Their story.



Everyone said your relationship was like a fairytale story.
You wondered what they meant. It was a warm, lazy afternoon and the field was awash with a riot of flowers, all dancing in the spring breeze as if in response to some unheard music. 
You had a day off from working and treasured this rare opportunity to just sit and think. You settled yourself under a large oak, closing your hazel eyes against the sight of dappled shadows playing across your skin as you contemplated this question.
Were you like Cinderella where you're rescued from the clutches of your evil family by a mysterious fairy godmother and swept into the arms of your Prince Charming?
Not really. 
Considering the fact that you hesitated at the idea of labeling your family as 'evil.' 
They weren't, really. 
They simply functioned according to the family's traditions, generation-old rules that even you could not escape. As for the fairy godmother, you supposed that would have to be him since he was the one who changed your life. 
He was the one who gave you the means, the courage to stand up to your family for what you believed in. But if that was the case, he could not be Prince Charming at the same time. Besides, he simply was not the passive, wishy-washy sort of person who stood to the side when the love of his life disappeared for no reason.
But you were no Sleeping Beauty either, although you often wished that you had been graced with strength and ability rather than looks and other talents your parents deemed as weaknesses.
You had been destined since birth to carry the name of your heir but you did not view it as a curse the same way others did. 
You saw it as a blessing in disguise, a chance to unite your family after centuries of meaningless division and cruelty. For you had not been asleep to the injustice in your family; in fact, you had been educated in them since birth. You did not need him to be the Prince Charming that comes and opens your eyes to this, even though you do need him for support and strength.
One might argue that you're like Snow White and he is the Prince that saves you by removing the apple that was choking your throat.
True, your skin is as white as snow, with hair as black as ebony and your cheeks flushed a pretty red more often than not. 
But that would be where the similarity ends. 
There is no one out there who is jealous of your quiet beauty, no one who would want to kill you for something so superficial. Indeed, that sort of physical description would apply to any of your heir. 
However, you secretly agreed that this particular version of Prince Charming fits him well, since he was the one who dislodged the shyness and low self-esteem that had been suffocating you throughout your entire life.
Certainly, Beauty and the Beast was not a very flattering or accurate portrayal of your relationship.
Your modesty quickly supplied you with the names of other girls who would more aptly hold that title even as your cheeks flushed shyly at the many memories of him gazing at you in awed adoration while awkwardly praising you as the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. 
Perhaps you'd been the one to first love him, but you were not the first person to break through his loneliness. No, that position belonged to his friends; all 11 of them. There was nothing reclusive or threatening about that cheerful, giving boy who was the light of your life, not the other way around.
If anything, you thought the story of the Little Mermaid was perhaps the most applicable.
You had seen your Prince and had been captivated by his exuberance, his indomitable spirit. You had been willing to change for him, to become something more like him through hard work and despite constant obstacles. And he had been there for you every step of the way. 
Like Prince Charming, he had not seen you at first, choosing instead to fix his eyes on his image of another, but he had seen you in the end and that was what mattered. He had seen who you were and accepted you with all you differences and all your weaknesses. 
He had brought you to his world and was determined to keep you there.
"Yah, YunHee-ah!"
A loud shout interrupted your musings and you opened your eyes to focus on the tall figure making its way towards you. A small smile touched your lips as you stood, a soft giggle escaping as the boy swung you easily up in his arms and planted a firm kiss on you forehead.
He draped an arm over your slim shoulders as both of you began walking back towards the city. As you glanced over at him, the sunlight gleaming off his bright brown hair and dazzling eyes twinkling contentedly down at you as he enthusiastically told you about his day, you thought he was everything a Prince Charming should be.
And as you leaned gently against his warmth and felt him pull you closer affectionately, you understood what the others had been referring to.
It didn't matter whether your relationship fit into any existing fairytale plots. Those things were made-up, situations that might seem realistic in certain ways but could never compare to the real thing. No matter how many times in the past you had dreamed of a fairytale life, you knew that you would never swap what you had.
Besides, so long as both of you were together, you could create your own fairytale. 
And your own happily ever after.
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Chapter 1: that was so cute and sweet ^^
Chapter 1: Awww~! This is cute. ^^
Chapter 1: How sweet ^^ I love how you compare the fairytales to her