Convincing Yeeun

To Reach A Dream

Seoyeon, Eunjun, and Yeeun sat around in a circle on the pale blue carpet of their apartment's living room. The Aboki buisness card sat in the center of the circle. The trio sat in silence, thinking long and hard about what they were going to do. Yeeun laid back and rested on her elbows. She was wearing a black tank top and blue basketball shorts, feeling relaxed and comfortable. The only thing that bothered her was that card. She wanted nothing, but to throw that card away. It seemed too good to be true, something is most definitely wrong!

Eunjun rested on her stomach and rocked her head side to side. She was wearing a large purple T-shirt with gray sweatpants underneath. Her hair was tied back in a small, messy pony. Her opinion was that she wanted to call that guy immediately. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, they should definitely go for it!

Seoyeon was sitting up straight. She was wearing a short sleeved, silky pink night gown that flowed to her shins. Her hair was tied into two loose braids on her side. She pulled up her legs and hugged her knees, still deciding what to do. "Guys, what do you think-" She began, but was immediately interrupted by her friend's responses. "We should do it!" "We shouldn't do it." Were the answers she got. Seoyeon puffed out her cheeks and looked between the other two, who were now glaring at each other.

Eunjun shook her head and turned her gaze to Seoyeon. "Let's do this! Think about it. We can become famous! Everyone can listen to our music, we can meet other celebrities, it's amazing!" The youngest explained, her voice dripping with glee. She had a twinkle in her eye that matched her wide grin. Seoyeon's heart softened at the maknae's excitment. 

Yeeun raised an eyebrow, then rolled her eyes. "Yeah, think about it. For one thing, we can't believe every guy that comes up to us in a fancy suit. Even if he is for real, can we really become celebrities? We'd have to work really really hard- recordings, rehersals, performances, appearences, commercials, we can barely handle our job at the cafe! Then we'd have to cake our faces with make-up and slap on a fake smile everytime we see a random person. The company will control us and make us their little puppets, dancing to their every wim and need! Everyone can listen to our music, you say?" She scoffed before continuing, "They'll auto-tune our voices to the point in which we can't even recognize ourselves! Not to mention that if we do something wrong, we're out."

Eunjun pouted and drooped her head down in shame. Why did Yeeun have to be right?! Seoyeon blinked, a bit taken back, "Very pessimisstic."

"I'm just saying the truth," Yeeun folded her arms behind her head and laid back with her eyes closed. Seoyeon sighed and picked up the card, mindlessly twirling it between her fingers. A spark of curiousity lit in her when she noticed a website printed on the back of the card.

'Why not check it out? It won't really hurt anyone...' She thought as she stood up with the card in hand and scurried over to her laptop. Her cherry red with rainbow stickers laptop sat peacefully ontop of the coffee table inbetween the girl's worn out couch and thick framed T.V. Honestly, Seoyeon would've bought her friend's better and more expensive furniture, but they have no idea of Seoyeon's secret past and family. Besides, she hated spending money that wasn't made with her own hardwork and tears. 

Eunjun became alert of Seoyeon's sudden movements. Curiosity took a hold of her, making her crawl to the coffee table. Seoyeon was already typing away and searching up the site. "What'cha looking at?" Eunjun peeked over at the screen, then rested her chin on Seoyeon's left shoulder. "Aboki's website?!" The younger asked, her face lighting up with hope.

Hearing that, Yeeun's eyes shot open and she abrutly sat up. 'These kids just won't give up!' Her eyebrow twitched in annoyance as she, as well, made her way to the coffee table. She sat on the floor next to Seoyeon, plopping her chin on her free, right shoulder as she read over the context on the laptop screen. 

Aboki Entertainment: Where Anyone Can Shine.

That was the motto written on top. Yeeun took the mouse from Seoyeon and continued to scroll down. There was a small section of the homepage showing the name and picture of the president, Mr. Kim, and underneath showed a few more names and pictures of important people. Some of them were managers, directors, producers, and scouts. One face clicked into familiarity. 

"So it turns out that guy was for real," Eunjun mumbled, trying so very hard not to smirk. Yeeun smacked the back of Eunjun's head and sent the younger a glare. "Ow!" Eunjun cried as her hand shot up to the back of her head and rubbed it with a pout. 

"Shhh!" Seoyeon scolded the two as she concetrated on the context before her. Another part of the website talked about training. "Apparently, we can practice singing, dancing, acting, and modelling." Yeeun read the little details under each of the categories. Truth be told, this tomboy actually wanted to open up her own mall and model for her major shops. Kind of whacky, isn't it? It wasn't to Yeeun though, and her opinion about this company was really changing...

"Aboki Entertainment currently sponsors both music groups: LeGenD and Candi," Eunjun read a loud. There came Yeeun's turn off. 

"Ew," Yeeun commented. 

"What's wrong with LeGenD and Candi? Seoyeon, appalled, asked her. She was quite a fan of both groups.

"For one thing, those guys are just a bunch of pretty boys that know nothing about music. Secondly, those hoe-" Yeeun looked over at the innocent-minded maknae and cleared , quickly changing her choice of vocabulary. "Those girls only care about looking good in front of the camera. And I seriously think they've never heard of pants."

"That's just their image. Why don't we just go there and show them what real music is?" Eunjun asked, once again high in hope. Seoyeon leaned back and straightened her posture. 

"I... Think we should do it," Seoyeon stated, her soft eyes becoming hard with her serious consideration.

"No way. Give me one good reason why we should. And don't give me bull about how we must reach our dreams and such," Yeeun spat out. The other two stayed quiet. Eunjun didn't have any other reason, and Seoyeon was trying to think of a good one. Seoyeon thought really hard because she didn't want Yeeun's pessimisim holding them back.

Yeeun snickered and stood up while placing her hands in her pockets. She was ready to walk away and make their desicion final. Honestly, she wanted to oh-so-badly sign up for this thing and rocket shot her way to fame and money. No one had any idea of how badly she needed the money. But, being the most practical one of the group, she needed real reasons to risk it all for the sake of their fantasies. 'Come on Seoyeon...' Yeeun's inner hopeful soul begged, 'Just one good reason! Give me one good reason, and I'll be all for it!' 

Seoyeon took a deep breath. She knew her next words were going to strike a nerve inside Yeeun. "You either jump on the train, or you don't." A series of emotions flicked through Yeeun's eyes as blurry memories flooded her conscious mind. Since the three knew almost everything about each other, Eunjun and Seoyeon knew what was going on in Yeeun's head. The eldest froze in place as one clip of her memory played in her mind. 

"Appa!" Eight year old Yeeun cried as her tiny legs struggled to keep up with her limping father. He was battered and bruised, but still managed to move at a fast pace. The two were on the run, and bright blue, red, and white lights along with loud sirens followed behind them. The young girl looked around their passing surroundings, her pigtails a mess and her purple nightie covered in dirt. She was trying to figure out what was going on. It was hard to see, though, considering her vision was blurred with tears. The loud 'toot toot' helped her realize her father and her were running alongside train tracks, and a train signaled it's arrival.

The cops were hot on their tails. The reason why they were chasing Yeeun and her father was because they thought her father was a criminal. Maybe he was, because he tangled himself with the wrong people. He needed money to let his daughter live the perfect life. To get her chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries every Saturday morning, to buy her favorite 'Powerpuff Girl's' shirt, and to pay off her dance classes when she found her amazing talent.

Soon enough, the coming train caught up to the runaways. On the side of the train, it wrote: Seoul Express. A idea popped into the middle-aged man's head. He knew that the cops were going to catch up to him, and they'd throw Yeeun into an orphanage. If he could just get Yeeun to her mother in Seoul...

He picked up Yeeun's frail body, shushing her soothingly. "Yeeun-ah, you have to jump into this train, okay? You have to go to Seoul and find your Umma. I'm sorry Appa failed you, I promise we'll meet again," he stuffed a small piece of paper into her poecket just as a slightly opened door appeared on the side of the second-to-last cart. Yeeun need to jump now.

"Appa, I-" She began, but he interrupted.

"No matter what happens, you should never give up what makes you happy. Our Yeeun's a really good dancer, so if you want to pursue that dream, do it. Promise me that if you ever get the chance to live a better life, you'll do it."

"I can't-"

"Promise me!"

"I-I promise!" Without a breath to waste, Yeeun's father literally threw Yeeun into the opened door. She grabbed onto the handle and climbed inside. Turning back with a tear stained face, she saw the police finally catching up to her father. He slowed down and gave her a small smile. Yeeun sniffled and waved to his slowly decreasing figure, before riding away to a new life filled with unexpected events. 

Yeeun had to blink away the tears before the eleven year old memory got to her. She made a promise to her father. Is this really the chance he was talking about? Her voice was hoarse, but her friends understood her clearly, "You know what- It doesn't hurt to check it out." 

Shouts of joy and glee along with excited jumps followed. Seoyeon ran to her phone and dialed that scout right away. Yeeun disapeared to her room already, wondering how different her life will now be. She felt her stomach flutter. This feeling was foreign to her. The miniscule crack of a smile showed she liked this feeling. 

You either jump on the train, or you don't.

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Chapter 8: Wah!~ I thought you gave up on this story but it really made my day to see this. I hope you keep writing, Hwaiting!~
Chapter 8: Guuuurl, it so FABU. Don't even get me started. Mm. Mm. Too beu for wooooords. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
MiraWaters #3
Chapter 7: Amazing ! I love it! :) it's awesome! I couldn't wish for a better one :D!
MiraWaters #4
Chapter 6: Woohoo! This is great :). I can't wait to see what you have in store for the next chapter :)!
Chapter 6: You've earned yourself a subscriber!~ This story is really awesome. Keep up the good work!
MiraWaters #6
Chapter 4: Just perfect. I now want to cry. :') please update soon.
Chapter 2: wow i really like this story ^^ please update soon! i wanna know what happen next :3
MiraWaters #8
Chapter 3: I can't wait for the next chapter :)
MiraWaters #9
Chapter 2: Update :D I can't wait to see the next chapter!