Distraction (HIATUS)

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I knowwwww... I know I'm supposed to update Forever In Love.. but you know how it is.. Ideas come and go and come again and go again. It's an unplanned fic and as I said if anybody wants to help me to write some chapters it would be GREAT! In the mean time,  enjoy this (and I said I wasn't ever going to share any of my stories anymore

-_-). It's inspired by a cartoon I just watched a few days ago, maybe you can guess which cartoon it is. :)

Comments and subscribers are so so so so so so loveeeeed~





Shall I give you a sneak-peak? Here it is..





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“What. The. Hell?”

               Jiyong looked terrified when he saw three little girls standing before him, bowing deeply as Jiyong’s sajangnim smiled proudly. He had choose the right kids.

               “These are your new children, Jiyongie. This is the eldest of them, Kim Dayeong,” the one at the further left, who was the tallest of them all, bowed to Jiyong with a big smile, which Jiyong replied with a raise of his brow. The girl looked like she’s gonna split with that big of a smile, it was obvious she was so so happy seeing Jiyong. “This is Kim Sujeong, the middle daughter,” the one who looked a little rebel shook her head when Yang Hyunsuk pinched her cheek from where he was standing behind her, but bowed nontheless to Jiyong. “And this is the youngest, Kim Yoobin.”

               Jiyong winced in disgust when the little girl in Dayeong’s hold pulled her thumb she was from and waved the saliva coated hand to Jiyong. Dayeong smiled and wiped the saliva off her sister’s hand, making Jiyong more disgusted, and told her to bow her head to Jiyong which she did cutely.

               “They are going to be your kids from now on, Jiyong, and you should treat them like one. They will call you Appa, Jiyong Appa. They will live with you in your apartement, and you—“

               “Excuse me??” Jiyong cut his boss’s words. “Live with me? As in.. the same apartement as me? What if I bring a girl home? Should I let them hear her moan my name as I her?”

               “Jiyong!!!” Hyunsuk was surprised at the words Jiyong chose. The eldest from the three sisters panickly cover Yoobin’s ears while the middle sister grinned naughtily hearing those words. She liked her new dad already. Hyunsuk turned to the three kids, asking them to wait outside while he speak with their new father. The kids bowed to him and Jiyong, and took their leave outside Hyunsuk’s work room.

               “I can’t believe you’re doing this, Hyung!!” Jiyong exploded once the kids were outside. “I can’t believe you really made me do this!”

               Hyunsuk sighed, he massaged his temples while listening to his favourite boy ramble about how unfair he was treating him. Jiyong talked and talked until he realized his boss was not reacting, so he sat on the chair across Hyunsuk, and waited for the first man in the company to speak up.

               “We’ve disscussed this before, Jiyong-ah,” Hyunsuk finally speak. “You’re image has been very bad since your scandal,” this made Jiyong’s face turned red, he hated when his scandal is brought up. “And you never act better since. You just went on with the bad boy image they gave you; screwing every girls you met at the club, making a lot of dating scandals with other celebrities, getting drunk in some of your performance; you are going out of control. Jiyong.”

               “Tch,” he sniffed out. “Out of your control, you mean, Hyung? Not mine. I never put any borders to how I should act, you did.”

               “Yes, of course I did, Jiyong-ah. I built this company with a lot of struggle, and now I won’t let you ruin it. There’s so many life on stake, Jiyong. There’s 2ne1, and there’s Big Bang, there’s yourself. Do you really not care about them being screwed up just because you wanted to live your life the way you wanted? Don’t you care about what they sacrificed to get where they are right now? Don’t you care about your sacrifices and all you did to be what you are right now?” Hyunsuk’s words hit Jiyong hard. Yes, he spent his whole childhood to be what he is right now. G-Dragon. The leader of Big Bang. The rapper. The producer. The composer. The lead person in music and fashion industry. The unique and eccentric one. The trend-setter. He was on top of the world when he made one mistake that pulled him down from the fame he was just enjoying. And then he felt like it was just how it was supposed to be. That fame and money was supposed to be paid by spending every ounce you it you have, forgeting all you’ve done to have it.

               “You need to rebuild your image, Jiyong-ah. And this is a new start. This is a perfect way to do it.”

UPDAAAATE!!! Who's exciteeeed?? Anyone? Anyone? No? Oh well. #shrugs# But I aaaaaaammmmmm!! ^^


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melody38 #1
Chapter 14: i hope your hiatus will end soon and you'll update this story. i found it again in my sub list and now i remember how great it is ! it would be such a shame to leave it incomplete :`(
Chapter 14: unnie! glad you update before 4th June :p
GTOP and the kids are really sweet, happy family. I loooove all of their interactions here XD
Jiyong is really an "umma", huh? #grin
I don't know why, but now I imagine Yoobin as the cute little girl in the end of CL's new MV :D
please update soon~
Chapter 14: I nearly cried over how cute this was ;_; I'm very tired after a long day of being out the house and I feel so sleepy that I was actually yawning along with hyun in the beginning hehe. But really--that was so cute<3 How Jiyongie was telling him all about his day, while hyun falls asleep, ji giggling and singing him to sleep omgggggg.
I honestly thought this couldn't get any sweeter but... sekar... oh my... I swear I was fighting back tears all during the second half. They really are a family together. Seunghyun and Jiyong work so well together as a father team. And seeing how happy the girls were to see them both... sobs... I need more of this pls <333333333
Chapter 14: Jiyong sing his Seunghyun a song lulling hyun to the dreamland aaakkk cuteeee asdfgjjkfjirbrkekeiksavkskkl ji ji sing for me too plsss <3 Hope everything is going to be okay and the girls soon will be under their appas care
Chapter 14: I take full responsibility unnie!!!

Thank you for this update!! Aaaaah they look so cute together talking on the phone and ji singing seung to sleep. Kyaaaah! Omo i hope everything goes well... they deserve their happy family. My ji deserves to be this happy forever!

I love you unnie! And I know you love me too :P
Atenais #6
Chapter 13: It's nice to see all of them supporting Jiyong. And their reunion with the girls was really emotional. I hope they can find a solution for all this situation soon.

Thank you for this update!
Chikamo_jihyun #7
Pngen baca yg versi indonesia.a eon.. Kpan d lnjut nih? Hehehe :3
apakah ak satu2.a yg komen pkai bhsa indonesia??? XD
Chapter 13: sweet moments everywhere in this chapteeeer >___< #bounce up n down
OMG, Seunghyun is way too sweet! I want a boyfriend like him, lol
So glad that Ji can meet again with all of his daughters :')
His life must be complete. or not? are angsty moments still coming? <.<
please update soon~ XD
Chapter 13: Omo so so happy with that update thank you so much & it was a full b of good news update! !!!! ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ THANKS!!!!!
Chapter 13: So so so so soooooo excited when I saw you updated :D omg <333 if threats and making deals are what it takes to get you to update then I'm cool with that. Bring it on!

YoungBae's observation of Jiyong's actions and all the things he's done in the past to take care of and do what's best for Seunghyun was a great little insight for us readers. I always enjoy seeing Jiyong and Seunghyun's relationship through the eyes of someone else close to them, who watches on from the sidelines and perhaps notices things which they themselves miss and don't realise about themselves. Especially how Jiyong turning down Hyun's affections and confession was the first time he was selfish and put his own needs before Seunghyun's.
I also thought it was a really nice moment when Jiyong was woken up by a kiss to the cheek and thought how much he's been missing the whole time and much sooner he would have accepted Seunghyun into his life had he known what waking up next the man would be like--while fleeting, it was such a sweet little moment in passing and I'm glad you put that in there :) it tells us so much about their relationship without actually saying a lot.

I'm so happy right now that the whole family is reunited (SEUNGHYUN INCLUDED) but I will breathe easy until I know for sure they're back in their two daddy's arms for good. Until then I'm going to cry tears of joy :')