Triple Threat?

To Reach A Dream

And there they were, on the biggest stage their feet could have only dreamt to step on. The stadium held thousands of screaming fans holding up signs with their names and faces on them. The crowd cheered and held an excitment in their eyes that could lift the spirit of any star. Chanting, screaming, singing along- those were the noises these amazing devoted fans let out. The three figures on stage were only empowered by such an enjoyable feeling in the air. They were motivated to exceed their best performance. The best part was that they were together and doing what they loved. What really brought tears to their eyes was how the crowd was so in love with the music they made on their own. The rush of adrenaline, the grins that couldn't be wiped away, the racing of their hearts all were combined together. Is this how it's like to finally reach a dream? 

"Yo! The name's ExJay! I like cars and videogames and... and... What do guys like?" Eunjun asked with a confused look as Seoyeon's eyes shot open from her daydream. The three girls were in their living room trying to figure out what to do about their debut- if they were even going to have one. Eunjun's failed attempt at acting like a guy was the reason Seoyeon finally woke up and shot back into reality.

"Girls," Yeeun answered without looking up as she flipped through her magazine.

"Other than that! There's no way I'm going to say I like girls," Eunjun shuddered at the mere thought.

"So you're going to be a gay guy?" Yeeun raised her eyebrow.

"No- I- Gyahh!" The younger yelled out in frustration as she scratched her head and sat on the floor.

Seoyeon sighed and rubbed her temples. She sat up and looked through the papers the president gave them. "Can we become Triple Threat?" She asked quietly. 'Triple Threat' was the name of Aboki Entertainment's new boy band. In fact, the company figured out everything and just needed members to fill in the band. 

If they were to join, Eunjun would be ExJay, the maknae of Triple Threat, as well as the main vocalist. Yeeun would be Drix,  the face of the group and the main dancer. Seoyeon would be C.O, the leader and the main rapper. That was what the company wrote down in the member profile they set up. 

"We can pull it off," Yeeun said as she leaned forward and closed her magazine. "They said we're talented. All we need to do is dress up, stay out of the press's way, and keep our mouths shut. What's so hard? You guys wanted this."

"Is it really that simple?" Seoyeon replied tiredly. She glanced to the clock hanging on the wall: there were only a few hours left until they had to give in their answer to Mr.Kim. 

"It's not! We don't know how to act like guys!" Eunjun exclaimed. 

"As long as you don't act like you did before, you'll be fine," Yeeun replied. "Just be yourself, minus all the girly stuff."

Eunjun sighed and ruffled her hair. She looked to the side where a full body length mirror hung on the wall. After playing a bit with her hair and moving it to the side, she realized that with a little work, she might actually look like a guy. "Maybe it isn't that hard..." 

Yeeun glanced over to Seoyeon and narrowed her eyes. "You're the only one I'm worried about."

Seoyeon puffed out her cheeks and nodded, "I know." Yeeun suddenly got up and grabbed her jacket, then tossed it over her shoulder.

"Come on, we're going on a field trip," The eldest said. Eunjun and Seoyeon exchanged confused looks as Yeeun rolled her eyes and gestured them to hurry up. With a shurg, they quickly got ready and left with no further questions. 


"You brought us to a place called 'Beauty Baby'?" Seoyeon questioned, staring at the salon before her in confusion and doubt. For the past half an hour, her and Eunjun blindly followed Yeeun all the way to the other side of the city. It was more of a commercial area there, with tiny houses over small shops and people EVERYWHERE. The streets were narrow, so of course it was easy for it to be crowded. Luckily, the salon that seemed to be their destination was in a more calmer location. It didn't seem that fancy or expensive based on the outside- it must be one of those salons that were just around the corner, and barely did any professional work. 

"Yeah, got a problem?" Yeeun replied, her voice always being so monotone.

"Why? This is the last place you'd ever be in!" Eunjun asked with her tone dripping with surprise.  

"Oh well, I know a friend who owns the place. She'll help us out," Yeeun answered, then nonchantly made her way in. 

'A friend we don't know about?' Both the younger girls thought together. They followed their forever mysterious friend into the salon. The first thing that hit them was the thick smell of hairspray, the loud blow of hair dryers, the bright fluorescent lights that were not only on the ceilings- but on top each mirror hanging as well, and the faded tan paint that were chipping away on the edges of the walls.

"YEEUNNIE!!!!" A loud, high voice screeched as a middle aged woman came running up to hug Yeeun. Yeeun chuckled and hugged the woman back. 

"Hey Mrs. Choi, long time no see. Oh, let me introduce you to my friends!" Yeeun patted the woman's back before letting go, then turned back to her dongsaengs in order to introduce them each other.

Mrs. Choi had black, short, curly hair that had hints of gray in them. She was a bit chubby, but her figure somehow gave off a comfortable and loving aura. She also had this special eyesmile that showed how warm her heart was. She was wearing a worn out pink uniform that had a white apron which seemed to have every cheap but effective hair product in the world in its pocket.

Seoyeon, being the respectful goody two shoes, stepped up first and bowed. With a warm smile and an outstretched hand, she said, "Annyeonghaseyo Ahjumma! Lee Seoyeon imnida~ It's a pleasure to meet you!" 

Eunjun followed her lead. With a bow and awkward smile, she greeted, "A-Annyeonghaseyo!  Kim Eunjun imnida!" Mrs. Choi didn't hesitate to run up to the girls and bear hug them both tightly. 

"Any friend of Yeeun is family to me! I'm Mrs.Choi, I'm soooo happy to meet you!" Mrs.Choi said excitedly as she moved side to side with Eunjun and Seoyeon. With the smile still on her face, she pulled away and asked, "So what brings you girls here? I'm pretty sure you weren't in the neighborhood and decided to drop by."

The four laughed and Yeeun came forward to answer, "We actually need your help. You're the only one I could trust enough to lead us the right way. But... It's kind of personal. Could we go to the back to talk about it?"

Mrs. Choi nodded with understanding and led them to the back. "Before we talk, let me get you something to drink. Aigoo, it's so cold outside! Would you like hot chocolate?" Mrs. Choi asked as she opened the door to the break room and ushered them in. The three nodded politely as Eunjun and Seoyeon examined the room. It wasn't that big, but not uncomfortably small either. There was a white table in the center that had eight chairs surrounding it. One corner of the room had a mini-fridge and a counter on the wall next to it. On top of the counter had all sorts of snacks and sweets. There was also a hot chocolate machine where Mrs.Choi was currently making three cups of the delicous drink.

"Out of curiousity, how'd you two meet?" Seoyeon asked as she and her friends sat on the chairs.

"Oh, Mrs.Choi was the first one I met when I came to Seoul. She took care of me for a bit," Yeeun answered. She remembered how Mrs.Choi was the first person to step up and help out the lost little girl Yeeun once was. It was a good thing Mrs.Choi just sent off her friend at the train station that day when the younger Yeeun weakly came out of the cart she was hidden in. Mrs.Choi decided to take care of Yeeun temporarily and even helped her find her mother. One could say she was like Yeeun's second mother.

Mrs.Choi served the hot chocolates and took a seat as well. "So what it is that you guys need help in?"

Yeeun took a sip of the hot chocolate and sighed at how good it tasted before answering, "We're deciding whether or not to debut as a music group. The things is, we have to act like guys since the company wants a boy band along with our talents."

Mrs.Choi's loving expression turned serious as she thought about their situation. She quiet for a few moments that seemed to drag on with intensity. "Well, how badly do you want to debut? If you think about it, this is a once in a lifetime chance. Music knows no gender, so being a boy or girl doesn't matter."

"So... We should do it, shouldn't we?" Eunjun asked.

"It's all up to you, sweetheart. When achieving something as important as your dreams, you need to throw in every amount of passion you have, and you have to be willing to risk it all. Of course this will be hard, but how much are you willing to do to reach your dream?" Mrs.Choi replied with a certain sparkle in her eye.

"A lot..." Seoyeon quietly answered with a small, knowing smile. Maybe that daydream she had earlier actually meant something this time.

Yeeun leaned forward and looked at her friends, "So how about it?" As cheesy as it was, the moment called for it: Yeeun held out her hand and looked at her friends expectantly. With a grin, Eunjun dropped her hand on top of Yeeun's. Seoyeon giggled and placed her hand on the very top.

"One, two, three, FIGHTING!!" The three shouted out with determination.

"So considering we're going to be a boy band, can you help these two with their looks? As cool as the makeover the company's gives us are, we'd just end up looking like sissy pretty boys if we go to them. I can only trust you~" Yeeun said to Mrs.Choi. Already Mrs.Choi was out the door and back into the salon.

"EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! ALL CUSTOMERS OUT NOW! TAKE A CARD FROM SUJI ON YOUR WAY OUT FOR ANOTHER APPOINTMENT! THE SALON IS CLOSED FOR THE REST OF THE DAY," Was the words the trio heard from outside. Mrs.Choi came back in after a few minutes and sweetly said, "Right this way ladies~"

Next thing you know, Seoyeon and Eunjun were sitting on the salon chairs that didn't have mirrors infront of them. Eunjun had three workers surrounding her as Seoyeon had five. Yeeun and Mrs.Choi supervised the employees and ordered them around. Against their will, Seoyeon and Eunjun were once again attacked by the horrors of makeovers.

After what seemed like forever to the younger two, they were finally free to examine themselves. Eunjun ran over to the mirror and gasped at the sight before her. Her once brown, wavy, shoulder length hair was now trimmed up to her ear, straight, and BLACK! "Yah, Yeeun Unnie! You said you were just going to do a touch up on my hair color, not dye it a completley different color!" Eunjun whined, still trying to take in her new look.

Yeeun, who was staring at Eunjun expressionlessly, on the lollipop in her hand and said, "It looks fine. You actually look better now, stop complaining." Just then, an almost-mirror breaking scream ripped through the air. All eyes went to Seoyeon who stared at her reflection in pure horror. Eunjun's eyes almost dropped out of their sockets as Yeeun continued to on her lollipop.

"M-My-" Seoyeon couldn't even form proper words in . Her hair was not only as short as the wig she wore the day earlier, it was also dyed in a browinish-reddish-orangish shade. No more long, elegant, dark curls.

Yeeun walked over to Seoyeon and patted her back comfortably, "Sorry babe. You know, you look better now than you did before. You're more badass." Seoyeon hugged Yeeun and sobbed on her shoulder. Even though the short leader said she'd be willing to risk it all, she didn't expect to bid farewell to her pride and dignity.

"I- I loved my hair," Seoyeon whispered with dramatized pain.

"I know baby, I know," Yeeun cooed reassuringly as she rubbed Seoyeon's back.

When Eunjun became a little more used to her new look and Seoyeon was finally able to calm down, the three thanked Mrs.Choi and left. After leaving the small neighborhood, they began making their way to their next stop. Seoyeon pulled out her small compact mirror, still staring at her new hairstyle.

"You know, it's not that bad," She said mostly to herself. Her optimisim was trying it's best to lighten up the situation.

"Yeah yeah," Yeeun said as they entered a now familiar building. Being so focused on the mirror, Seoyeon once again crashed into the closed door. "Owwwwww!!!" She squeaked as she put the mirror away and rubbed the part she got hurt. This time Yeeun and Eunjun laughed twice as loud as they did before.

"You really are a clutz," Yeeun chuckled and opened the door. Seoyeon stuck her tongue out as the three went in. Just when Eunjun was about to make her way to the lady at the desk, Mr.Kim casually walked by and his entire face lit up when he saw the girls- well, tomboys now.

"Hello~ I see you're here to tell me you're desicion, right?" He said with an excepted smile. Yeeun pushed Seoyeon forward since she was suppoed to be Triple Threat's leader.

Clearing , Seoyeon answered confidently, "Yes. We've decided to accept your offer. We promise to work our best!" She bowed a full ninety degrees and her friends quickly did the same. Mr.Kim was delighted.

"Fantastic! Follow me so we could discuss the details of your contract," Mr.Kim began to lead the way to his office after they stood up straight. The three exchaged looks, then held each other's hands as they followed.

They walked away from Seoyeon, Eunjun, and Yeeun - the three cafe girls that sang on Friday nights for fun. They walked towards C.O, ExJay, and Drix - the three talented men that will soon become shining celebrities who performed not only for themselves, but for the rest of the world.

No matter what's thrown your way, do whatever you can to reach your dream.

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Chapter 8: Wah!~ I thought you gave up on this story but it really made my day to see this. I hope you keep writing, Hwaiting!~
Chapter 8: Guuuurl, it so FABU. Don't even get me started. Mm. Mm. Too beu for wooooords. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
MiraWaters #3
Chapter 7: Amazing ! I love it! :) it's awesome! I couldn't wish for a better one :D!
MiraWaters #4
Chapter 6: Woohoo! This is great :). I can't wait to see what you have in store for the next chapter :)!
Chapter 6: You've earned yourself a subscriber!~ This story is really awesome. Keep up the good work!
MiraWaters #6
Chapter 4: Just perfect. I now want to cry. :') please update soon.
Chapter 2: wow i really like this story ^^ please update soon! i wanna know what happen next :3
MiraWaters #8
Chapter 3: I can't wait for the next chapter :)
MiraWaters #9
Chapter 2: Update :D I can't wait to see the next chapter!