Taemin and Mr. Doppelganger


Misfortunes keep on happening to Taemin after his sudden encounter with his doppelganger. But is he really his doppelganger? 



What is a doppelganger? 

In fiction and folklore, a doppelgänger is a paranormal double of a living person, typically representing evil or misfortune.

credits to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelg%C3%A4nger

The doppelganger may be ghostly or appear in the flesh. It may be an "evil twin" unknown to the original person who causes mischief by confusing friends and relatives, or it may be the result of the original person being in two places at once through an act of magic. In some cases a person will come upon his own doppelganger who is typically engaged in some future activity.

Doppelgangers are often malicious or a bad omen, and they can haunt their earthly counterparts. They may also give bad advice or put thoughts in their victim's heads. Seeing one's own doppelganger or the doppelganger of a friend or relative is considered very bad luck, often heralding death or serious illness of the doppelganger's original.

credits to:  http://ghosts.monstrous.com/doppelgangers.htm#ixzz2BJKXZvAq 

This is a story, obviously. If you don't like and the TaeKai pairing then you are welcome to leave this story immediately. Haters gonna hate, I ship them... 







-Taemin's step brother

- minor character



I was inspired by the music video of MAXSTEP that's why I decided to create a fanfic beteween Taemin and Kai... They look sooooo cute.... Two dance machines togeher.. *gigles* hihihihihi. 


I do not own the pictures, I just searched them in google. Credits to the respected owners.  ^_^


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Chapter 1: love it.. ^^
yuiko_rj96 #2
Chapter 1: cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!
Chapter 1: whoa!
That's cute, in a way xD
I wonder why Kai has been around Taemin a lot though?
Cutie Tae, fainting a lot tho xD <3
Chapter 1: "Don't faint or else I'll kiss you." <--EHMERGLEB. >///< Sudden thoughts enter my mind. XD Awww, Taemin is so cute whenever he faints! ♡ KaiMin FIGHTING! Author-nim FIGTHING!

Just a random question, what is Kai's intention with Taemin? XD
Chapter 1: CUTE!!!!!!! totally love it!
but.. but.. but you left me hanging....
a sequel maybe..?? *puppy eyes*