’t cry for the two of you. You don’t understand how I feel either. You’re leaving in one week, right?”

            “Oh, crap! We forgot to tell her about that earlier.” I heard Kyuhyun whispered at Jaye.

            “Don’t worry.” I stood up and grabbed my bag. “Since you’ve kept something from me, I decided not to tell any secrets from you anymore.” I left them and proceed downhill.

            “Hey! Where are you going?” Hyukjae asked me and he added more lines.

            “It’s none of you your business. See yah!” I walked and walked showing nothing could stop me from leaving. I haven’t heard his last words for me that time but I didn’t care about it anymore.

            I hadn’t heard any word from them anymore maybe because I’m too far away. That’s why I decided to the whole town since almost the entire malls there are 24 hours open. It took 3 hours for me to roam all over the place and finally, sleeping time came into mind.

            I thought for a moment and opened my contacts to find out who are still up at 1 am. Finally, I found one! Would you look at that? Donghae was the only one who’s available here so I tried to call her and it worked.


The phone rang. On the phone…

            Donghae: Good morning.

            Sungmin: Just as expected from you nerdy. Still up ‘til am, eh?

            Donghae: Oh, Minnie. Do you need something?

            Sungmin: Can I sleep there? For a week?

            Donghae: Sure thing! But why? Did something happen? Have you told Hyukkie about this?

            Sungmin: Nope. And if they call, don’t tell them anything or even to Kyuhyun.

            Donghae: Uh, okay. So what happened?

            Sungmin: I’ll tell you when I get there. Don’t tell them anything, alright?

            Donghae: Okay. Bye.

            Sungmin: I’ll bring foods. Bye.


When I was done picking up foods to bring, I jumped in the car and started the engine right away to arrive at Donghae’s place as soon as possible. It was almost 2am when I arrived at her house. She opened the gate quicker than I expected. She let me borrow the other room that she’d just cleaned before I arrive. She told me I’ll be staying there for one week and avoid making any mess. But I guess that in the end, too much conversation will lead me into sleeping at her room every time.

            “I bought some foods.” I told her.

            “Thanks about that.” She thanked me.

            “Well, it was nothing.”

            “You told me that you are going to tell me something when I get here.”

            “Oh, yeah. About that.” I started out the conversation. “Did oppa told you that he’s leaving with Kyuhyun?” I told her every thing that my two friends have explained to me. I even told her the when they will be leaving.

            “So that’s why you wanted to stay here for a week? But how could Hyukkie revealed your true feelings infront of Kyuhyun?”

            “Yeah. And I’m doomed about that Kyuhyun stuffs.”

            “So how did you react?”

            Before I could answer her question, the phone rang downstairs. Donghae rushed to answer it. She told me that I could answer her question when she gets back.

            The room turns into silence when Donghae left. All that’s been entering in my mind was Kyuhyun’s face. I don’t just like him but I also love him very much. That’s why I can’t blame Hyukjae for shouting out those words in front the three of us. He’s just doing what’s best or maybe the right thing that I must do. But still they didn’t tell me that they’re leaving. I felt so sad thinking that they’ll leave me all alone for several years. I was thinking if Kyuhyun would find someone greater than me and spend all of his time with her. I hope he’ll not.

            I hit my face with my hands to wake me up from dreaming. I was acting so crazy again because I kept on imagining things that I know it’ll never happen.

            Donghae returned to the room and found me hitting myself. “Hey, what are doing?”

            “Uh, nothing. Who was that?”

            “It’s Hyukkie. He was asking if you were here.”

            “Ah, I see. Good thing that I’ve told you already what to say.”

            “By the way, do you want to have snacks downstairs?” She asked me.

            “Of course. Let’s go.” We went downstairs and went to the dining room. There, I found some homemade snacks that Donghae had personally made.”Wow! You actually made all of these?”

            “Uh, yeah.” She answered.

            “No wonder, oppa wants to be a chef. He wants to cook food with you.”

            “Maybe not.” She chuckled. We continued to eat and eat. Then later, Donghae asked me something. “Minnie, I want to ask you something. Is it okay?”

            “What is it?”

            “Do you like Kyuhyun so much?”

            I felt nervous a first hearing Kyuhyun’s name from her. I didn’t know what to say but since she knows it already, I said it aloud. “Yes. I really like him, ever since we were kids.” I felt warm hearing those words came out from my mouth. That’s what happens every time I speak what I really wanted inside. A few seconds later, something came out. “But I don’t take it so seriously. After all, what I am aiming right now is to be on top of our class. I need to study hard. Yes, I admire him but he doesn’t fit to be my ideal man. I want to have a man who’s like my brother. A guy who knows how to cook, funny but somewhat romantic and most of all, not serious about life. Unlike Kyuhyun, who has 10 maids who kept on following him and his orders everywhere. And he’s too serious about life. He thinks I’m still a child too. I hate that. Even if---“

            “Um, Anney. I think we should clean this up first. It’s 3:30am. Can you help me?” She tried to cut off my lines.

            “Oh, yeah sure.”


Just as we’ve finished cleaning, I headed first to the living room to see some of her photos. I noticed that that phone had hung up.

            “Donghae you forgot to put the phone down. Do still have some business with this?”

            “No. Nothing at all. Just go ahead.” She told me. “Let’s go to my room, Min.”

            “Sure.” I put the phone down and followed her behind.”But you know, even though he’s like that, I still like him. I really do. Do you think that he’ll like me too?”

            “I don’t know. Maybe he’ll love you more.”

            “Love?” I just smiled.”I wish not. He’s crazy when he’s in love.”

            It was past 4 in the morning when we got to bed. Donghae’s bed was large enough that’s why we slept together in there.

            “Are you going to miss them?” Donghae asked me.

            “Of course.  They’ve been with me since our childhood. That’s why I can’t believe that they’ll leave me here for years.”

            “I understand how you feel. But don’t worry about them. They’ll come back.”

            “But so late.” I said. I lay at the bed and hugged the pillow beside me. “Never mind. Starting tonight, I won’t mind about them anymore. All I’ll think about is I and others who will be with me while they’re away. Let’s go to sleep Haeee.”

            “Yup, yup. I’ll turn off the lights. Goodnight.” She turned off the light and we finally went to sleep.

            That night, I dreamed of something that made me realize something about me. It was Hyukjae at his room. And Kyuhyun was there too. They were talking about something. I wanted to hear what they are talking about but if try to move closer to them, they might notice me. Then suddenly, something pushed me towards them. When I fell off the bed where they were lying, I noticed that I was like a ghost. My body just passed through their legs and still, they kept on talking. I’ve heard Kyuhyun called out my name. He said, “Do you think that she’ll forgive us? I mean, we kept it on purpose.”

            “Don’t worry, she’ll forgive us someday. If we told her earlier, she’ll come with us and enroll at a school near ours.” Hyukjae answered him.

            What Jaye had told him hit me like an arrow. I think for a while then suddenly…

            “Sungmin wake up. Breakfast is ready.” It was Donghae who waked me up and interrupted me from my dream. I haven’t noticed that it was almost noon. I get up from Donghae bed and washed my face. The dream that I had last night still kept on bothering me. I was thinking if was it just me or am I being annoying again. Hyukjae is right. Wherever and whenever they went, I kept on following them. Maybe that’s why they wanted to enter the all-boys school. They don’t want me to be with me anymore.

            I went to the dining room where two Donghae and two other men whom I knew were sitting there already and ready to eat when I arrive. They were Hyukjae and Kyuhyun. I was wondering why they’ve reached Donghae’s house at this time. It’s not their habit to go out of house before noon. They’re too lazy for that. I tried to ignore them but before I could sit on my chair, Hyukjae approached me and asked me something. “How’s your sleep, sis? Did you eat well last night?”

            “It’s horrible. And I didn’t have my dinner last night.”

            “What?! Is that how you behave outside our house? That’s it. I’ll take you home.”

            “No. you won’t.” I told him.

            “What a hard-headed sister. Listen. We were thinking last night if we could let you visit our dorm during your vacation.”

            “It’s okay. You’ll never be seeing me there at you dormitory. I know that both of you don’t want to stay at the same school as mine.”

            “What? Where did you hear those?”

            I didn’t answer his questions and sit at my chair and started to eat. I noticed Kyuhyun at one side of the table looking so sad. He also kept on avoiding my eyes.

            “Hey, Kyu. Are you okay?”

            “I don’t think so. You know, I was very worried and I’d completely slept in your house the whole night of searching for you.”

            “You don’t have to do that. You think I’ll never survive in a town like this? Don’t worry, I’m fine.” I told him. He looked relieved when I said that to him. Then, he asked me something.

            “Can I have a favor? From you?”

            “What is it?”

            He told me that the day before he left, he wanted to spend the whole day with me with just fun and laughter. Nothing more, nothing less. Since it wasn’t a bad idea, I promised him that I’ll be wit him that day. He said that he also wanted to pay what they did to me.


The day before they left...

            I was back at my own house that time. I decided to go back since I have no clothes to wear anymore ant Donghae’s house. That morning, Hyukjae was shaking me on my bed trying to remind me of something I forgot.

            I get up on my bed feeling so dizzy because I was forced to wake up. I asked him why he has to be harsh on waking me up and he told me that I will be late if I don’t hurry to meet Kyuhyun at the park. At that moment, I remember that I kept a promise from him.

            “Was it today? I thought…”

            “Yes, today. Now get up and fix yourself. Any minute, Kyuhyun will be at the park and you’ll be late because you move like a snail.”

            “Yeah. I’m on it.” I was terrified about that. I was sure I remember what I promised. Maybe I forgot that today will be their last day here. After I get dressed, I went downstairs and eat my breakfast. Jaye told me that he will send me to the park since he’ll be going to Donghae, too.


At the park, Kyuhyun was there standing at the post waiting for me. I approached him and greeted him. “Hey, were you waiting too long?”

            “Oh, not much.” He said knowing that he’s lying. I was an hour late. I don’t believe that he’ll arrive late, too.

            “I see. Let’s go?”

            “Yeah, sure.”

            That day was fun. He took me to every place that I like. He made me very happy this day. It was like gathering all my happiness in a bottle and releases it in one day. Even though I’m happy. He still has those sad eyes before. He looks very sad and kept on looking from a far. He doesn’t actually set his mind on our date. He is setting his mind somewhere else. I wanted to ask him but I thought that it’ll not be a good question right now. Then, something came up my mind.

            “Hey, Kyuhyun! This place gets boring and boring. Let’s go somewhere else.”

            “But where? This is the only place where I knew you would like.”

            “Since it’s almost sunset, I wanted to say there ‘til midnight.” I point at the hill where they told me before that they’re leaving. “I love to stay there. Remember when Jaye revealed my feeling for you?”

            Zyrene smiled as a response to what I said and his looks went to sad mode after responding. “If that’s what you want, then let’s go.”

            We went on top of the hill using his car. He let me in first before he gets in at the driver’s seat. The last time I remember when we got there was the bench. I hope it was still there. We arrive at the top at exactly sunset. All I want to do is to witness the happiness that was going around here. “Wow, this is cool.” I said.

            “Really? You can stay here anytime you want.” He told me.

            “I know.” I relied. A moment later, “By the way, what’s wrong? You’re acting so strange lately. Did something happen? Maybe I can help.”

            I didn’t know what had gotten into me. Am I that so desperate to know what had happened? Gosh! I hope I’m still me. Totally.

            “Nothing. You said you wanted to help ma right?”

            “Yes. Is there anything I could?”

            “Yup. But all you have to do is to listen.”


            He stood in front of me and started to talk. “This will be said to you once by me.” He kept silent for a few seconds. “What you fell about me is somewhat the same of what I feel about you.”

            “Really? What kind of feeling?”

            “Can’t you get it? I-I fell in love with you!”

            “Oh. Okay continue.” I kept on smiling while he kept on explaining. He told me that he started to fall in love with me when we were in pre-school. Now I know why he told me that I’m ‘cute’ that time. He also told me that he fell in love for me again. The reason why he kept on telling me I’m ‘pretty’ during grade-school. The third thing he told me was a bit different.

            “But when I fell for you again, I got hurt. I thought that I would suit as your man someday but when I heard what you said on the phone at Donghae’s house…”

            The phone? Oh, no. so that’s it! That’s why Donghae left the phone hung up. She set me up?!

            “…that’s why I didn’t push my self to love you anymore. You take guys like me so seriously. Not at all. Good thing that you cleared it up. And by the way. This maybe my last visit here. I wish I will have a chance to go back. But I think mom won’t let me. After all, there’s someone else inside here besides you.”

            I didn’t expect this to happen. If I’ve been very careful of what I let go from my mouth. Uh!! I hate it. Of all those questions Donghae could ask.

            Minutes have passed but the hill was still in silence. What I did was this, “Sorry if I’d said that. I didn’t mean to let you hear that. That was just our girl talk.”

            “I understand. It’s a bit cold here. Do you want to go home now?”


            He sent me home at dinner. When we reached my house, we said goodbye to each other. I asked him to have dinner inside but he refused so I decided to go inside. I didn’t eat dinner anymore.

            I closed the door of my room and lean on it. “It’s over.” I said. “He’ll never be mine. No more.” Tears fell through my face.

            The next day, I told Hyukjae what happened and he allowed me to decide whether I’ll come with him at the airport or not. So I decided not to come. This’ll be a pain if I see him leave while remembering what had happened. And I don’t want to let him see my face had swelled because he might think that I’d cried last night.



---end of part I---

I'll update this soon.

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nAJOnHyun #1
omg i just found this fic .... Its so sadddddddd please update soon :( poor kyumin
onewphew #2
it started like that!!

favoriteboy #3
Chapter 1: ireally love it!i'msorry if i justcomment now
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 1: I`m liking the plot a lot, poor Kyumin. :-)
Mullahehyo_10 #5
Ahhh ... i like it >.< update soon ^.^
pubiGD #6
Omo! Donghae is a GIRL !!<br />
Aigoo! My husband >.<
me too. but i really like making sungmin as the girl. don't worry. i'll update this after our exam on monday.^^
chunrren10 #8
update soon :D i like the story ^^
nice plot~~~~ <br />
update soon. :)))