
C'est La Vie

"Wow the view is really nice from here! You did a great job of choosing place to stay hyung." Kyuhyun grimaced enticingly once they've arrived at the hotel which Leeteuk booked together as one package with the airplane ticket. It was a really cozy room, a bit victorian but with some modern touch. Although it was not really spacious, yet it still large enough for just two of them to occupy the chamber together. Leeteuk meant to stay alone at first, however lucky for Kyu that the older male booked a room with double bed. Yes, double, not twin bed. The only thing remained in Kyuhyun's head was, we're going to spend all the nights sharing a bed? Well it wasn't anything harmful, he thought. Of course not.

His pale milky skin blushed at those imaginations running inside his smart yet y brains. He shook off his head, looking outside of the glass window, to distract himself from more silly expectations. It was still afternoon of the early autumn. The sky was really crystal clear, but the boy couldn't hold up his tiresome eyes anymore. He just need to rest for a while, maybe longer than a while since he was a sleepyhead.

"Hyung, I'm gonna take a nap for moment." Laying his face upside down on a pillow and instantly drove to sleep. "Hey! Kyu don't sleep yet! Aish, he snores already." Leeteuk chuckled before putting on the blanket over the slender figures. Kyu was looking terribly exhausted with the obvious bag under his eyes, so leader decided that he should let the baby rest for a while.

While Leeteuk had a decent sleep inside the plane before, so he shouldn't waste his time to sleep in the beautiful city. He eagerly waited to explore all of the spot he researched in the dorm before. Bringing his usual white tablet , he carefully sneaked out the room, leaving the oblivious boy inside. 

Paris was really different from Seoul, instead of skyscrapers everywhere, the buildings there were truly historical. The architectures  were astonishing, beautiful, like he was actually walking around inside an art gallery. Leeteuk spreaded out his arms widely, taking a single deep breath of fresh cool air. He skipped cheerfully on the pavement, forgot that he was not a kid anymore. There was a park nearby to where he and Kyu stayed. Many citizens and tourists were there just to run away from their daily hectic days, it was weekend anyway. Leeteuk seemed so tiny among the natives there, but he kinda relieved that in this place he might not encountered with any fangirls or people he knew. He just need to escape from his celebrity self and being the ordinary Park Jungsoo for moments.

"Ahh! This is the feel of being alive!" He screamed happily, ignoring the stares from others, no one knew him anyway.

Sitting on the wooden bench, he leaned back and tilting up his chin to face the mesmerizing cerulean blue sky. Birds were humming quietly, pretty much alike with a lullaby which guiding him into the dreamland. He closed his lids upon listening to the sound of breeze, however his brain couldn't compromized with the relaxing sensations. He was slowly losing his consciouseness as he drove to sleep silently. Well he got used already of getting asleep anywhere, so it wasn't a really big deal.


"Excuzes-moi, Monsieur?" Leeteuk realized that someone was calling his name, to be precise, waking him up. "He gasped and observing aimlessly around his surroundings, then finally noticed that a tall officer was stood in front of him with a confused look. That man was speaking French to him, he didn't pretty much understand, but it looked like he should leave the place for now since it was dark already.

"Oh, s-sorry! i'll go, sorry I don't speak French." Leeteuk bowed, apologizing to the officer before hastily ran out from the already empty park. 

"Phew, that was close." He sighed toward his way back to the hotel. Wait, to the hotel? Which way? He started to panicking once he realized that the street was totally foreign to him. He forgot which way he went through before, there were too many similar buildings he couldn't distinguish. Moreover, for lacking ability to speak English or French, he might unable to ask someone there. Oh he was hoping to come across with other tourists from Korea or at least Asians to be asked with, but it might get a little bit difficult.

"So-sorry, do you speak Korean?" He asked some people who passed by but no one seemed to understand what he was muttering about. Heechul was right, he was so hopeless when being lost overseas like this. "Kyuhyun where are you..." He was about to teared up already, but grown-ups shouldn't cry in a situation like this right? Kyu would definitely laughing until he was running out of breath if he knew about this, so Leeteuk decided not to give up yet.

"Korean?" Someone abruptly patted his shoulders, making him jerked away and yelled. "Ah! Yes! Yes! You can speak Korean?" See? If he didn't give up, the help will came down from heaved directly. "Oh no, but follow me." The big guy motioned Leeteuk to follow him somewhere. Leeteuk was being so thankful and without any hesitation follow the guy willingfully. "You know where's my hotel is? Meridien hotel, do you know?" He asked throughout their journey, but the male keep asking him to follow, so he must be familiar with the location, Leeteuk thought.

Once they had arrived into a dark, empty alleyway, the blondie boy started to smell something fishy, but not Donghae. "Umm sir? Where is the hotel? I think it is not here." After he said that, the man suddenly pulled out a dagger behind his coat and pointing it at Leeteuk.

"Whooah! Wh-what are you doing!" Leeteuk jumped back but he immediately bumped onto brick walls behind, it was a dead end. He shivered once the male slowly stepping closer towards him. "I-I don't have anything! He-here's my wallet! But I just bring 10 euros so it doesn't worth much! But don't hurt me okay!" He gulped, the male didn't seem to listen and just throwing away his wallet. the sharp dagger, he was ready to stab the totally frightened male who couldn't do anything. He was pushed aback onto the wall, with strong hand gripping on his trembling shoulder. 

"Why do you want to kill me! I didn't do anything wrong to you!" He cried out while shutting his eyes tightly. He didn't want his vacation to be ruined like this, he just want to spend the remaining time he had before enlisting, but this was what he got? Well life was totally unpredictable, whatever you had planned, it was not always going exactly like how you predicted. Sometimes your plans got wrecked even when you thought it was perfect. Unable to went altogether with Super Junior members was a fate, and now, die in a place faraway from his homeland... Was that a fate too or just his bad luck?


"Bam?" Leeteuk slowly opened his eyes, it was not a sound of splattered blood because of sharp objects. It was like the sound of an impact of a very hard and strong blunt object.

"Leave my angel alone, you bandit." 

And there was standing, a real guardian God sent from heaven. A male whose facial and figures perfectly sculpted like the David statue. He turned to Leeteuk, showing off his smugly smile. You must be know who he was.


I won't talk much but I want you to talk haha!

Bribe me with comments as usual! *being whiny

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Chapter 8: Aww... I won't to read more about this though... It's just their 1st day in Paris
Chapter 7: So, Soo accepted Masi and Kyu as his lovers?
Chapter 6: Oh great! Kyu, you can't Soo inside the plane... At least Masi did it in an alleyway ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: Siwon saves the day
Chapter 4: Looking forward to Masi's plan
Chapter 3: So it's Kyu and Siwon for Soo
Chapter 2: Aww... Maknae-ya... But what about He? All by himself...
Chapter 1: Poor Soo... he can have a refund, right?
Swiftwind #9
Chapter 8: Wow that was just awesome!! Please write more!!!:)
Swiftwind #10
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun's so sweet to go with Leeteuk! Love both of them:)