
C'est La Vie

It was dark, barely could see anything other than a source of dimmed light from faraway. He stepped forward into the faint white spot, but the distance was seemed like eternity. Even when he swung his legs faster, that light won't get any closer. He tried to run faster while panting heavily but his stamina had limits, not like the pitched black surroundings of him. He felt exhausted already then stopped his movement any further. However, suddenly the ground he was standing on, collapsed without any reason. He was trying to reach out but there was nothing to grip by his palms. He was falling down, into an unknown black hole,

"No!" Leeteuk opened his eyes, his hands were trembling and sweaty. While his lips were a bit parted to catch the breath heavily. It was another nightmare. He didn't know why he kept getting all of those hideous dreams. Maybe he was just too exaggerated, but he was totally afraid of something. The only fear he was unable to dodge any soon. Leaving Super Junior behind, it was his biggest fear lately. Even if it was just for two years but... Somehow he'd never imagined of leaving those dorky boys behind. They were not even blood related but the leader truly loved them so much like his own brothers, or sons perhaps.

He was so worried while couldn't watch over them.

"Hyung, are you okay? You look really pale."

Hearing the well-acquainted voice, Leeteuk glanced weakly at the source which was exactly next to him. He recognized the chestnut brown locks, those large pupils on his fair features. He was so similar with the youngest, Kyuhyun, except for one thing. Leeteuk was pretty sure that he was sitting beside a nice grandpa instead of that boy. Was he just imagining things because of his worries lately?

"I guess I'm still dreaming." He pinched his own cheeks but it was a bit hurt and his imagination was not reverted back. So was that a reality? Was it really Kyuhyun?

"What are you saying hyung? It's really me, Did you dream of me while sleeping?" Kyu smirked then pinched even harder on Leeteuk's reddened cheeks. "Ouch! That's hurt!" The older boy released Kyu's large hands from his face then rubbed his flesh slowly to sooth away the pain.

"W-why are you here? How?" Leeteuk looked totally confused about the sudden appearance of that kid, he thought he was going to Greece with anchovy and Wookie. Did they cancel the plan?

"You don't need to know, hmm but maybe I should reveal this to you hyung. Actually..." Kyuhyun's stare became more serious aftermath, he leaned forward to the male next to him, leering sharply like he truly wanted to eat the shorter boy. "W-what?" Leeteuk moved backward a bit since the distance between them started to get inhumanly close. It was almost that close for them to kiss already. Even Leeteuk could feel his dongsaeng's warm breathe, sweeping over his cold skin.

"Actually I'm a superhero, don't tell anyone about this."

Leeteuk was being quiet for a second. Obviously that brat was just mocking him. There was no way for that Kyu to have any super power rather than being an extraordinary rascal.

"You don't believe me? Well if I am not, how could I teleport myself to this seat. Replacing that poor gramps who previously beside you." He giggled while watching Leeteuk dumbfounded expression. Maybe their only leader was really that silly to be manipulated with  jokes.

"Y-you evil! How can you do that! Where's that grandpa!" Leeteuk was hitting Kyu's shoulder repeatedly, making the younger shielded  himself by his arms from the leader's attack. "Hey stop that! Why did you take joke seriously. Geez this dumb old guy." Kyu held the blonde's wrist to prevent him from hitting. 

"Aish this kid, of course I knew it was a joke. Do you think I'm that foolish? i just want to hit you." Leeteuk laughed then pulled his hands off from Kyuhyun's grip. "You are still that childish to deceive an old man just to sit beside me? Where did you told him to sit? Poor grandpa." He showed the dimple on his left chin after seeing Kyu's irritated expression.

"H's just two rows away from here. Tsk, you're not fun hyung." Kyu pouted, the table had turned, now he's the one who's being mocked. "Haha, Kyu. Why did you cancel your plan to Greece and chase me instead?" Leeteuk rufflled the chestnut hair, honestly he was so happy to know that the younger boy decided to accompany him.

"Because your face is so pathetic. You said you were okay but actually you really want me to come along with you right?" Kyu sighed while crossing his arms, not wanting the older male to treat him as a kid anymore, he uttered those words to look much wiser. However, his heart was pounding a bit faster after his hyung his soft locks. It was relieving to see him smiled again after having the nightmare before.

"Thanks Kyu." Leeteuk muttered softly then looked up to the taller boy. "Thanks for understanding me." Kyu heard the timid voice as Leeteuk spoke. He realized the older was crying, did he made him cry? He didn't mean to.

"Hey, don't cry hyung! I'm sorry." He tried to console the sobbing male but abruptly Leeteuk stretched out his arms behind Kyuhyun's neck, hugging him so tightly. Made the brunette hard to breathe, from the tight embrace, and from his fluttering heart.

"Hyung... I can't breathe." But he totally didn't mind to lose oxygen for a while. He didn't bothered at all.


It was just an hour left before they landed on their destination. Kyuhyun was still silently watching the sleeping angel next to him. He couldn't sleep if sleep would take away the beautiful scenery in front of him. Just for once, he wanted to spend all his time, observing the pretty face so close from his gaze.

"You don't know how much I longed to be with you, Teukie-hyung." He whispered and kissed the other boy's forehead gently.


"Kyu, you look so worn out, are you okay?" Leeteuk rubbed the taller boy's forehead with the back of his hand while tiptoeing. He only didn't know that Kyu was okay, just lacking some sleep, because of him. They had arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport and still waiting for their luggages.

"I'm alright hyung, don't mind me." Kyu put down his hyung's hand and smiled faintly before turning around and yawned as wide as he could while the older boy was not watching.

Leeteuk wasn't paying attention, but somehow he felt that a pair of eyes were staring at them. He wasn't sure whether it was just his feeling or someone was really observing from distance.


"Siwon, what are you staring at?" Mr. Choi patted on his son's broad shoulder when realizing the boy's focus was fixed on something certain. "Teukie-hyung? Kyuhyun?" His jaw dropped, noticing those two familar males, accross the another gate. "What are they doing here? Just the two of them?" He was making sure that the other members were there too, but it was null. There were just the leader and the maknae.

"Why did no one inform me about this." Siwon clenched his palm and gritting his teeth, obviously jealous of what he saw right there. Well he was always being such a kid when the matter involved his lovable Teukie-hyung. In spite of that, he spontaneously planned of something much better idea in his mind. At least Leeteuk was in Paris too. And there was not much time left to spend with the angel before he went off to the military. He must do something while having an opportunity.


update again! Sorry for taking so long

Next chapter will involve more romantic moments hehe :p

Let me read what you think of the next chap, maybe give me more inspiration

 I planned to write some supernatural and comedy fics too after this one, I guess I'm just at writing angst

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Chapter 8: Aww... I won't to read more about this though... It's just their 1st day in Paris
Chapter 7: So, Soo accepted Masi and Kyu as his lovers?
Chapter 6: Oh great! Kyu, you can't Soo inside the plane... At least Masi did it in an alleyway ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: Siwon saves the day
Chapter 4: Looking forward to Masi's plan
Chapter 3: So it's Kyu and Siwon for Soo
Chapter 2: Aww... Maknae-ya... But what about He? All by himself...
Chapter 1: Poor Soo... he can have a refund, right?
Swiftwind #9
Chapter 8: Wow that was just awesome!! Please write more!!!:)
Swiftwind #10
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun's so sweet to go with Leeteuk! Love both of them:)