



Life is but a dream for the dead. It is but a dream for us, the ones who pass by, few willing to notice, most, unwilling to see. We do not know what we are, and we do not know how we came to be. We only know our mission, but even then, happiness does not suffice; but we do not care, because we lack to feel all but sorrow, and that in itself is enough to have us go on.


                We are the *Hanako.

*Hanako means flower child

            Her name is Bachiko Kuromizu. Like her name, she certainly does love the Freesia. The Freesia means “innocence”, Bachiko means the happy child. I can’t help but notice, as I am standing next to her in the large white room, filled with, and but only one small red rose, the innocence she bears. Though she is clinging to life, IV’s in her arms, masks over her lips and nose, bringing in precious air to her precious lungs, I can sense her pride and her will. She is merely a child, six or seven, but she has not given up. Her reason for ending up in this dreadful place, I do not know, but her sorrow, that I undoubtedly feel.                         

I imagine a bright yellow freesia and it begins to form between my hands. I place it next to her, and walk through the door. Though this life I lead now pains me in my organ, the heart, I must continue, because it is the only way I know.


chapter 1 to be continued:


Child hanako love 


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