Sleeping beauty


Seungho is sleeping and the others try waking him up in a special way.


I wrote this in 2009, be warned.


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ndreeanny #1
Chapter 1: well, i couldn't stop to laugh while watching this, whatta story!! lol
Chapter 1: Haha, Cheondoong is a good little brother XD obedient to his noona and sending her a kiss scene from the 87-line
7232js #3
Chapter 1: Enjoyed this! I can picture Doongie in a hoodie munching on a pocky with wheels turning in his head, watching his hyungs get played.
Chapter 1: daraa ! you just make 87line kissing each other <3<3 and thunder yo are one foxy
BitKV95 #5
Chapter 1: AAAAH I love 87line they are so cute together
I love the story thank you or writing it
BlackBrownPearl #6
Chapter 1: (/ ; A ; )/ waaaaah me likey ><
Milielitre #7
Chapter 1: I love the ending !!!!! Thunder is not so innocent^^
Love their creative idea for waking Seung up :D Innocent Doong munching on his pocky sticks haha :3 and the JooMi bickering xD ajdhdjkfkflfososjsbsb can you do a sequel or side-story for what happened behind that locked door with those twooo? >:D

Great writing, I loved it :) even for 2009 standards? XD
Chapter 1: Livejournal ? Is that you author >.<