
I can't choose...


Gongchan takes a running leap and dives onto your bed, your arms flap widely and you nearly fling nutella half across the room. You stick the spoon in your mouth, "Mm?" you question Gongchan. He was lying on his stomach, hands proped up under his chin and his head tilted to the side. 

"Babe~" He sings. You "Mm?" again. "What can I do that will make you want to take me with you?" He smiles sweetly. You take the spoon out of your mouth and make sure it's clean. You tap the spoon on the rim of the nutella jar thoughtfully. Gongchan's eyes looked hopeful. You nod once. "What is it? I'll do it!!"

"You'll do it?" He nods enthusiastically. "Promise?" You stick out your pinky

"Oh my god, yes!" His pinky wraps around yours and you seal off the promise with a stamp. You keep your pinky wrapped around his as his eyes look into yours. His head tilts up to yours, eyes closed and you jump from the bed and run out of the room as Channie's lips make contact with your old stuffed bear. He jumps back gasping, thinking you had suddenly grown a very hairy, but soft, beard. He whips his head around as you duck from the door way and run to find the weapons. 

"What is this? Where did you go?" He calls out.

"It's the promise!" You find what you're looking for and toss Gongchan a nerf gun. He looks at it questioningly. You duck from sight and yell out the rules:

"RULE NUMBER ONE: NO SHOOTING AT THE FACE!" You hear Gongchan putting the darts in to the nerf gun. 

"Or the groin!!" He calls out.


"OK, GO!" You hear Gongchan dive behind the couch as you run past the door and jump behind the side table. You crane your neck over the table and decide to be the one attacking. You get ready to stand up when you hear a crash. "Oh .." Gongchan says and you hear the sound of two pieces of porcelain getting picked up. You spot what he broke, a cheap seagull you bought out of guilt because you needed to use the store's bathroom and you couldn't go without buying something.

"Leave it." You jump out from the table and take a shot at Gongchan. He tried to dodge it, but it hit him square in the chest. "HA!" You whirl around and jump out of the way of his many tried and unsuccesful shots at you. For the next 30 minutes you both were shooting at eachother, dodging and scrambling trying to pick up your darts before the other one shot you. You both were puffing and growing weak. You both were taking this WAYY too seriously, army crawling, rolling, jumping, spinning, but it was fun. You take refuge behind the couch and Gongchan puffs and collapses on the couch. You both could get each other easily, but face it. You both were so tired. And you both knew the answer to the Paris trip. You knew that if he won, then he would go. And if you won, you would let him go. Something touches your shoulder and you flinch. Gongchan had his nerf gun aimed at your shoulder. He was hanging over the couch and looking so manly in his black singlet. He discarded his tshirt a while ago due to the "wind resistance" . You sigh and raise your arms, forcing the nerf gun off your shoulder. 

"Fine. You win" You stand up, arms still raised. Gongchan's nerf gun lowers and he drops it. It clatters to the ground and he chucks a leg over the couch and jumps over it. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him. He was lightly sweaty, but you didn't mind. You hug him close and he lifts you up and props you on the top of the couch. He looks into your eyes

"I'm going...." He murmers. You nod once. His hand slowly runs up your neck into your hair. The hair on the back of your neck stands up on end from his touch. He tilts his head down, but he doesn't kiss you. He just holds his mouth millimetres from yours. Every now and then his lips would ever so slightly brush yours, but not for long. You could feel his breath on your lips and he could feel yours. He moves his head and your noses brush. You wanted to kiss him, and you knew he wanted to kiss you too. He looked at you so longingly, but he didn't give in. His eyes trail your face, still centimetres from you. 

"Kiss me" You say. You couldn't take it anymore. You mash your face into his, kissing him sweetly. His hands were at your hips and yours were in his hair. His hands slid in to your shirt and he rested them on your lower back, his hands warm. He just wanted to feel the touch of your hot skin. The kiss lasted longer than what you thought it would, but you didn't want it to end. You break off the kiss and he keeps your foreheads touching. His soft breath was blowing against your face, it smelled clean, thankfully. 

"I love you.." You both say together. You look at eachother. His warm eyes looked soft and kind. You could see his one double eyelid, and you loved the way he would wink with the other. You loved the way his hair would fall in his eyes and he would blow it out. You loved everything about him. You loved him. And he loved you............

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Chapter 10: So cute good job :)
Chapter 10: This story is just so sweet! Even though it just has 10 chapters. Me being piggybacked by Channie, imagining it just makes me smile widely. XD
I thought they are really gonna break up .__. Good thing it didn't turn out that way.
Thank you for writing such a great story ♥
Chapter 10: OMG I literally fell in love with gongchan more with this story. <3 definitely one of my favorites!
Chapter 10: The ending is awesome~ ^^ Thank you for writing the story! <3
Chapter 10: Awesome ending! So sweet! And when Gongchan said he got scared by a huge pigeon, my U-Kiss fangirl came out and I thought of Eli. Lol. But the ending is nice! If you wanted to make another chapter, it'd be like an epilouge or something right? Ah well, sadly, it's time to bid dream foxy Channie goodbye. Love ya Channie! And love you too author-nim for matching us together keke ^ ^
Chapter 10: ASDFGHJKL i LOOOVE it...!
Chapter 9: Sooooo sweetttt.... but piggy rides and me just don't go together. Every time I always slide off... -_-; But anyway, don't you love all the time you're spending with Channie in your fantasy world? Lol >.<
Chapter 8: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~ I love this story ^^ It's very well-written~!
And the Eat Your Kimchi reference... I caught that~!! XD
Please keep writing~ It's just... wow... (fantastic baby) so far!!
Chapter 8: OMG SIMON AND MARTINA MOMENNNT! Then I'll supply one too... Mua ha ha! Do you know me? This is Mordney Present! And... Mr. Bro Ho Ho!!
Anyway, omg Gongchan uses the word foxy. >w< And just so ya know... if I met Gongchan and he had a girlfriend, I'd tell her she's lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend! ^3^ I love this story it's so sweet! I mellllltttt....
hunhanus #10
gongchan! ^^