The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End


It wasn't until just recently that people started to bully me...  A few days ago, a new student named Sehun came to our school and the teacher asked me to be his guide for this week. Of course, I didn't have to bother with him after today. It was Friday and I couldn't wait until this bullying was over. Sehun was good-looking, which meant all the girls were jealous of me. I got hate mail through texts and even letters in my locker. It was getting out of control, but I decided to deal with it.

Honestly... I have a little bit of a crush on Sehun. After spending most of my time with him this week, I just came to really like it. I didn't want Sehun to be hated as well though... I clutched my books as I walked to class, getting cold stares from girls around me. I was suddenly yanked by the arm. One of the main girls responsible for my misery glared right at me.

“Yah, are you still hanging around Sehun oppa?” “I didn’t volunt-“ Before I could even get another word in she kicked me in the shin. Hard. I cringed at the pain but didn’t scream so she could get the satisfaction of hurting me. I looked at her, keeping a poker face on, “Don’t worry, after today I won’t be with him.” And with that, I walked off to class. I held in my screams, it really hurt to walk but I played it off so I wouldn’t look stupid.

I walked into homeroom and sat next to my friend, Hyomi. She knew everything about me, nothing could get past her. “Sojin, are you okay? Did someone bully you again?” I nodded. “What are you going to do? You like Sehun, right? But you can’t keep going like this…” “I’ll be alright. Today’s the last day anyway. Thank you for worrying though, Hyomi.” She patted me head, “Of course I worry! You’re my cute dongsaeng!” We laughed together and I forgot about the pain for a second.

I heard the classroom door open. Sehun walked in and our eyes met. He had a huge smile plastered on his face when he saw me. He immediately ran over to me, looking pretty excited. “Sojin! I joined the music club so we can hang out more.” He flashed that angelic smile of his. Music club was the only place I wouldn’t get bullied because he wasn’t there. I looked at Hyomi and she gave me one of those looks.

Sehun looked at me, puzzled. “You don’t like it…?” he said. “No, no! I’m happy.” I put on a fake smile. I would be more excited if I didn’t have to deal with these rude people around me. Gym was horrible. We had to run five laps around the gym. By the end of the day, I was tired and in pain. I was hesitant to go to music club, but I went anyway.

When I got there, Sehun was already there with girls asking him question after question. Suddenly I wasn’t in the mood to stay. I turned around to leave when Sehun caught my wrist. “Are you leaving? You just got here.” He said. “I don’t feel too good… I’m going home…” I lied. “Oh, I’ll walk you home,” he smiled, “Sorry everyone, Sojin isn’t feeling well so I’m going to take her home.” “No it’s fine, you don’t have to-“ He cut me off, pulling me along with him.

We walked in silence for a little while. “You know, you don’t have to take me home…” I said. “But you’re my friend. I have to take care of you.” I blushed a little and suddenly I felt a pain strike my shin and I stumbled a little. Sehun caught me before I fell. “Thanks…” I said. “Sojin, is something wrong with your leg?” “N-No…” I looked away. I suddenly felt my feet lift off the ground. Sehun carried me. “P-P-Put me down!” “Nope.” “Sehun oppa!” I could see his face get a bit red.

Could it be he was embarrassed because I called him oppa for the first time?  “I-I’m not putting you down.” He said, still blushing. I scoffed, “Psh. Fine then!  I won’t talk to you.” I crossed my arms and looked away from him. “Okay, okay.” He gently placed me down but held my hand. I looked at his face that was as red as a cherry. “At least let me hold your hand…” he said shyly. Holding his hand made the pain a bit better. We walked in silence and finally stopped at an unfamiliar looking house. “Come on.” He said as he led me to the door, unlocking it with his keys.

 “W-Why are we are your house?” I asked. He didn’t say a word and made me sit on the couch. He made his way upstairs and came back down with a few things in his hand. He got down in front of me and rolled down my socks, revealing a huge red spot on my shin. “Pabo! Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad!?” “I-It’s not your problem…” I replied. “Of course it is,” he applied some kind of cream on it that felt cool on my skin, “I’m not stupid you know. I knew you were hurt since you came to music club.” I was surprised, nobody but Hyomi ever saw through me like that.

He carefully bandaged up the part of my leg that was swollen. I stood up and said, “Thank you…” “Will you be going to music club on Monday?” “I don’t know…” I really wanted to go, especially since he’s there. I avoided his eyes. “Sojin, even though I haven’t known you for long, I know you really like music. Your expression lights up the room every time music is involved.” “I’m sorry… I can’t… Thanks again.” I tried to walk out when he grabbed my arm.

“Sojin… Did I do something wrong?” “Sorry… Today was the last day to be your school guide. I hope you like the rest of the year. Goodbye.” I broke free of his grasp and went on my way home. Monday came and the place Sehun treated me was feeling a lot better. I grabbed my bag and went on my way to school. I had to admit I was kind of afraid to face Sehun so I decided to avoid him as much as possible. I told Hyomi was happened and like my best friend and unnie, she let me talk to her about it for a while. Lunch period rolled around but I didn’t have the appetite to eat anything.

I went to the music room instead and luckily nobody was there. It’s been a few days so I thought I’d play something on the piano. It was my favorite instrument. I sat on the stool and positioned my fingers before closing my eyes and starting to play. The beautiful sound of each key resounded throughout the room. As I finished the last note of the song, I heard a clapping sound. It was Sehun. I jolted back from being startled and avoided his gaze once again.

“I knew you couldn’t stay away.” He smiled. I didn’t say and word and got up to leave when he stood in front of my, blocking me from getting to the door. “I have to go back to class…” I said. “You’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you,” he forced me to look at him, “Why?” “I-I haven’t…” Suddenly, he pulled my face in for a passionate kiss, leaving me stunned when he broke it. I must have had a stupid facial expression because Sehun gave a cute chuckle.

My face was completely red and I took a step back. “The girl I like doesn’t even look me in the eyes. I don’t like it.” He said. Me? ME? But I never thought he would ever like me… “I,” I paused, “I like you, Sehun. When I got to spend time with you, I found myself liking you more and more… but other girls really liked you too and they bullied me… I didn’t want them saying anything to you…” “Pabo,” he lightly hit me on the head, “You should’ve said so. I’ll protect you so that they won’t bother you anymore, okay?” he smiled, putting his hand out in front of him. I went to grab it and he pulled me into a hug. “Okay.” I replied, smiling as he kissed me on my forehead.


That wasn't that interesting was it xD? I'm sorry .. ;A; *SOBS*

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Chapter 1: Sojin, can i replace you? Kkkk~
Chapter 1: i wish i have a boyfriend like sehun's personality in this fanfic omg*-*
suyoung #3
Chapter 1: sweet Sehunnaaaa!
Chapter 1: Waa Don't be sorry, its sweeeeeet you know... Arg i feel like an intruder... But i want you to know that i like the story^__^
Chapter 1: Aish. That. Was. So. Cute. <3
LeetleHamster #6
Chapter 1: I LOVED IT. Yaaay. ;A; <3