
He'll Always be my Protector




                   ~Heejeul [haha!Combination of our names]. She is our cat. Heechul bought it on our second monthsary. We also took a picture together.Me,Heejeul,and Heechul and I was so surprised to see it in Hee’s blog with the caption-“A Happy Family”. And until now he didn’t know that I saw his post.


                        He’s now playing with Heejeul and I feel like playing a CD from my favorite artist. And then I played my favorite song. The song that I listen to when I’m sad,happy,mad,inlove,or scared. It’s my song! When the song started playing,Heechul reacted. AS USUAL.


“Is that what you call a song?Music?Harmony?Whatever.It’s not pleasing to the ear!” What the heck? IS HE TALKING ABOUT MY SONG? “Shut up! Can’t you feel the song? It’s so…….” I leaned in closer to him and whispered on hi ear,”…….beautiful”


“I can’t believe that people buys his album. Or maybe you’re the only one who bought that!Hahaha!”,he laughed, while holding his tummy.I.Am.Going to PUNCH his face next time I hear him insult MY SONG again!


“You can’t even sing!!” He stopped laughing and stared at me.”Yah!How dare you say that to your boyfriend huh?Don’t…Don’t…DON’T YOU KNOW SOME COMPANIES HAVE OFFERED ME SOME SONGS BUT I JUST REJECT THEM?! I’m afraid I’ll have many fangirls and then you’ll get jealous.” I wanna laugh because of what he said. I swear, he’s really not a good singer. But he’ll be more pissed so I controlled myself from laughing. “You’re such a liar”


“I’m not lying! If you wont believe me, it’s your choice then!”


“Oh yeah!Really!I don’t believe you!!”


“Meow” Okay,I think our cat agrees with me.


“Didn’t you heard that?Heejeul agrees with me!” I got Heejeul from him.


“Yah!Heejeul wants to say that I’m right! Daddy’s right, right?” Then he’s doing an aegyo for Heejeul.


“Your argument is invalid. Your aegyo’s not working..” I went to my bed, still carrying Heejeul.


           Me and Heejeul have been playing for 30 minutes now, and Heechul’s still holding his phone. I think he’s texting but 30 MINUTES?!TEXTING?! NONSTOP?! He’s not addicted to texting cause he only gives his number to people he knows for almost 2 years and longer. [that’s how much of a snob he is].And he does not play games on his phone also. So when he went to the CR,I sneaked on the side table and got his phone. The text messages were all from—SOOYEON? Who the heck is that? I don’t know her. I didn’t bother reading the messages.Fortunately,he came back from the CR without catching me looking at his phone.


“Wait,. How many times did that song had been playing since I arrived?”


“I told you it’s beautiful, it touches my heart. But not yours, your heart has a steel covering.’, I said then rolled my eyes.


“Yah!Why are you….Aiissh..You’ve been arguing with me since I arrived!”


“You started it”, I said then pouted.Suddenly,he received another text message.I can see him smiling while reading the message he received.


“Who’s that?”, I raised an eyebrow and pretended that I don’t know who had been texting him.


“Of course it’s a secret. I gotta go. Bye bye Heejeul.Bye Jeulsoo.” He kissed Heejeul goodbye and that’s unfair because he did not kissed me.


“Yah!You kissed Heejeul but you didn’t---“ I was cut off with a kiss on my cheek.


“I already knew that was coming.” He winked at me. After he went home, I decided to just continue playing with Heejeul.After a few minutes, I received a text message from an unknown number. It says:


Your boyfriend’s sweet. He wanted me to check out the upcoming concerts of your favorite musician. I think it’s supposed to be a surprise but sorry, I really wanna tell you already. He’s really sweet. By the way, I’m his cousin—Sooyeon.”

[end of flashback]

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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5
omg..im always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>